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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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damnit man i hate when i see kids im 2x older than and are using a better stick than i am...i mean really what kinda of benefit are they getting out of it, theres no way theyd notice the difference between a woody and a comp. stick

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Companies shouldn't make anything lower than an Intermediate OPS imo. Kids should learn to skate with the origional sticks before they get into the stuff they won't need (not even need, but more make use of) until Bantam A or better.

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back when i was in junior sticks i could use the same woodie for years. heck the 2 times i broke the sticks i thought i was in the show cuz i got to drop it like they do. Ahh the easton classic you made me love life.

However I am guilty of purchasing an int. syn bomb when they first came out, still have it actually, and i considered myself a pussy cuz i used it till i was 17

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I cant stand when I see kids that are 7 yrs old using a Sr XXX Lite cut in half. AS a matter of fact the kids in clinic(a program learning to play hockey) here ,all have top of the line composite one pieces(Stealth,SL,Synergy Grip,XX,XXX Lite)

Anyways if your using a JR Stick you should get a woody not an OPS,but if you do need an OPS just get a Bauer Vapor VI or Vapor V

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i bet JR sees alot of kids getting jr. OPS, i remember working retail and parents going gaga over some sticks "johnny has to have a synergy" and others being outraged by how much a woody costs

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When I used junior sticks it was pretty much always an Easton aluminum with a wood blade. Used to get so excited when the toe would get bad enough that I needed a new $15 blade.

Had great experiences with that White/Navy/Yellow Nike and the CCM 652 Tacks in terms of woodies as well. If I were you I would look for a decent shaft with a wood or hybrid blade to experiment with curves.

Then when you get to the point where you can actually use a OPS you will know what you want. Just my two cents, you are probably too far down the wrong path to take it but whatever.

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in the speed skating biz, before we charged their cc's..we used to ask them "exactly how much carbon fiber does little johnny need"

at 4'2 and 65lbs..you are putting how much force on the boot?

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I cant stand when I see kids that are 7 yrs old using a Sr XXX Lite cut in half. AS a matter of fact the kids in clinic(a program learning to play hockey) here ,all have top of the line composite one pieces(Stealth,SL,Synergy Grip,XX,XXX Lite)

Anyways if your using a JR Stick you should get a woody not an OPS,but if you do need an OPS just get a Bauer Vapor VI or Vapor V

hahaha. i love it too.

Its fun when kids start judging other kid's abilities by their stick.. then get their asses handed to them by some runt with a pair of 452 tacks, low end gloves and a $15 wood stick... Good times.

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Well I hit Bantam Minor year when the OPS came out on the market. I'l ladmit I bought a synergy, cuz it was yzerman's stick. However I was a beast for Bantam Minor, so I could flex the stick, and all that. However I used woodies all the way up to that point, and I do agree with that point about the companies making no OPS under Int.

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one of the worst kids on my hs team who just started playing hockey got a bauer 5000, stealth grip, synergy high end glovees, shoulder and elbows. this kid JUST STARTED HOCKEY.

but i cant really say anything because i preordered the1st intermediate synergy's and have had many different kinds of ops's.

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I agree that a lot of kids are spoilt and have a new top-of-the-line OPS every few months, but I don't agree with people who say that kids wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a woody and a composite OPS. My son has been playing hockey with a woody since he was 5. When he turned 8 I bought him a Youth (not Junior) Vector 120 and it completely changed his shot and stickhandling for the better. Instead of shoveling the puck to get it up, he started using the correct shooting technique. I have since seen several other kids switch to the same stick and their shots improved as well. I think the reason is simple: It's pretty much impossible for a little kid to flex a woody. Of course in the past, all kids grew up using woodies, but at that time, all adults (and NHLers) also used woodies. I think it's stupid to say composites should only be for teenagers and adults. I mean, the woody my son was using felt heavier than the z-bubble I had at the time. Why should kids use heavier and stiffer sticks than adults?

I think it's pretty clear how old some of the people on this board are who think companies should only make intermediate and senior OPS. Hell, why make intermediates? I'm an adult, so I think only adults can notice a difference between a woody and a composite, so companies should only make senior OPS. And while I'm at it: I prefer 85 flex, so companies should stop making 100 and 110 flex. As for blade patterns, I think only people who use Drury clones can really use a top-end OPS, so let's scrap all the other blade patterns.

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The youth sticks from CCM and TPS are much different from the other junior OPS. They offer a lighter flex that you just can't get from a wood stick. I sold a lot of TPS youth shafts with wood blades last fall and a lot of the parents commented on experiences like yours. It's the flex and not the fact that it's an OPS that is the cause for the improvement.

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The companies don't help this fact by puttig money into the woodie market, easton have a very limited range on their wood market, and im sure there is a way they could make some of the woodies a decent weight (<500 grams), i have probably been using a shaft blade combo since i was about 8. But if i go to a camp this year i will make sure i get a few woodies for it, and if i can get a decent shot with one of those, when i go back to my z-bubble my shots should be alot better

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The youth sticks from CCM and TPS are much different from the other junior OPS. They offer a lighter flex that you just can't get from a wood stick. I sold a lot of TPS youth shafts with wood blades last fall and a lot of the parents commented on experiences like yours. It's the flex and not the fact that it's an OPS that is the cause for the improvement.

I agree it's the flex, not the fact it's an OPS, that makes the difference. I just wasn't aware of the TPS youth shaft, so I thought junior OPS was the only alternative to a woody. I'm going to look into the shaft next time he outgrows his Vector.

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one of the worst kids on my hs team who just started playing hockey got a bauer 5000, stealth grip, synergy high end glovees, shoulder and elbows. this kid JUST STARTED HOCKEY.

I agree that the stick is probably overkill. However, I refuse to criticize anyone for buying top level protective equipment especially the helmet. Better to have too much protection than less than what you need.

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it not for me it for my brother who plays peewee A who is smaller than most the kids i use a senior and i too hate when i see kids that have really good sticks that are senior and are cut in half i still use woods sticks and i just bought a easton one

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Hell, why make intermediates? I'm an adult, so I think only adults can notice a difference between a woody and a composite, so companies should only make senior OPS.

Some Adults are shorter. Or like smaller shaft dimensions.

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