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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most poular pant in nhl

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anybody know what most of the pros are using now a adays. also any pros still wear girdles?

I think they use hockey pants...

Your guess is as good as ours.. watch an NHL game and count the amount of brands and then you have a good estimate.

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anybody know what most of the pros are using now a adays. also any pros still wear girdles?

anson carter and markus naslund use girdles

and aren't the pants they use all brand name pro pants? I don't think any of them use retail pants.

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CCM = 291

Easton = 173

Bauer = 93

Tackla = 40

RBK = 12

TPS = 7

Mission = 2

Fury = 2

Keep in mind that the numbers might be skewed a bit as endorsed players cover up their pants with shells from their brand.

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I have never seen a tps or mission pant.

Some companies don't feel it is worth paying the $25k for the category.

Didn't Leopold(sp?) have pants with the Mission logo last season?

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i picked up a pair of easton air and vic pants from the flyers and you could get any brand u want so i would have to say most teams have a variety that they use

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CCM = 291

Easton = 173

Bauer = 93

Tackla = 40

RBK = 12

TPS = 7

Mission = 2

Fury = 2

Keep in mind that the numbers might be skewed a bit as endorsed players cover up their pants with shells from their brand.

Suprised Tackla and Mission are that low, never tried Tackla but they seem to have a really good following.

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