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New NHL Team Logos 06/07

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haha JR, I always used to call those the fischler jerseys...

as far as changes here goes:

what I've been able to gather from someone working within the league (for a team not the NHL itself...if it was the NHL i might get better info on this haha..or at least maybe working for one of these 3 teams)

Ducks are changing, dropping the mighty, but this has been known. Here is a pic of their leaked draft hat.


then rumor has it the Sabres would change back to a blue and gold, old school type of jersey (may or may not be exactly like the old jersey)

and that the caps will switch to red, white and blue colors...with a possible change in a design

the last two are not facts at the moment, the ducks are the only thing that is set in stone and will not be undone

those are the only teams this offseason that are or rumored to be making changes

other jersey rumors (not counting this really as changes since it's just teams dropping their current third's) making rounds in the league and actually within local papers (at least for the oil), the stars will drop the mooterus (aka ugliest third jersey ever), also possible that the oil will drop their's (i cant believe this, their third jersey is the best in the league)

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  Vapor said:
Any news about a swift type jersey entering the nhl?
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not that i've been informed, at the moment there doesn't seem to be a hard push I guess, last offseason there was though, so we'll see...maybe it'll pick up a bit after the draft...if i hear anything from the guy i'll let you know, but basically everyone's focus within the nhl at the moment is finishing up the season, draft, free agency (and getting that completed..meaning deciding on what they plan to do with the higher revenue...a real high cap, or a more moderate jump in the cap with more than likely smaller escrow payments)

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Vancouver is getting rid of their Harvard Red/Vancouver Blue 3rd jersey and are most likely replacing it with the vintage stick & rink jerseys, or I think I read that Tambellini said that he liked the new Canucks 3rd jerseys so there could be the possibility of a new 3rd for the Canucks

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  Vapor said:
I love the oilers third jersey.

Any news about a swift type jersey entering the nhl?

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I love my swift jersey...I hope they switch to something similar, I think the tight fit style just looks cleaner and more classy.

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  jbyun04 said:
Vancouver is getting rid of their Harvard Red/Vancouver Blue 3rd jersey and are most likely replacing it with the vintage stick & rink jerseys, or I think I read that Tambellini said that he liked the new Canucks 3rd jerseys so there could be the possibility of a new 3rd for the Canucks
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Correct. The Royal Blue Vintage will be the '3rd Jersey' next season. Then there will be some sort of "Rbk-inspired"-thing possibly coming into the 2007-2008 season. This will not be just for Vancouver.

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  the iceman said:
  jbyun04 said:
Vancouver is getting rid of their Harvard Red/Vancouver Blue 3rd jersey and are most likely replacing it with the vintage stick & rink jerseys, or I think I read that Tambellini said that he liked the new Canucks 3rd jerseys so there could be the possibility of a new 3rd for the Canucks
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Correct. The Royal Blue Vintage will be the '3rd Jersey' next season. Then there will be some sort of "Rbk-inspired"-thing possibly coming into the 2007-2008 season. This will not be just for Vancouver.

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edit: oops didn't read right

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  Vapor said:
Any news about a swift type jersey entering the nhl?
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Yes and there will not be any Swift jerseys in the NHL, from what I recall. General managers from each club stated that they'd rather stick with the jerseys they have now.

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Buffalo has the best looking jerseys in the nhl right now, they're stupid to change them.

But what's sad was that I remember that I used to like that Lightning 3rd "sunday" jersey :( Glad my taste has refined over the past few years.

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  Vapor said:
Who told you this, Patt Quinn?
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Someone posted a link to Maclean from the BlueJackets saying that the GMs voted it down at the meetings back before(?) the Olympics.

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  kovalchuk71 said:
  mudbug33 said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
Ugh...once again...that site is 3 years old!  Merely a concept by a fan.  Nothing official.
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that site is older than 3 years

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Are we talking about the ducks logo?

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No, they're talking about the concept jerseys that some Buffalo fan made.

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What do you think the odds are of seeing these new Uni colors and logos at the Draft? Very interested in Buf and Wsh...I liked their old style much more than their current ones.

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