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NHL 06

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Ive had ea sports NHL 06 for PC about a week now and its so hard. Usually it takes a littel time to get used to the new gameplay style and whatnot but this is amazing.

Im getting blow out like 6-0 every game and cant score. Its on medium and im the oilers (thats might be why :P).

Any hints that could help me out here?


I kinda figured out one thing that if you circle the net and come on your backhand and kinda fake to make the goalie go flopping when you in the slot you can roof it with a wrist shot.

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I'm on PS2 and I win every game about 15-5 on all-star (I know I am really proud of myself, haha). The whole key to scoring is to keep passing the puck and not to carry it with one man and have him go coast to coast. You have to move the puck, and eventually get it to a wing, have him skate down the boards, pass it right in front, center bangs home the one-timer, works every time. Crash the net offense works the best with this method. O I forgot, if this doesn't work and the keeps d-man intercepting the pass, try to draw him, then make a small saucer pass.

edit - spelling

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get someone fast, win the draw, use the auto deke about once to split the d and if you get to the front of the net use the Classic Deking Control and deke him out to the right if yourp layeri s right handed and shoot, or deke him to the left and shoot if ur player is lefthanded. If you don't make it to the net make it to either of the slots and pass it off to the streaking winger for the easy one timer. Wraparounds work nicely too. Not hard at all, I beat cpu 49-0 but that was on easy. On hardest i beat them 13-0. Maybe i'm just a freak

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Set up a good one timer, works 90% of the time. You can also have a winger come across the goal and deke 3 times, then shoot. Behind the net plays also works alot.

Dont forget about the defense though. Knock out every winger storming in.

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Set up a good one timer, works 90% of the time. You can also have a winger come across the goal and deke 3 times, then shoot. Behind the net plays also works alot.

Dont forget about the defense though. Knock out every winger storming in.

the triple deke baby

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Basically if you play real hockey (cycle, dump the puck, etc) its more then easy to blow teams out on difficult. I can beat Canada with Japan no problem.

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Basically if you play real hockey (cycle, dump the puck, etc) its more then easy to blow teams out on difficult. I can beat Canada with Japan no problem.

I tried cycling, but the players in my game are like to dumb to know what it is so they stand in front of the net waiting, and waiting, and waiting, so I just gave up and created my own little method :huh: haha

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Basically if you play real hockey (cycle, dump the puck, etc) its more then easy to blow teams out on difficult. I can beat Canada with Japan no problem.

I don't enjoy watching teams cycle, why would I want to do it in a video game?

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Basically if you play real hockey (cycle, dump the puck, etc) its more then easy to blow teams out on difficult. I can beat Canada with Japan no problem.

I don't enjoy watching teams cycle, why would I want to do it in a video game?

because you enjoy winning. :D

Why do you think players do it on the ice.

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It's alla bout the hits. You gotta slow down their players. Remember, hitting small guys hard with big guys injures them. Also slashing is your friend, a well placed slash on a key player on the other team can take them out.

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i hate how i do the intervene sim and the comp always ends up tying or taking the lead right away. plus i hate OT, the first opportunity they get, everytime, they win, and its always them batting the puck out of the air.

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i hate how i do the intervene sim and the comp always ends up tying or taking the lead right away. plus i hate OT, the first opportunity they get, everytime, they win, and its always them batting the puck out of the air.

Yeah I hate that too. I was down 3-2 against the leafs with 5:00 left in the thrid, I score two quick goals, then with 20 seconds left, Sudin scores on a shot from basically behind the net. So OT, I lose the faceoff, Chara manages to not move, 2-1 on Leopold, saucer off Sudin's stick, over Raycroft.

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