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Easton Typhoon and Octane shafts

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Does anybody here know anything about these shafts? Are they heavy, fragile, or just don't shoot that well?

I'm looking to experiment with a lower flex, but I don't want to drop $100 to do it.


Anybody have any experience with the Vapor VII shaft?

Looks like there are quite a few votes for the Nike Apollo. Anybody want to add anything to that?

Btw, I'm not a first time composite user, I'm just curious to see if I can shoot better with a flex around 85. Right now, I'm using an RBK 5K OPS, regular flex, and I've been using stiff flex Eastons (100) for the past few years. I'm wondering if a lower flex might improve my shooting.

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Low end sticks for recreational players. The Octane is very heavy IMO. The Typhoon is one step above the Typhoon. You can find decent quality sticks on closeout at online retailers so they can make room for the 06 equipment.

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I'd check around for an Apollo, I can't imagine them being much more than a Typhoon and it's infinitely better.

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Look for a Vapor X standard shaft or a Vapor XV tapered shaft. They both can be found at reasonable prices on closeout.

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Youre going to get what you pay for. They are a good intro stick if its your first composite, but other than that they are entry level shafts.

One great use for them is you can fill them with sand and use them for stick handling practice.. works great, just dont spill on the ice :)

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The Octane is very heavy. I used one for 2 roller seasons (approx. 16 games). I noticed a crack near the hosel after playing about 8 games, which eventually caused the shaft to break during a game.

I'd say try to spend a few more bucks to get something a little more durable. I've never used the Typhoon, but it seems like a much better quality stick over the octane for just a few dollars more.

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the octane is crap, i thinks its not even a composite shaft. when i was filling mine with sand, i noticed at the top when the endplug was out, that the inside is some kind of white plastic not the black carbon fiber or whatever that you find in the others

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Octanes are terrible. Typhoons are pretty good, not great, but definately a lot better than the Octane. I'd go for an Apollo like someone said earlier. Cheap but very good.

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The Octane is as crappy as the Ultra Carbon. For the price you're paying for a cheap shaft, I'd much rather get a nice wood stick like an Easton Z-Carbon, SW 5030 or 9950.

I haven't tried the Typhoon myself but I hear it's a decent shaft for the price you're paying for it.

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the octane is horrible. i have one, adn the inside looks like white piping(pvcc piping maybe but i dont kno wut im talking about) that is just painted.

just stay away from the octane...

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lol, well Octane is what I use in the adult league I play in. I just don't really want to plunk down $100+ for a stick in a mostly casual league. One I got lasted me all this season.

The cracking near the hosel is pretty normal from experience, but I put a strip of sock tape there and it seems to delay cracking a bit.

The stick is def a step up from wood, and is still lighter than wood. If you want to test flex, ain't a bad deal for $20...just don't do a ton of slapshots and you'll be ok.

But if you can get a good deal on any of those aforementioned sticks, go for that since it's not that much more $.

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I've been playing with an Ultra-Lite for 2 seasons now and its the best stick ive ever used.

I refuse to go to a OPS, and this stick is very light yet still surprisingly durable. My UL has taken numerous slap shots and been stepped on, and still no signs of cracking. It's a bit pricey coming from an octane, but for me it's been well worth the money.

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Lets put it this way

Octane: Carbon and Fiberglass material which means it flexes inconsistently and is heavy.

Typhoon: Fiberglass/Graphite: There is no telling what the ratio of fiberglass and graphite is however there is graphite in the mixture which helps the consistency when flexing and is somewhat lighter.

When it comes to hockey equipment your a lot better off paying a little more extra then saving a few bucks early on.

Get the Ultra Lite it is graphite/kevlar: never heard of one breaking, the materials allow for consistent flex by the shaft and is extremly light. Price may seem like a lot to pay for just a hockey shaft but trust me its a good long term investment and won't let you down.

Personal expiernce, I've went through maybe 5 cheap shafts and have been very unsatisifed with them all, if I had gotten 1 expensive shaft I would be left with a good shaft and a few extra bucks.

Also look for the Tps Genisis or Tps Tricore, if you live in the Edmonton region they are being blown out at United Cycle, the Tricore is same price as the Typhoon but A LOT better and if not better it is comparable to the Ultra Lite.

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Does anybody here know anything about these shafts? Are they heavy, fragile, or just don't shoot that well?

I'm looking to experiment with a lower flex, but I don't want to drop $100 to do it.


Anybody have any experience with the Vapor VII shaft?

Looks like there are quite a few votes for the Nike Apollo. Anybody want to add anything to that?

Btw, I'm not a first time composite user, I'm just curious to see if I can shoot better with a flex around 85. Right now, I'm using an RBK 5K OPS, regular flex, and I've been using regular flex 100 for the past few years. I'm wondering if a lower flex might improve my shooting.

Reg flex is 85.

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Does anybody here know anything about these shafts?  Are they heavy, fragile, or just don't shoot that well?

I'm looking to experiment with a lower flex, but I don't want to drop $100 to do it.


Anybody have any experience with the Vapor VII shaft?

Looks like there are quite a few votes for the Nike Apollo.  Anybody want to add anything to that?

Btw, I'm not a first time composite user, I'm just curious to see if I can shoot better with a flex around 85.  Right now, I'm using an RBK 5K OPS, regular flex, and I've been using regular flex 100 for the past few years.  I'm wondering if a lower flex might improve my shooting.

Reg flex is 85.

Let me correct this then. I've been using "stiff" flex Eastons at 100, and my current RBK is a "regular" (40 KP). Do you know what that is on the Easton scale? I thought RBK's regular might be equivalent to CCM's, which is 95 according to the flex chart on this site.

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Does anybody here know anything about these shafts?  Are they heavy, fragile, or just don't shoot that well?

I'm looking to experiment with a lower flex, but I don't want to drop $100 to do it.


Anybody have any experience with the Vapor VII shaft?

Looks like there are quite a few votes for the Nike Apollo.  Anybody want to add anything to that?

Btw, I'm not a first time composite user, I'm just curious to see if I can shoot better with a flex around 85.  Right now, I'm using an RBK 5K OPS, regular flex, and I've been using regular flex 100 for the past few years.  I'm wondering if a lower flex might improve my shooting.

Reg flex is 85.

Let me correct this then. I've been using "stiff" flex Eastons at 100, and my current RBK is a "regular" (40 KP). Do you know what that is on the Easton scale? I thought RBK's regular might be equivalent to CCM's, which is 95 according to the flex chart on this site.

I was always under the impression that RBK/CCM reg was 85 and Stiff was 100 - thats what they feel like to me.

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