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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New RBK jerseys & pants

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Eventually, we will be wittled down to wearning bananna hamoks and tank tops.. :D

YEP!!..what the hell...Everyone just leave the sport alone...it's fine! well betman needs to go but that is a hole different topic.

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Way to go Reebok. So now that they own CCM I guess it's just a matter of time before they bring back the "CCM Pro Pack" to go with those jerseys.



I am from Philly and I remember those is the 80s. I think Hartford was the other team. Everyone gives me crap when they find out Im from Philly about how our team wore the ugly paints.

As for RBk making new Uniforms........lets keep at least one game traditional. Hockey is for the purist and the NHL commish needs to realize that.

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Anyone want to guess who the unidentified GM is...I'm thinking Sweet Lou.

It's on TSN so I'm picking Burke.

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Hockey is about tradition. Who cares if you wanna be faster and lighter on the ice? It's f*cking wrong to change the way hockey is viewed as!

If it was about tradition we would be using skin tight wool Jereseys, wood flat blade sticks, no passing in the offensive zone. etc.. Hockey (as all sports) change over time.

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As to tucking or no tucking, that should be up to the player.

They way McKenzie talked about it yesterday...it wouldn't be an option...the only way the gear fits properly is to be tucked...it's part of the design.

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I can see these uniforms looking ridiculous. I didn't even like the jerseys/socks teams were wearing at the recent world juniors, these sound 100 times worse. Can't wait to get a look at them.

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I haven't seen these new jerseys/pants, yet I hate them already. Why can't they let things be and maybe develop "normally", instead of having these insane ideas about "a new NHL" and crap like that, where the jerseys is probably just part of the new idea. I can almost see in the future it'll be like that crappy movie Slap Shot 2, with "family friendly shows" like the Harlem Globetrotters. That is, if Bettman and Rbk/Nike keep ruining the sport with these "new ideas"...

EDIT: Just read some rumors over at hfboards that nothing will be sewn on these jerseys, everything including the logos will be pressed on in order to make them lighter... that's just insane! Even authentic jerseys would feel like cheap screen printed replicas if those rumors are true! :angry:

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EDIT: Just read some rumors over at hfboards that nothing will be sewn on these jerseys, everything including the logos will be pressed on in order to make them lighter... that's just insane! Even authentic jerseys would feel like cheap screen printed replicas if those rumors are true! :angry:

They wouldn't be silk screened. They would be sublimated like jerseys in most Euro leagues.

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This is the worst idea ever, hands down. I didn't even like the tight jersyes worn at the WJHC by the US and Canada. Who cares if they reduce drag and grabbing, they look retarded.

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I def want to see what this is going to look like, but as of right now I can't stand the thought. Personally, I cannot stand wearing tight pants and sweaters, much less seeing them on other players. Its too dang restrictive IMO. Maybe we should get a poll going to see how many people actually want Bettman gone.

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rbk gonna become like a monopoly now

No,do you know what a Monopoly is?Just becuase they want new Jerseys in the NHL doesnt make them a Monopoly.If they took over in every single sport like NIke then they would be a Monopoly.

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rbk gonna become like a monopoly now

No,do you know what a Monopoly is?Just becuase they want new Jerseys in the NHL doesnt make them a Monopoly.If they took over in every single sport like NIke then they would be a Monopoly.

To have a monopoly, Nike would need control of the entire sports market. Just because they make equipment for baseball, hockey, golf, basketball (and many other sports) doesn't make them a monopoly. If only you could only buy hockey equipment made by Nike(or a Nike owned company) then a monopoly would exist.

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With the rivalry between Nike and Rbk, I think Rbk wants to win back the general audience after Nike unveiled their "Nike Swift" jerseys. The guy that runs Rbk Hockey probably thought "If Nike are releasing next generation jerseys in the Olympics, we'll out-do them by making OUR own next generation jersey... for the NHL! Muahahaha!"

Evil Rbk and Nike.... Bring back BAUER, Jofa + KOHO!

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rbk gonna become like a monopoly now

No,do you know what a Monopoly is?Just becuase they want new Jerseys in the NHL doesnt make them a Monopoly.If they took over in every single sport like NIke then they would be a Monopoly.

If RBK keeps buying hockey manufactors that would make them a monopoly. That would be the definition of a monopoly. Nike and all the sports they are in have nothing to do with that.

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In case you dont know all of the echl has to buy ccm/rbk gear. Sticks and helmets only i think, but maybe more. Do you honestly care what the players wear. As long as it does not hold a player from playing their best i don't really care

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In case you dont know all of the echl has to buy ccm/rbk gear. Sticks and helmets only i think, but maybe more. Do you honestly care what the players wear. As long as it does not hold a player from playing their best i don't really care

So if you played your entire career in Bauer or easton and you got to the NHL and they told you you had to wear all RBK stuff you would be fine with that.....knowing for example someone like me can't use there skates and hate there sticks. so I would have to give up skates I have wore for years and a stick I learned with.....I don't care what they use but I know how I would feel.

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