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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do i make my profile private so that I have to add them as a friend for them to see it?

Like he said, change it so you're 14 or 15. I think there's a new privacy function but I'm not sure if it works the same as the Pedo-Proofing trick.

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No idea how myspace works. Fun to look at friends though.

you click on the interweb and wax the modem and surf the intranet.

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Will it? It pretty much has. Well between this and email addies it is.

It sucks. Luckily, it doesn't happen too often but I'm more of a fan of collecting phone numbers than myspace friends :(

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I pretty much stuck to just bands and random people who actually found it, otherwise I go "oh no, Myspace is for peds."

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Will it?  It pretty much has.  Well between this and email addies it is.

It sucks. Luckily, it doesn't happen too often but I'm more of a fan of collecting phone numbers than myspace friends :(

One time a stripper told me to add her on Myspace and that we could make plans to hang out on there. Of course I didn't have one at the time so I eagerly made one up. I searched relentlessly for her on there and never found it. At least getting a fake Myspace name is much less embarassing than a fake number.

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Will it?  It pretty much has.  Well between this and email addies it is.

It sucks. Luckily, it doesn't happen too often but I'm more of a fan of collecting phone numbers than myspace friends :(

One time a stripper told me to add her on Myspace and that we could make plans to hang out on there. Of course I didn't have one at the time so I eagerly made one up. I searched relentlessly for her on there and never found it. At least getting a fake Myspace name is much less embarassing than a fake number.

lol, that's pretty funny.

I've actually never got a fake number before, but I'd imagine that would suck.

P.S. I'm not saying I'm like a player or anything I just never ask for a number. So if a girl gives me her number it's her choice and thus the reason I haven't gotten a fake number.

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What the hell did they do to it now? It's always been annoying as hell to deal with, but now I can't even get on it. I knew I should have never graduated.

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It's not creepy, it's centralized. I like it because I don't want to sift through my 300 friends to look for their updates and stuff.

It's a matter of innovation, Facebook is doing their best to stay ahead of the social-networking game. And they're succeeding.

EDIT: Beyond that, all that information is readily available.

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Facebook's also been around a helluva lot longer. I remember when it was just a handful of schools when we got it.

Edit: Eww, it wasn't around that much longer, I guess I just held off on myspace longer.

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Right, it's been around a long time, but if you use it regularly, you can really see their roadmap and where their heading and where they came from. They've done a really good job of implementing new, innovative ideas and, beyond that, assuring the execution of said functions was flawless.

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I see the good in what they're doing, but I also see the huge cheese factor. If I heard anyone at my work mention their facebook page I'd be hard-pressed to not laugh.

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if you guys wanna see some lakes frozen come to minnesota in the winter

Except that they have snow up there,

And you would have to shovel all the snow off.

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