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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stiffest Shaft or Stick

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We were kind of talking about this in another thread, but I didnt want to knock it too off topic.

Anyways, whats the stiffest shaft or stick you have ever seen? One of my teammates plays with a tour wave. Its 4x stiff (something like easton 133).. I played around with it and the thing doesn't flex at all..


He has the meanest slapshot I have ever seen (he can on request hit the crossbar from the blueline.. no joke). I thought I would try it out but could hardly get the puck off the ice with it..

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The Savage wave is X-4 stiff (love the name) or a 133flex if you may.

A teammate has 2 of them, and shoots rockets, but then again he weighs 220 and has a good shooting motion.

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Guy I know uses one of those Tour Savage Shafts. That thing is a 2 by 4. Does not flex. That is also defiantly the stiffest stick I have ever seen and played with. But the stick has a nice feel. ;)

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stiffest i've ever used was a trilage. since it was a triangle, that thing just didn't flex at all.

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man i use a 65! it would probably hurt my arms to try and shoot with that thing, saying that the guy who can flex one of those would get whiplash on my sticks, either that or snap it half just looking at it!

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id probably need 2 to 2.5 me's to flex that thing (me=90 lbs.) :P

haha u and me are in the same boat(im 93 pounds) i eat all the time, but some how it never sticks(leaving me very confused as to why im not bigger). i tried to flex an aluminum 120 flex shaft, and couldnt flex it at all. i use a 65 flex, and it works great

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right now im using a ccm vector 110 original in junior flex (im about 5'2") and its pretty damn flexy, and its all shaft and no endplug, so its right about my size. im probably gonna get some synergy II shaft/blade or stealth CNT in 65 flex for my birthday.

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right now im using a ccm vector 110 original in junior flex (im about 5'2") and its pretty damn flexy, and its all shaft and no endplug, so its right about my size. im probably gonna get some synergy II shaft/blade or stealth CNT in 65 flex for my birthday.

im about 5'6 5'7 so its hard for my to find equipment thats good, but sticks are easy.

i love my stealth(05 non-grip) i recomend it

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I had a old louisville tps kevlar shaft that was a xx-stiff pro stock with a few inches cut off it. I think it said 200 xx-stiff on the thing. The only thing ive used like that was a laperriere tps shaft. things are like steel rods no flex at all

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