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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Nike 2006 Equipment

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Why is the last pic of the skate powder blue, and not the scaley purple? It looks sick, I would want that one for sure.

Angle the photo was taken from, I would think...

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Why is the last pic of the skate powder blue, and not the scaley purple? It looks sick, I would want that one for sure.

i think they said earlier that that's what it looks like if you were to take off the purple outer shell...

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Skated in 10.5 Es last night...it is very nice. Mine needed to be a hair deeper (they are shallower than 8090).

how's the actual fit? Toe cap? Did you heat mold them?

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Yes, the skate will have the NBH logo. Everything will have the logo next year.

The fit is the same as 8090, the ones I had were Es. It locks in the heel really nicely. Yes, I did bake them. It is not as deep as 8090 however. Shorter cut boot as well, which I liked. You can definitely feel the longer blade.

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Yes, the skate will have the NBH logo.  Everything will have the logo next year.

The fit is the same as 8090, the ones I had were Es.  It locks in the heel really nicely.  Yes, I did bake them.  It is not as deep as 8090 however.  Shorter cut boot as well, which I liked.  You can definitely feel the longer blade.

Sweet! When is it out? :P :P :P

How does the One90 compare to the Kor?

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How much would I have to pay to get a 7C RIGHT NOW??? :blink: My XXX's are falling apart, and Bauer should just give me a pair based on the number of Vapors i've blown through.

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Same here lol, cept i got two free pairs of XXX's, but i still think i should be offered a pair. I mean, when a rep sees ur skates and says, "did you buy those at larry's and get them warrantied twice", when you've never seen the guy before, then you should think they'd let you in on the new shit.

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Same here lol, cept i got two free pairs of XXX's, but i still think i should be offered a pair. I mean, when a rep sees ur skates and says, "did you buy those at larry's and get them warrantied twice", when you've never seen the guy before, then you should think they'd let you in on the new shit.

Why so many problems with Vapor skates, may I ask?

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What visor is that?


New Itech

Ooh, like the current FX50s but without the steel bars bit?

When is it out?

:D :P

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i like how they changed up the 4000 a little it looks different and stylish but not to drastic very very nice. i will give them kudos for thats

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The skates were never the problem, it was the lhs. The first pair they heated for 7 minutes, said it was their "standard time". The second pair they heated for 5, and both times the outsole peeled off. I have pics of the first pair where the outsole ripped from the edge of the boot to the front of the chassis.

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The skates were never the problem, it was the lhs. The first pair they heated for 7 minutes, said it was their "standard time". The second pair they heated for 5, and both times the outsole peeled off. I have pics of the first pair where the outsole ripped from the edge of the boot to the front of the chassis.

Mission put a big 5 or 7 on the boxes for the L and S series skates.

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that helmet will be out in spring i hope correct me if not but what colors will it come in hpoefullly black need it for high skool

i would think black and white are usually the obvious colour choices for stores to order in

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Hope they add the plastic backing on the screw behind the ears like they did with the 5000's. That should prevent cracking. The Itech visor looks like it still has the steel---just in chrome now!

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