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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Product winners 2006-2007 season

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Thanks to Jr and other well known on this forum for the lates catalouges and 2006 info, this is great work!

Helps me make up my buying for comming products, based ob the catalouges and the comming Ispo show in Munich, all major hockey companies will be there!

What will be this seasons knock out in terms of sale figures in your opinion in:


Rbk 9 and the pump is nice, this may be a major hit?

Stick One piece

Warrior, no doubt


Not sure here, either Rbk our new Mission, have not ordered yet

Pads Goalie

No doubt RBK

Chest and Elbow players

RBK and Itech




Mia, and Easton,

And the most important, bags

Mission, lool real nice the new ones comming out!



Please comment this comming top sellers list, do you agree?

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For skates maybe the new Kor skates, or the bauer one90's. And i'm sure the stick will be for debate as not many have used the new one's.

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Thanks to Jr and other well known on this forum for the lates catalouges and 2006 info, this is great work!

Helps me make up my buying for comming products, based ob the catalouges and the comming Ispo show in Munich, all major hockey companies will be there!

What will be this seasons knock out in terms of sale figures in your opinion in:


Rbk 9 and the pump is nice, this may be a major hit?

Stick One piece

Warrior, no doubt


Not sure here, either Rbk our new Mission, have not ordered yet

Pads Goalie

No doubt RBK

Chest and Elbow players

RBK and Itech




Mia, and Easton,

And the most important, bags

Mission, lool real nice the new ones comming out!



Please comment this comming top sellers list, do you agree?


Mission Fuel AG and XP. Get your customers to try them, chances are they'll love them.

9k Pumps are high end, so maybe 5k and 7k Pump skates to satisfy lesser-spenders.


Honestly, I don't know. Maybe Easton due to volume, but Warrior looks to have very nice products.


I'm not one, couldn't tell you.


Rbk. It's new Jofa.


Perhaps Bauer due to the Vapor XXX Lite and lesser pants looking very nice.


Bauer Supreme One90. Again, get customers to try them on.

MIA is hit or miss with most. Don't count on it, same as Eagles, expensive.

Bauer Vapors are always nice.


Rbk has nice bags, and who has the one with the fan attachment? Is that indeed Mission?


Always have Bauer on hand, largest helmet numbers I think.

Mission's new bucket seems to be very solid. I may pick one up to be my odd color helmet.

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You shouldn't be asking people in north america what your customers will buy. There are major differences from region to region in the US and Canada, let alone Europe, you will see much different sales results than will local shops.

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That's nice. I didn't realise he was in Canada...

Makes a large difference.

Hes in Europe,not Canada. Im guessing Germany.

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That's nice. I didn't realise he was in Canada...

Makes a large difference.

Hes in Europe,not Canada. Im guessing Germany.

It's not entirely relevant but his IP is from Norway.

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for $800....

Canadien i'm assuming you mean...

I still think the one90 will be our number 1 skate at least...it seems like every new bauer skate is the number 1 seller on the wall.

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RBK bags are excellent, great quality and features. However, the Bag winner will be the Shock Dr, MARK my WORD! I get mine in 2 weeks! Sweet, my hockey equipment will never have to leave the car. Dried and deodorized. :P

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RBK bags are excellent, great quality and features. However, the Bag winner will be the Shock Dr, MARK my WORD! I get mine in 2 weeks! Sweet, my hockey equipment will never have to leave the car. Dried and deodorized. :P

It's a bit expensive

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RBK bags are excellent, great quality and features. However, the Bag winner will be the Shock Dr, MARK my WORD!  I get mine in 2 weeks! Sweet, my hockey equipment will never have to leave the car. Dried and deodorized.  :P

It's a bit expensive

$89 retail for the bag is about the same as all good quality wheel bags. I agree the extra $59 for the heat/ionizer pac is pricey, but well worth it. I already have 6 presold!

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Skates: ONE-90

Protective: RBK/Jofa

Pants: Bauer XXX Lite, RBK 8k

Gloves: Bauer One-90 Series, Easton Stealth S9 [and the lower products]

Sticks: I'm from Germany, so Warrior/Innovative, nobody knows them, Innovative was really rare and my LHS at my rink [which you can kick ass] doesn't know what innovative produces..sooo I think Easton and bauer will blow out sticks like always...

Helmets: I'm for the new mission! But Bauer is for others the first choice.../ the nike because the swoosh is koolah :blink::blink:

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My predictions for goalie equipment...

Goalie skates - high end:

New Graf 750 without the elf toe

Goalie skates - mid range:

RBK's with the pump

My choice for best product in the class: New Graf 750 Pro Goaler skate

Leg Pads - high end:

Eagle Sentry/RBK Premier

Leg Pads - mid range:

Vaughn Vault / RBK Senior

My choice for best product in the class: Vaughn Velocity V2

Catcher/Blocker - high end:

RBK Premiere

Catcher/Blocker - mid range:

Vaughn Vault/RBK Senior

My choice for best product in the class: Vaughn Velocity V2 catch / TPS Xceed Blocker

Chest and Arm:

Bauer XXX (I think they finally did something right)

My choice for best product in the class: Bauer XXX

Goal Pant:

Bauer XXX (ditto)

My choice for best product in the class: Bauer XXX

Goal Stick - graphite:


Goal Stick - wood:


My choice for best product in the class: Eagle Curtis Curve - wood


Vaughn Epic with shock doctor

My choice for best product in the class: Vaughn Epic with shock doctor


Itech - with Pimp my mask accessories

My choice for best product in the class: Olie MA2000

Product winner selections are not what I would buy necessarily, but likely to be the best sellers.

My choice winners are the products which I would buy...

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Well, I predicted 2 out of the 3 winners. Not too shabby. I'm surprised the SL was the winner because I didn't see much positive notes here around that one.

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Well, I predicted 2 out of the 3 winners. Not too shabby. I'm surprised the SL was the winner because I didn't see much positive notes here around that one.

Yeah, agree with that one...Adrenaline bombed and SL and Hex, SL and XXX were very close. KOR won by one vote in the skate category.

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