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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going back to 2pc or wood

What are you using now?  

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I'm 18 years old, I jumped on the OPS bandwagon when the original dark grey synergy cameout, used them almost exclusivly since then all the way until this year. However I now feel that the OPS are a waste of money unless you get closeouts, I have found my self going back to 2pc sticks and wood sticks, not only because of cost, but also because of durability, I just was wondering if anyone else has done the same, I'm sure many of us have, and was just wondering others thoughts about it.

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I started playing in 10th grade (im a freshman in college now) and used all wood sticks, then z bubble with wood blade and then the z bubble with a z carbon blade all during my first season cause the wood stuff kept breaking. After the z bubble shaft broke I started using OPS. This season, about 3/4 of the way through I bought a 2 piece with a wood blade after I broke a synergyand put a wood blade in it and liked it so much. I'm so glad I went back to the 2 piece. The wood blade feels so much better. I was always afraid my shot would suffer but it hasn't and stickhandling has gotten better. I'm real happy that I switched back. I've had the same TPS blade in it for 3 weeks now too! :)

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I've been riding the tapered 2-piece train basically since the Synthesis came out. I've dabbled in OPS but always come back to tapered shafts. One reason, I get fickle with patterns/blades and switch patterns and/or blade makers somewhat often. Cost prohibitive to do this with OPS.

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I went back to woods, got a nice deal on some customs, but am trying out some OPS again now. OPS just last me a fair bit longer. Playing regularly I went through alot of OPS, but I cut down my icetime significantly in the last 2 years, and close-out OPS are great bang for the buck. I use 2pc combos every once in a while and like them as well. I like the weight of OPS and finding a comparable wood stick that has any durable seemed to be a bit too challenging for me. Plus I always enjoy hunting down Pro-stocks for cheap :)

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I'm with chippa13 on this one. I hardly go a week without switching curves. Another thing is that the cost of shafts and blades seems to have gone down since the OPS craze. This may be less true for retail but it's very apparent on ebay and the like.

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I just recently jumped back on the OPS bandwagon after trying out an SL. I was disappointed with the durability of some of the OPS I had been using and went back to shaft/blade combos, but after trying out an SL, I got sucked back into using OPS.

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Gotta love 2 pieces, you can trie so much combinations of blade/shaft/pattern without ruining yourself. Vapor XV on a synthesis? Why not? Z-carbon on a Vector shaft? Let's try it.

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I used to use all OPS, but recently changed back to wood becuase I need to save the money. The only thing I don't like about wood is the inconsistancy of the CURVES! Especially on TPS wood sticks, they are very, very bad at keeping them close. I might try out one of those TPS Intrigue OPS, they're a price point stick but I can get them for $50 so what the heck, has anyone used one of them by chance and can give me a review?

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I also ride the tapered 2-piece train I've had 2OPS but always come back to tapered shafts.

One reason, I cannot find enough Iginla, Messier patterns/blades so have to switch companies to find similar curves. So switching blades is a ton easier than changing an entire OPS.

To Easton make a dammed IGINLA WOODIE already!!!!

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To Easton make a dammed IGINLA WOODIE already!!!!

omg you are speaking my mind! At the moment i am stuck on sakic because i can't get hold of any iggy blades, and since easton decided to make their int ops's 65 i cant use them either.

Back on topic, i have used 2 pc since i started, got a synergy grip, loved it, once that broke i stuck a wood blade in it and went back to the 2 pc, got a 65 stealth lying around but as i already said to whippy for me, so i guess i will be sticking to the 2 pc until 1) Easton go back to a 75 int. 2) I keep growing and got to a 85 senior. 3) Easton make an iggy woddie or 4) someone does an exact iggy clone

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I used wood sticks until I was 16, when I got a Response on clearance. I used several other OPS but I kept tearing up the blades. So I went to a two piece set-up. Right now I'm using a pro stock XN10, because I got a great deal on it. When it breaks I will probably go back to a two-piece stick.

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It's been tough to go back to 2 piece. Started off with a couple Z-Bubbles and an Grip Lite a few years back. Then I got a new Synergy and M-1 for $60 apiece. Since then I got a Stealth for free and an SL Grip (before it went on market) for $90. Got to the point where I use my M-1 outdoors despite knowing the concrete will chew up the blade. Picked up the '06 Ultra Lite and the feel was just noticeably different.

But like you said, I'm only doing it because I'm getting great deals on the OPS. If I were shelling out $200 a pop for them, I'd probably be content with a 2 piece.....or at least try out a Synthesis/Synergy II to see if that mimics the one piece close enough.

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I would be considered a OPS user considering my only game usuable two piece is a Ultra Lite paired with a Si Core Z-Carbon but I will admit there isn't that big of a performance gap between that combo and whatever I just dropped hundreds on. Haven't used wood in years with the exception of a broken Synergy with a Hybrid Synthesis for a few games and then flipped with a cheap Easton wood blade just to test performance between the two. I also had a Vector 20 blade but stopped using it because the Recchi curve is terrible for me.

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was an ops user (easton). but like many of you money is an issuse. so i went back to 2pc combo(inno/winwell). blades are easier to replace, more options, and best of all they don't cost as much. i did notice a difference between the two, ifeel as though my shoot is harder with the 2pc.

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This might not be a good poll.... I often start off with an OPS but end up with a 2-piece (if you know what I mean). Blades only last for so long, after all....

Using a M1 (as a 2-piece) and a XN10 (as a two piece) right now. Also have a Vapor XX (converted to shaft) waiting for something else to break, and Montreal Nitro Pro Stock (new) and a Stealth Grip (still in the wrapper) in line too.

These, too, will likely end up as two pieces eventually (although, the Nitro and Stealth may take some extra effort to convert).

BUT, I digress.

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