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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2006 CCM curves!

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Just me, or is there not much difference between the Lacavalier and Ovechkin?

And while I am at it......who is the jackass at CCM who thought it would be a good idea to show the curves upside down?

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where do you click to see the curves? i get no words to show up anywhere

Click the Vector 10.0 stick > Click the bottom option on the right > Click the picture that says "The Curves"

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And while I am at it......who is the jackass at CCM who thought it would be a good idea to show the curves upside down?


I agree with Wickedwrister, nice job with the curve pics CCM :rolleyes:. I flipped the curves over, it's a lot easier for me to see at least.

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This chart is pretty bad, it doesn't give you a proper idead of what the curves look like. I've seen the actual sticks, and there's a big difference between the Ovechkin and Lecavalier ones (Lecavalier is a much deeper, and more open pattern, and the Ove is just a slight heel wedge).

As for the Steen, it is almost an exact clone the modano curve.

And the Sakic clone, I would say, is the Doan one, not the Lemieux. I have a Lemieux, and i reacts much more like a Lecavalier than anything else.

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This chart is pretty bad, it doesn't give you a proper idead of what the curves look like. I've seen the actual sticks, and there's a big difference between the Ovechkin and Lecavalier ones (Lecavalier is a much deeper, and more open pattern, and the Ove is just a slight heel wedge).

As for the Steen, it is almost an exact clone the modano curve.

And the Sakic clone, I would say, is the Doan one, not the Lemieux. I have a Lemieux, and i reacts much more like a Lecavalier than anything else.

Well, that's that then. That picture SUCKS !!!!

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......who is the jackass at CCM who thought it would be a good idea to show the curves upside down?

Personally, I would preffer if companies show both angles. When I buy sticks I like to look at the blade upside down to see how much curve there is and where it is at. It would also help to see both if you were buying online.

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TPS's site does a good thing with curves by showing both ways (left and right) so you don't need to use a mirror. also, lies would be a bonus to detail on the chart.

since we are talking about CCM anways, here goes. I was looking at the swedish catalogue (or whichever one it was for CCM, not good with nationalities) and the 10.0 apparently(i think) only came in senior. is this finalized or is there a chance of it being int/jr?

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