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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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so ia have a cold. its nothing big, just me head and face hurt. I really dont want to miss my game tonight, but iam not sure if this cold will take away lots of my energy. So iam just wondering what u guys do to get energy? chocolate bars? energy drinks? and how soon before the game should i take them?

thanks guys.

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Red Bull works great, but it's not very good for you and it costs a fortune. This weekend in a tournament we played 3 games within 14 hours, i was so exausted i took one of those and i was wide awake and felling alot better. Works great

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Fluids, fluids, fluids, and more fluids. Colds sap your system of fluids and your cells need water to turn food into energy. Pump in plenty of water before and during and you should be ok.

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How do those promax bars taste? Wut are some energy bars that dont taste like shyt? That Red Bull stuff works but im makes me soo sick.

The pro max bars are excellent.the double fudge brownie tastes like a an actual homemade brownie,the chocolate Peanut Chrunch and Cookies and Cream are good too. I had like 3 boxes but they are gone now,everyone on my team likes them also.

I just had one a couple minutes ago,becuase we have a really big game tonight.

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i like the mdx's (mountain dew energy ) they seem to work ok

Those things are nuts. They make ur tounge soo green.


but they taste good

Those Mountain Dew Energy's are just Mountain Dew, Loaded up with Caffeine. So it's just pop, that gets you wired

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Ya...Ill take those over red bull or wutever else there is any day.

Monster Energy Drinks. The best stuff out there. You'll never go back!!! Haha

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So i drank some red bull about 2 hours before the game and i didnt really feel any diferent. nearthe middle of the first period tho, i started feeling pumped. i dont know if it was just the red bull or me.

my question is. if you continue to drink red bull or something before a game all the time, is there any side effects? i mean, its got to take a toll on your body getting so juiced all the time? i dont know, iam not a doctor or anything.

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Powerbar, Powerbar gels, brewed coffee, and pasta do the trick for me. I don't recommend doing all 4 at the same time though.

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The best thing you could do it get some Glucose Powder. Put it in your water and keep drinking it b4 and during the game! Its instant energy! Also keep you hydrated. Simple and Effective. :)

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