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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dog Names

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Before it's potty trained (carpet trained whatever) and it soils the carpet (#2 here) you can be like "No shit Sherlock!" and chide him for doing it at the same time...

haha that'd be really funny.

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Is Reggie, because of Reggie Jackson, first African American M.L.B. player?

I like that.

Any other Girl Names?

Um, Jackie Robinson was the first black player.

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Like it said in the Title, We're getting two dogs, a boy and a girl. The dad of the pups is a cross between Black Lab and Rottweiller, but mostly black lab, no tan/brown markings. The mom is a Golden Retreiver.

The Girl we have selected is black, with tan markings. So far a name that my Family is thinking about is Sam--Any Suggestions for a girl Rotty, that u might of had, or friends that you liked--

Now, the Boy is the tough one. It is all black. We have searched for names, all over, A few names that we like are Hunter, (dad thought this one) Leroy (we dont really like it), Rasta(once again, my dad thought of that one) Any suggestions of a boy name for basically a black lab?

(or just any Dog names that you like)

P.S. If you dont have any names on the top of your head, could you give a good way to find a name, Favorite hockey player..etc. AND one last thing, No hockey brands. Reason being that my uncle's dogs names are Jofa and Koho and my friends dogs names are Easton and Bauer

Thanks alot guys/girls


Plelase don't name your dog "Rasta."

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Is Reggie, because of Reggie Jackson, first African American M.L.B. player?

I like that.

Any other Girl Names?

Um, Jackie Robinson was the first black player.

HAHAHA, who am I thinking of??, but anyways, Mack you know what I mean :huh:

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Like it said in the Title, We're getting two dogs, a boy and a girl. The dad of the pups is a cross between Black Lab and Rottweiller, but mostly black lab, no tan/brown markings. The mom is a Golden Retreiver.

The Girl we have selected is black, with tan markings. So far a name that my Family is thinking about is Sam--Any Suggestions for a girl Rotty, that u might of had, or friends that you liked--

Now, the Boy is the tough one. It is all black. We have searched for names, all over, A few names that we like are Hunter, (dad thought this one) Leroy (we dont really like it), Rasta(once again, my dad thought of that one) Any suggestions of a boy name for basically a black lab?

(or just any Dog names that you like)

P.S. If you dont have any names on the top of your head, could you give a good way to find a name, Favorite hockey player..etc. AND one last thing, No hockey brands. Reason being that my uncle's dogs names are Jofa and Koho and my friends dogs names are Easton and Bauer

Thanks alot guys/girls


Plelase don't name your dog "Rasta."

No, I hate that. Why not though?

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How about Jesus Christ and Goddamnit. You know like in the old Bill Cosby skit: "Jesus christ, will you stop crappin' on the rug" and "Goddamnit, will you stop bringing dead squrrels into the house". LOL!!!!

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Slam (my lab)






----there's a million names you can think of, my lab hates to be called doggie by a stranger.

The dog we had when I was just born was named Bandit ;) Parents said it was the smartest dog. My dad tought it to bark when he blinked to impress his friends. So my dad would say (infront of people) what's 7+5? and he would blink 12 times. :P

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Jake is an all-time favourite. Jessie also works well for females.

But I like some of the hockey suggestions.

Stanley is very cool.

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