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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MIA vs Eagle

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Ok, I currently have the '05 (I believe) model Eagle x70 glove, 14.5 inches (or adult size or whatever). I really like them, as I'm a big fan of a nice open cuff, yet I still get some solid protection. However, the palms have been seriously irking me since they stiffen up like a mottttthhhher (way too much than normal). (These are those brownish colored palms the standard ones.) My question is: should I go with custom MIA or wait for the new Eagle offerings (are the Eagle offerings good???) Second, how is the fit of the MIA when compared to the Eagles? Which palm for MIA should I get that will maximize performance and not get so stiff? And finally, what size of MIA glove should I get if I were to go with them? I have pretty huge hands, the Eagles just fit pretty tightly.... Thanks!

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I haven't used MIAs so I can't really comment. But if you have 05 Eagles and the Palm is stiffening up, chances are you aren't airing your equipment well. Most gloves will do this if that's the case.

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after every practice/game whatnot i put all my gear on this tree type thing and a fan on it... i skate 7+ times a week though often so who knows... all i know is that my gear is always dried sufficiently

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Personally, I'd avoid both brands. I think they're overpriced.


agreedd B)

I think everything is overpriced. Although, if it weren't, I'm not sure I'd reap the psychological benefit of believing that $170 gloves and $500 skates are of "high quality."

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Get your gloves repalmed with synthetic palms. I use an outfit in Connecticut. They turned around a pair for me in the shop in 5 days. The price is reasonable and the palms always dry soft and wear well. I have used this company for over 25 years.

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I have a pair of Eagle X80's (Bigger than the x70s) and have had no problem with them drying up (although I skate 6 times a week and leave them in our lockeroom with a fan so maybe they dont have time to "dry up") I cant speak for MIA but I like my eagles and the open cuff on them, although the palms do tend to develop holes easily, even with the leather on them

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is the fit of the mia similar to my eagles (i personally like it) though?

I have a pair of X80 eagles and a pair of mb22 mia's. The mia's are smaller glove all around, smaller fingers and shorter cuff. I like the fit of the MIA's better

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(Pittard makes the palms for the Mia's)

I'm thinking about ordering some Mia's also, I'm just thinking, It says the MB 22's are regular size, short cuff, If I want a 15" what would I need? MB 22 or 33

can u customize 33's?

EDIT: What's the price like, to ship to Canada for Mia's?

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(Pittard makes the palms for the Mia's)

I'm thinking about ordering some Mia's also, I'm just thinking, It says the MB 22's are regular size, short cuff, If I want a 15" what would I need? MB 22 or 33

can u customize 33's?

EDIT: What's the price like, to ship to Canada for Mia's?

MIA is based in Montreal, I believe, but the gloves will still run you a retarded amount of money.

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