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Sex before a hockey Game

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I haven't read anything saying it improves performance, but I have read that the line Micky gave to Rocky about "Women weaken legs!" is a myth.

Regarding the Olympics, I read an article once that it's quite pervasive, but not quite for the....medicinal....reasons some of you are suggesting. It springs more out of the circumstances.

1) For those two weeks, an Olympic Village becomes the highest concentration of young, finely tuned bodies in the world, many of them amped up on additional vitamins, shall we say. I don't know whether additional vitamins increase the male libido, but they are known to increase the female libido. In any event, the Village is just a visually stimulating area.

2) There are endless parties sponsored by advertisers. Drink and dancing can be had until the wee hours of the morning

3) People are travelling to a relatively exotic location, which causes some to lose their inhibitions, particularly women I've noticed. Some women might not normally become 'involved' too quickly, because of concerns what others might think, yet bring them down to Spring Break and it can sometimes be Jeckyl and Hyde.

4) Most importantly, perhaps, is the staggered schedule of events -- some athletes are done by Day 4 -- plus many of the athletes know they aren't in contention for even the Top 10. Making sure they drink enough green tea isn't as high on their agenda. ;)

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its hit or miss some times i have my best games and others are rather forgetable, but I'm in the married catagory so I'm not likely to turn it down just so I can maybe have a good beer league game. Our league has games tonight, I'm wondering what the turnout will be?

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I read a story about a boxing coach who tolds his fighters not to have sex the night before a fight. But it was because he was more concerned about them staying up late and not getting enough sleep rather than an effect of the actual act of sex.

My two cents.

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The best was Mike "Pinball" Clemons before Grey Cup 2 years ago.

When Asked if he'd like his players to abstain from sex leading up to the game he replied:

"I'd like them to do whatever they've been doing. If they've been abstaining, please continue...but I've they've enduldged...fell free to enduldge this week"

(I'm paraphrasing, but that was the jist of it).

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I don't want to be too course, but if ejaculation get the testosterone going, but  the workout isn't a good idea, then what about a BJ, that would work i guess.

Read my first post...

What do you think "Oral Gratification" means?

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I read a story about a boxing coach who tolds his fighters not to have sex the night before a fight. But it was because he was more concerned about them staying up late and not getting enough sleep rather than an effect of the actual act of sex.

My two cents.

I believe it was a famous baseball manager, forget which, and he said something more along the lines of "I'm not concerned about them having sex, I'm concerned about them staying out all night trying to find it."

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I read a story about a boxing coach who tolds his fighters not to have sex the night before a fight. But it was because he was more concerned about them staying up late and not getting enough sleep rather than an effect of the actual act of sex.

My two cents.

I believe it was a famous baseball manager, forget which, and he said something more along the lines of "I'm not concerned about them having sex, I'm concerned about them staying out all night trying to find it."

Casey Stengal

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I've done it twice before games, within 2 hours, one game was 3 goals and 2 assists in a 7-2 win and snother was 1 goal and 2 assists in a 5-4 win last night :D

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How soon before? I have a pair of old, worn out Bauer Vapors I will never throw away. I tell my wife that I might need the chassis from them one day. The real reason? Because when I'm in my 70's, I will look at them, and think of the time I wore them as I shagged my girlfriend in the empty locker room after the team had left for the bench. I will then put in my teeth so I can smile.

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I'm pretty sure i heard alcohool was prohibed in the olympic village... A trainer couldn't even drink his wine bottle he received as a gift.

Maybe it depends on what constitutes the Village. Perhaps no alcohol is allowed in the dorms? I've definitely read there are discotheques screaming into the wee hours.

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I've often heard about that but never really bothered. I went to that game the other night (had some sex before) and my legs were heavy, fatigue came faster, power was close to none. So what do you guys think, is that a myth or is it a scientific fact?

My wife and I did that once before a game. The end result was that she broke her leg in that game. Now I can't prove that having sex before hand was the cause, but my opinion is that it had something to do with it.

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2) There are endless parties sponsored by advertisers. Drink and dancing can be had until the wee hours of the morning

4) Most importantly, perhaps, is the staggered schedule of events -- some athletes are done by Day 4 -- plus many of the athletes know they aren't in contention for even the Top 10. Making sure they drink enough green tea isn't as high on their agenda. ;)

bodie miller

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Not me, I'm a sexual ninja.

Does that you cant get hold of it? or it cant get hold of you? :ph34r:

It means I'm in and out before anyone notices with the necessary damage done. That and you try living in a suite freshmen year and not gain better sense of awareness.

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Unfortunately, my girlfriend of over a year didn't have any experience before myself

Yeah... thats unfortunate.

Much better if she did the whole team before you came along. :blink:

LMAO I would much rather my gf have no or very little experience than a ton of it. Just my PP, but I feel much more comfortable knowing that I'm not sticking it into a pin cusion or pencil sharpener! :blink: Besides, she can always learn...

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