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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Ovechkin Nickname Contest

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He is picking the five finalists so you know it will be something we consider over here to be cliche. I signed up and entered a name I know will be entered more than once but think it is something he might think is cool. You try and convince me that five minutes of my life isn't worth a slight chance in a draw at possibly meeting him and getting free gear, someone has to win.

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I personally like "Ovy" and I bet that's what his teammates call him.

I put something in there different though....I wonder if anyone's thought of it :)

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I'm also taking a chance on the draw since I'm sure mine will be posted by several, however, I think it has an outside chance, even though it's hokey.

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Cool contest -- with a great prize.

I use to be active on the CCM forum, then it went to hell in a hand cart so I stick with Mod!

Good luck guys and gals!

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Cool contest -- with a great prize.

I use to be active on the CCM forum, then it went to hell in a hand cart so I stick with Mod!

Good luck guys and gals!

I haven't been there in months, it was pretty ugly for a while

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I haven't been there in months, it was pretty ugly for a while

From my quick glance after registering, it's still pretty ugly.

My favorite was the thread where someone posted to brag about how that forum was so much better than modsquadhockey.com because they've been banned from MSH several times.


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Oh yeah, that's the douche board that tried to start some damn e-gang war with the board. I don't remember if that was at Corebeam or here though.


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Damn kids these days. You used to have to kill somebody to earn street cred, now just being banned from internet forums is considered really bad-ass. Punk.

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I haven't been there in months, it was pretty ugly for a while

From my quick glance after registering, it's still pretty ugly.

My favorite was the thread where someone posted to brag about how that forum was so much better than modsquadhockey.com because they've been banned from MSH several times.


I went along with it and said how he was annoying at all....im langs15 on there....here we go...the link


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