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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

2006 Salming Catalogue

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Thanks, JR!

This is actually an interim catalogue, because a couple of the products arrived too late to be included in photos -- they're only in artwork form in the brochure. I can post the photos of those products once I figure how to provide good lighting for my digital camera....

Also, it takes forwever to load, so you may want to browse in another window, then come back.

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Jimmy had a TF Evolution OPS last time I got my skates sharpened. Seems like a nice stick, light and well balanced.

The Evolution Pro gloves in the catalogue look nice.

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What I found interesting at the tradeshow was some some people liked the Precision better while others liked the Evolution.

Even though the Precision weighs 30 grams less, it wasn't as though everyone gravitated to it solely because it was lighter. I'd hand the Precision to people as they were walking by and they'd say, "That's a nice stick." Then I'd hand the Evolution and maybe as many as 40% would say, "Wow, I like that better."

I think the whole Different Strokes cliche really applies to the stick world.

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Thanks JR & Jason.

I see that the bags are now in line with the whole theme of the new Salming lineup. Hope my input was of some use. =Þ

Too bad National does not carry Salming anymore. I thought shafts and blades that we carried were solid.

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Jason: Have you held the Evolution taper shaft? Guessing it's none grip and what's the weight, will probaly try to get a hold on one here in scandinavia no matter what but it's nice to know... because ppl ask about weight all the time. haha ;)

Like the look of those track suits, my hold team is about to get new ones... do you have any experiances with the suits?

And 22mb is not that bad.. B)

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Could it be true? Has Salming made the blade I've always been looking for?

Jason - in a different threat you had mentioned that the #44 is a Drury pattern. However, in the catalogue, the #46 sounds more like a Drury and the #44 sounds like a dream: A shallow depth, lie 5, with an open face (maybe more of a Mission Ribeiro?).

But you had said you played with the #44 and that it looked exactly like a Drury and also had the 5.5 lie like the Drury. Have the patterns been changed or are the descriptions in the catalogue off a bit?

By the way, is the Evolution still $195 or has it come down in price with the release of the new top-of-the-line Precision?

Last question: When will we start seeing the new stuff in the US? Same "in the spring" timeframe as all the other manufacturers?

Thanks Jason and JR for making the catalogue available.

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  whbd18 said:
Jason,any info on the Custom Glove Program?
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I'd also like to know about this Custom Glove Progam, i like the look of the new gloves!

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  whbd18 said:
Jason,any info on the Custom Glove Program?
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whbd18, we can create the PG1 in any color combo with 12 or more ordered. It would take about three months including shipping, and it adds about $10 to $15 to the cost depending on volume.

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  logan said:
Thanks JR & Jason.

I see that the bags are now in line with the whole theme of the new Salming lineup. Hope my input was of some use. =Þ

Too bad National does not carry Salming anymore. I thought shafts and blades that we carried were solid.

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Thanks, Logan. Sorry for never getting back to you on your feedback, but I became busy preparing for the tradeshow. In any event, your opinions were quite insightful -- certainly on a level I had never really considered.

Greg Beaudin, Rikard and Borje met with National Sports in early November during the Induction Weekend. Unfortunately, National orders a lot earlier than smaller shops do, because they said they had already ordered for 2006. Apparently, we'll need to meet with them in September this year for them to carry the products in 2007.

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  Patrick67 said:
Jason: Have you held the Evolution taper shaft? Guessing it's none grip and what's the weight, will probaly try to get a hold on one here in scandinavia no matter what but it's nice to know... because ppl ask about weight all the time. haha ;)

Like the look of those track suits, my hold team is about to get new ones... do you have any experiances with the suits?

And 22mb is not that bad.. B)

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Patrick, have you held an Evolution OPS yet? Two surfaces are avialable on both the OPS and shaft -- either a smooth finish (almost a low level grip) or a sandpaper finish.

I'm not sure what the shaft weighs, but my box just arrived back from the show, so I'll try to get it onto a scale that measures grams.

I don't know what price the track suits are in Scandanavia, but feedback I've received from retailers in the States is they are among the best value on the market for a suit. MSRP in the US is $65 for senior and $50 for junior, which is pretty good for both pieces, considering the quality of materials.

We wear them for coaching, but bear in mind they are somewhat lightweight -- just a bit heavier than a windbreaker.

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  SalmingUSA said:
  whbd18 said:
Jason,any info on the Custom Glove Program?
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whbd18, we can create the PG1 in any color combo with 12 or more ordered. It would take about three months including shipping, and it adds about $10 to $15 to the cost depending on volume.

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Jason, can you do the new Evolution Pro in any color combo just single orders? Or are single orders possible?

How much will that glove MRSP for?

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  Cheechoo said:
Jason - in a different threat you had mentioned that the #44 is a Drury pattern. However, in the catalogue, the #46 sounds more like a Drury and the #44 sounds like a dream: A shallow depth, lie 5, with an open face (maybe more of a Mission Ribeiro?).

But you had said you played with the #44 and that it looked exactly like a Drury and also had the 5.5 lie like the Drury. Have the patterns been changed or are the descriptions in the catalogue off a bit?

By the way, is the Evolution still $195 or has it come down in price with the release of the new top-of-the-line Precision?

Last question: When will we start seeing the new stuff in the US? Same "in the spring" timeframe as all the other manufacturers?

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Cheechoo, I think the catalogue may be incorrect on the curve descriptions. We held a TF Evolution 44 curve next to a Drury and it was an exact match. It's possible Sweden changed around the numbering system, but I don't think they would have. I'm coaching tonight so l'll try to compare the two blades against other blades at the shop.

The Evolution came down slightly to $185, while the Precision will be $199. The problem is oil is used in the production of graphite, so prices on the wholesale level have risen the past two years.

Regarding availability, you probably won't see the equipment until around July. And even that is contingent on gently persuading your LHS that they should carry the products. :)

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  Miike said:
  SalmingUSA said:
  whbd18 said:
Jason,any info on the Custom Glove Program?
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whbd18, we can create the PG1 in any color combo with 12 or more ordered. It would take about three months including shipping, and it adds about $10 to $15 to the cost depending on volume.

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Jason, can you do the new Evolution Pro in any color combo just single orders? Or are single orders possible?

How much will that glove MRSP for?

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Mike, I believe the Evolution Pro is being made at the same factory, so I'm assuming the same minimum will apply on custom orders, but I'll have to confirm with Sweden.

The only way I could see getting custom colors on one pair is by luck. What I mean is another organization would have had to have bought gloves in the colors you like, and I would have had to have bought extras because I thought they would sell. Otherwise, I'd possibly have 11 extras to move in colors that might not work in the markets where we have stores. We're just not of a size yet to be able to do that.

The MSRP on the Evolution Pro will be $115 in the US.

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Jason, could you by chance lend me a hand? I tried to get a hold of the TF Evo last year to try it out but there was only one e-shop selling Salming in Germany (at least I only found one) and they didn´t carry the top-end stuff nor where they able/willing to order one for me. Probably they just made one stock order whatever. Next time you talk to Sweden, could you try to get some info for me whether you guys have a general distributor over here or any shops that you supply regularly. I´m thinking of giving the Precision a try but I´m having a hard time.

Would be great!

Thanks, Sascha

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Jason, If i remember correctly Greg (modernice) is taking over or joining as part of SalmingCanada correct? As he mentioned anything about 'Players Club' yet?

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Contact Christian Groß at create-sports@aon.at. His company is the distributor for Austria, Germany and Switzerland. He brought along his German salesmen to the Boston tradeshow, and they said they're starting to gain momentum in getting more shops to carry the products. I also met Hoppe -- what a character! -- and he said he's carrying Salming sticks in his shops.

By the way, the TF Precision is a new model for 0607, so I don't think you'll see it until around July.

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