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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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KOR skates

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The skates were heat molded, but I have no idea how much molding they'd be able to do with composite. I'll have to watch the clip again during the rerun, but it looked like the composite lower shell was on the inside ankle and not so much on the outside. It was interesting to see the lower lean the skaters could get though.

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I can see where a very stiff skate would be helpful in speed skating but I can't see it being beneficial in hockey. Speed skate boots usually aren't as high as hockey boots and modern speed skates have a chassis that is spring loaded to make up for the lack of flex in the boot. In hockey you aren't taking long strides and holding an edge for a long period of time.

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Thanks for the link, JR. I should've known it was that obvious. B)

Ex-NHLer Joel Otto was testing out the skates on the Disc. Channel segment. I think he might be more involved than just testing, not sure. The segment actually explains the skate and design better than the web site does, hope that changes. I'm not sure if they're going to put up the segment on their site later, I'll keep an eye out.

The Kor skates are pretty different from traditional skates (like Graf 707 and Mission Pure Fly) so I'm not surprised Iggy and others aren't used to them since almost every player has skated in traditional skates. I'd like to see how these compare to the Synergy skates since they both share a composite boot.

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Iggy isn't the type of player that switches the type of skate that he wears very often, so I'm not surprised that that was the type of answer he gave.

They should have talked to someone that is a lot more willing to experiment with his skates and is always trying out the latest and greatest as soon as they are available.

For example, I'd talk to guys that quickly switched to the Bauer Vapor 8 when it first came out. Or the Vapor XX or Vector Pro skates when they came out recently.

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Iggy isn't the type of player that switches the type of skate that he wears very often, so I'm not surprised that that was the type of answer he gave.

For example, I'd talk to guys that quickly switched to the Bauer Vapor 8 when it first came out. Or the Vapor XX or Vector Pro skates when they came out recently.

Iggy changed to the Vector Pro almost directly in mid-season.

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is ther any pictures of these skates?

guess not since they're still prototypes eh..

Just the ones on their website.

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Iggy isn't the type of player that switches the type of skate that he wears very often, so I'm not surprised that that was the type of answer he gave.

For example, I'd talk to guys that quickly switched to the Bauer Vapor 8 when it first came out. Or the Vapor XX or Vector Pro skates when they came out recently.

Iggy changed to the Vector Pro almost directly in mid-season.

True, but he also has a long term relationship with regards to wearing CCM skates.

I just think that a guy that switches skate brands and is open to new gear is a better guy to talk to about something like this is all.

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Iggy isn't the type of player that switches the type of skate that he wears very often, so I'm not surprised that that was the type of answer he gave.

He did switch from Pro Tacks to Vector Pro Skates this season, too. I can't imagine he'd be really receptive to the thought of switching again in the same season.

EDIT: Whoops, someone beat me to it.

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I believe they have about 2 dozen or so NHL'ers who have asked to receive pairs over the summer to see if they like them..it will be interesting to see what happens with the skate..definately an intriguing skate

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It's not going to help them that Easton has a very similar skate that is being worn by a handful of pros and will be coming out in greater quantities next season.

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Speed-skaters make wide turns. Hockey players make sharp turns. Speed skaters don't need to start up and stop abruptly like hockey players do. You're going to need a skate that has a certain element of give...and too much carbon fibre isn't going to give. And THAT looks like too much carbon fibre.

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