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Favorite hockey quotes/sayings

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It will be available in the Spring!!! --Some wise man from MSH ;)

"I'm in alot of pain" - Jeremy Roenick a week or so after he took the puck to his face being asked how he was feeling. (I saw it live so itI may not be the exact words, but it struck me as funny since it was such an obvious answer to a stupid question. Look at his face, do you need to ask how he feels?)

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An old joke my Pee Wee coach told us....

Coach - "Do you know who the NHL's all-time leading scorer is?"

Kids - "Gretzky!"

Coach - "Nope, some guy named "Heschutzy". Yup, the anouncer says his name every single night, 2 or 3 times..."

"He Shoots, He Scores!" :lol:

Hey, I was 12 and some things just stick with you....

i dont get it

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An old joke my Pee Wee coach told us....

Coach - "Do you know who the NHL's all-time leading scorer is?"

Kids - "Gretzky!"

Coach - "Nope, some guy named "Heschutzy".  Yup, the anouncer says his name every single night, 2 or 3 times..."

"He Shoots, He Scores!"    :lol:

Hey, I was 12 and some things just stick with you....

i dont get it

Don't you remember Scott Heschutzy? I've never seen him play but i heard he was an awesome player back in the days along with Boom Boom Geoffrion.

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I like the two that are in my sig. Not sure who said the one about street hockey though.

Another quote I liked was said by a friend of mine after we lost a game.

"Our offense sucked, and our deffense was pretty sucky, and our goalie kind of sucked, I guess we just sucked all around"

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actually boom boom was real and invented the slap shot

Of course Bernard Geofrion was real, his number was recently retired. But are you insunuating Heshutszy isn't????

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" The name on the front of the jjersey means a hell of alot more then the one on the back"

" if you lose this gave you'll take it to your fu*kin gave"

"Theres No Shot you can't Stop"

" Many can make the crowd go wild,Very few can silence it "

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" The name on the front of the jjersey means a hell of alot more then the one on the back"

" if you lose this gave you'll take it to your fu*kin gave"

aaahh the "Brooksisms"! my favorite is

"Rizzo! you're playing worse and worse everyday and now youre playing like its the middle of next week!"


"You look like a couple o' monkeys trying to hump a football"


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When I first started playing I didn't know anything about hockey... so the guys I played with made it simple. They had me play defence with the instructions...

"One of them (the other team) cross that line (our blue line) with the little black thing (the puck)... KILL THEM !"

Another line I like, "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out"

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An old joke my Pee Wee coach told us....

Coach - "Do you know who the NHL's all-time leading scorer is?"

Kids - "Gretzky!"

Coach - "Nope, some guy named "Heschutzy".  Yup, the anouncer says his name every single night, 2 or 3 times..."

"He Shoots, He Scores!"    :lol:

Hey, I was 12 and some things just stick with you....

i dont get it

Sound it out: "He shoots he" scores. He just spelled it "Heshutzy"

It's like the announcer saying "Ovechkin Scores!"

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Bill Guerin to Dion Phaneuf immediatley folloeing the beating Phaneuf gave him "Good work kid"

Bill Guerin when asked about Dion Phanuef...

Interviewer "What do you think of that Phaneuf kid?"

Guerin said "He's tough!" peering through a left eye filled with blood and underlined by stitches on a dark blue background

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"Dave's an animal!"

"Dave's a killer!"

"Dave's a mess."

100% of the shots you don't take don't go in.

Thank you for getting the wayne quote right :D

Too bad that wayne quote isnt right

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