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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

OPS Game

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2x Easton SL Grip - 260

2x Easton Synergy - 160

2x TPS XN10 - 260

2x TPS Response - 160

2x Bauer XXX - 280

1 Mission Hex 1 - 150

1 Mission M1 Grip - 90

1 Graf Laser - 120

Total - 1,480

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2 Synergy SLs - 240

Bauer Vapor XX - 110

TPS XN10 - 130

2 CCM Vector 120 - 240

Synergy - 80

Total = 800 points

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1990, good thing I haven't used any of the new top models and just finished going through a wood phase.

Syn, Response, Xn10, Inno 1100, Graf Laser, V110, Inno 1100, Si-Core, M-1, XX were all on my breakage list, Synergy topped out at 4, and the Laser/V110 were the best at only 1 breakage (but only 1 stick also). Everyone of these were broken within the warranty period, or in the case of prostock, their retail equivelant.

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3 synergy grips 240 + 30

1 endure 130 + 10

2 XX Grips 220 + 20

1 7K grip 150 + 10

Total of 810 pts. (note, I only use OPS when they are given to me, otherwise Ill do a tapered shaft and blade. Im currently back to wood blades due to missing too many passes with Composite sticks/blades).

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6 Pro stock Responses

1 synergy grip (gold)

1 XN10 OPS

2 Hespeler Nemesis Alpha

This is over the last three yearsI don't think I've broken an OPS in over a year since I've been using tapered blades.

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L-2 x1

Last time I checked L-2 was a two piece :D

You are correct however it t'was a Pro stock OPS painted like an L-2. So I counted it as an L-2. :P

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Who will be the first to crack 2000? hahaha...I think we should count or subtract points for if it's a pro-stock?

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3 synergy grips 240 + 30

1 endure 130 + 10

2 XX Grips 220 + 20

1 7K grip 150 + 10

Total of 810 pts. (note, I only use OPS when they are given to me, otherwise Ill do a tapered shaft and blade. Im currently back to wood blades due to missing too many passes with Composite sticks/blades).

given to you? who gives you ops?

cuase you listed quite a few...parents?

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If we did this with woods, would it be like 10 points per stick, im sure some would still be able to hit the 1000

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