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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered Skate Blade

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did anyone else see this new revolituionary 'tapered' skate blade that was on robyn regeher's G9's? absolutely amazing it apparantly improves your glide so it lasts longer.

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It flares towards the bottom starts out "normal" at the insertion point into the holder, and flares out a little bit for where the blade contacts the ice. It's supposed to give better glide. It was just on CBC. From the description they gave, the basic benefit is a shallower hollow without calling it a shallower hollow. IE a 1/2 will feel like a 5/8.

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Pat Dapuzzo mentioned this blade to me over a month ago. Dan Mauroelli has been using it for a while. Dan is hooked into Graf Canada in Calgary. A figure blade is also wider than a hockey blade so it seems they have used some of that theory for this blade. Shallower hollows do provide more glide=speed. Add in all the turns and spins that figure skaters perform on the wider blade and we will have to see how this plays out in the hockey skaters world. Now the only problem is the source: Graf Canada!

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I don't think so because the width is consistent throughout the length of the blade, but it is narrower as you go upwards.

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Ahh, that will teach me to post when I'm tired. I guess I don't understand why you just don't go with a shallower hollow then.

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Ahh, that will teach me to post when I'm tired. I guess I don't understand why you just don't go with a shallower hollow then.

That's what I am stuck on as well. Maybe the 1/2" bite, as opposed to the 5/8" (estimates) still maintains for turning, as you are just on the one edge of the skate, instead of the lesser "bite" from a shallower hollow.

Darkstar - They mentioned Dan, Regehr and said "3-4 more NHLers". I did notice they were grafs as well.

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good call on the stoning, I hadn't even thought about it that way. I wondered if it would have a change on the actual sharpening, but I can't see that happening.

Maybe they'll release some stones that have the "flare" in them, because it is a pain to hone those figure skates.

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Not the stoning - the placing on the jig to sharpen it.

It all depends on how far down it widens. If it is a progressive widening from the holder to the end of the blade, it's gonna be a pain in the ass to get the blade to sit right on the jig.

Side-honed figure skate blades have a concave profile. You have to get it to sit just right.

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Great. It'll be a bitch to sharpen. Just like side-honed figure blades.

had to sharpen only my third pair ever today. and they asked for a 3/8 hollow. I wanted to kill myslef by the time i was done... I had to go grab lunch and throw back a beer before i could come back..... <_<

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Not the stoning - the placing on the jig to sharpen it.

It all depends on how far down it widens. If it is a progressive widening from the holder to the end of the blade, it's gonna be a pain in the ass to get the blade to sit right on the jig.

Side-honed figure skate blades have a concave profile. You have to get it to sit just right.

We had a special holder for these that we called "the anchor" so it wasn't a problem. Some huge, unbelievably heave old school holder than somehow locked it in without any problems.

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Great.  It'll be a bitch to sharpen.  Just like side-honed figure blades.

had to sharpen only my third pair ever today. and they asked for a 3/8 hollow. I wanted to kill myslef by the time i was done... I had to go grab lunch and throw back a beer before i could come back..... <_<

Sounds like us sharpeners can make some money doing these puppies, how's $30 a wack sound. :D

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Yea I got a sketch of some website for this new blade it but I cant link it on. Help?

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Great.  It'll be a bitch to sharpen.  Just like side-honed figure blades.

had to sharpen only my third pair ever today. and they asked for a 3/8 hollow. I wanted to kill myslef by the time i was done... I had to go grab lunch and throw back a beer before i could come back..... <_<

Sounds like us sharpeners can make some money doing these puppies, how's $30 a wack sound. :D

I've seen it. Ridiculous.

There's a couple of guys in this area who have the figure skating sharpening racket on lock. They drive from rink to rink with their portables and sharpen skates. I've watched them...it's great...$25 a pop...

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There's a couple of guys in this area who have the figure skating sharpening racket on lock. They drive from rink to rink with their portables and sharpen skates. I've watched them...it's great...$25 a pop...

Yea, I know I have a couple of figure skaters that always tell me I should charge them more than $5. I guess they've been brainwashed into thinking they have to pay $25.

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Well I just saw another show on CBC about these blade's these guys who are making them are trying to sell them to graf and apparantly it looks as though Graf could be using them.

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Yea I got a sketch of some website for this new blade it but I cant link it on. Help?

save the pic

go to imageshack.us

browse for it

host it

click on the resized image

copy the web adress

paste in your post

and bingo!

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Just my opinion, if the TUUK Custom +, CCM Pro LItes, etc. are good enough for the pros after all these years, then this new gimmick can go sit in a box with the Hespeler "Off Set" blade, the Sniper 2 pc., etc.

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Just my opinion, if the TUUK Custom +, CCM Pro LItes, etc. are good enough for the pros after all these years, then this new gimmick can go sit in a box with the Hespeler "Off Set" blade, the Sniper 2 pc., etc.

They said on CBC that all the NHLers will be trying them out this summer to get used to them.

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Here is the theory(and anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong): the wider blade allows for more water=more glide=more speed to pass under the blade. The "water" is created by the heat/friction of the steel on the ice. I know this sounds crazy but the "water" is what gives you more glide and LESS FRICTION on the ice. Deeper hollow = more friction =less speed. Shallow hollow = less friction and more speed. Also, remember that most NHLers skate on 1/2" and shallower hollows. They know their edges and want glide = speed. Ok, why hasn't this been done before? I don't know and that is an honest answer from 28 years in the business. JR is dead on with the skate jig issue. In my shop Jim hates to sharpen that beveled figure blade because it never sits true in the skate holder from each time it comes out and back into the skate holder. I saw Pat Dapuzzo today and mentioned the blade on HNIC last night. He confirmed Mauroelli has been on it for a few months and loves it for it quick turning capabilities. Remember the figure skaters spins and think wider blade allows for this.

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What would be the advantage of the blade starting narrower at the holder and widening as it moves away for the holder? If you want the blade wider at the bottom, why not make the whole blade wider? Example: A Tuuk blade is wider than a CCM blade and has a deeper "groove" at the same hollow radius.

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