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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The new Mission Pulse OPS

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WTF kind of curve is that?!

Its like at a 60 degree angle!??!?.... can you even shoot the puck with a curve like that?? backhand looks impossible.

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I saw them on Saturday at Ultimate Skate and Hockey in Anaheim....

They feel nice. A little blade heavy, IMO but still seem like a really good stick.

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Hey guys.... Just wanted to pop on,I couldn't help notice the topic for the Pulse. Just thought I would mention to you all that when it comes out, your going to love this stick. I think my old M-1 shafts are retired now.This stick is a great piece of engineering. It has great feel,awesome balance,as has one heck of a kick. I was able to use an 85flex Rafalski over the weekend and fell in love with it. The new VDS blade is a very nice touch as JR has mention before. All I know is I can't wait for the carters to be made,Cause I am deffinately going with these sticks.It's my new favorite. :-)

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this guy has gota be fake cause he lies under his item descriptions.

I looked under his ohter items for sale and he has a mission rebellious stick thats pink. He says its rare cause theres asian symbols on it yet theres none on the pictures that he provides.

plus 93.7 feedback is horrible. I wont buy under 98

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this guy has gota be fake cause he lies under his item descriptions.

I looked under his ohter items for sale and he has a mission rebellious stick thats pink. He says its rare cause theres asian symbols on it yet theres none on the pictures that he provides.

plus 93.7 feedback is horrible. I wont buy under 98

Honestly.. Im wondering if he spraypaints his sticks?... its very feasable. He could be sticking decals on the stick to make it look more authentic.

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this guy has gota be fake cause he lies under his item descriptions.

I looked under his ohter items for sale and he has a mission rebellious stick thats pink. He says its rare cause theres asian symbols on it yet theres none on the pictures that he provides.

plus 93.7 feedback is horrible. I wont buy under 98

The pink missions with the Asian symbols do exist. My LHS has a bunch of them.

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I saw them on Saturday at Ultimate Skate and Hockey in Anaheim....

What was the retail price?

$170, I think...

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actually that stick isnt fake at all. I was actually using one just messing around with it this weekend in philly. Curve sucks but thats the van ryan curve on the stick. i doubt its a stock curve but it felt nice.. its real tho

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All the pink missions have those symbols. They are in the little bar that would say M-1 or L-2 it has some asian stuff

it is the same stick as a Mission Z-1 it is just a different paint job

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Hey guys.... Just wanted to pop on,I couldn't help notice the topic for the Pulse. Just thought I would mention to you all that when it comes out, your going to love this stick. I think my old M-1 shafts are retired now.This stick is a great piece of engineering. It has great feel,awesome balance,as has one heck of a kick. I was able to use an 85flex Rafalski over the weekend and fell in love with it. The new VDS blade is a very nice touch as JR has mention before. All I know is I can't wait for the carters to be made,Cause I am deffinately going with these sticks.It's my new favorite. :-)

They're making Carter's !?!?!?

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