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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Name That Song Game"

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Until the end I raise and batter around looking at my own reflection forever

This is gonna take a while. I'll repost at 10:00a.m. tomorrow if no one knows.

Isn't by the Children of Boredom?

I shall kiss you good bye to kill my soul addiction

I swear it is, the new CD just came out...its Are you Dead yet...or something like that.

Correct, you're up. And y the way, it's Bodom not Boredom.

funy thats just the song im listening to right now :blink:

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OK, I am going to go anyway, because I think its my turn....

I love to say I hate you

because it means that I

will live my life happily without you

or will sadly live a lie

And you're working your way from the ground on down on down your way from the ground on down.

Ben Harper- "Ground on Down"

Damn it, I own way too many F'n cd's. :blink:

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OK, I am going to go anyway, because I think its my turn....

I love to say I hate you

because it means that I

will live my life happily without you

or will sadly live a lie

And you're working your way from the ground on down on down your way from the ground on down.

Ben Harper- "Ground on Down"

Damn it, I own way too many F'n cd's. :blink:

Thats the one, great album, fight for your mind

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I come from the water-rubbernecks

my dad listens to them...

Rubbernecks is the album, toadies would be the band

you posted first, so you get to go again... sorry Tohrs

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My head really hurts

If I don't find a way out of here

I'm gonna go berserk cause

I'm crazy and I'm hurt

Nervous Breakdown, black flag (although, to be honest, I prefer the Rollins solo stuff, does this make me a bad person?)

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Bloodstained velvet, dirty lace

Naked fear on every face

See them bow their heads to die

As we would bow as they rode by

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