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Me getting hit through the glass at Nationals!

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Guest Muck

Trust me, I'm used to collision sports. However, I'm a hammer, not a nail.

I played football (not futbol, I played the the American version) for 12 years- through high school, college, and minor leagues. I've seen very few collisions on the ice that compare with those on the 120-yard field. And in that sport when you get blasted, you hear about it and aren't commended for it.

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Trust me, I'm used to collision sports. However, I'm a hammer, not a nail.

I played football (not futbol, I played the the American version) for 12 years- through high school, college, and minor leagues. I've seen very few collisions on the ice that compare with those on the 120-yard field. And in that sport when you get blasted, you hear about it and aren't commended for it.

I think the attitude is a little difference on the ice. If you play heads-up hockey, know you're being hit, take the hit well, and make the key play (in this case, a nice behind the net pass to his d-man to move it up the ice in the last minute of play), you will be congragulated by your teammates.

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Guest Muck

Understood. I'm fairly new to all of this (hockey), so it's good info to know. According to your description it seems more laid back maybe, not as demeaning.

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Take a big hit in football, the play is over, your not suppose to get hit, you trie to avoid them. Take one in hockey, the play continues, it's "normal" to get hit. Big difference.

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Guest Muck
Take a big hit in football, the play is over, your not suppose to get hit, you trie to avoid them. Take one in hockey, the play continues, it's "normal" to get hit. Big difference.

Did you just try to say there is no hitting in football? Or did you say once you get hit the play is over? Or were you implying it isn't "normal" to get hit in football? :ph34r:

Speak to me when you have a clue. I'd much rather get chased down by the Great One than Ray Lewis, bro. You can't even try to claim the contact in hockey is nearly as severe as it is in football. That'd be moronic. Back on point... :blink:

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You got me wrong buddy, i ain't saying anything against football. I was saying the 2 sports are completly different. Your most likely going to take one big hit in football before the play is stopped. In hockey you have to stand up right away, the ply won't stop.

I'm not saying one of them is better, i'm saying they cant really be compared...

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Take a big hit in football, the play is over, your not suppose to get hit, you trie to avoid them. Take one in hockey, the play continues, it's "normal" to get hit. Big difference.

Did you just try to say there is no hitting in football? Or did you say once you get hit the play is over? Or were you implying it isn't "normal" to get hit in football? :rolleyes:

Speak to me when you have a clue. I'd much rather get chased down by the Great One than Ray Lewis, bro. You can't even try to claim the contact in hockey is nearly as severe as it is in football. That'd be moronic. Back on point... :blink:

I think he was implying- to quote Don Cherry- in hockey, there's nowhere to hide. In football you can run out of bounds or just fall to the ground. Not arguing, football players are crazy, but I think that's what he meant.

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Guest Muck

Well here's the thing- and I see your POV- you're focusing on the wrong players. Let's consider the Defensive Tackle. Snap of the ball, a car wreck collision with a lineman. Pulling guard, a car wreck collision. The DT finally beats those, then has to chase the ball carrier for another car wreck collision. That's if he's not met by the fullback first. I wouldn't say that's one hit and done. A sack? Yeah, the quarterback got hit once. But how often does a goalie hit? Always exceptions. This is no argument on the better sport, because I love both. Is hockey a harder skilled sport? Case in point- You try to get a great running back on skates and see how he does. Try to get an athletic hockey player on the football field, and compare. I'd bet my house the hockey player is 100 times better football player than the football player is a hockey player. Over time, the gap may be closed slightly, but we aren't dealing with an easy sport when it requires balancing on two blades. The only thing I was even responding to was that there are different attitudes. A linebacker knocks out a tight end on a slant, the TE will hear about it. Olvechkin gets put into the boards and the no one thinks twice because of the attitude. I was not understanding how this dude was being commended on getting blasted. Gavin assisted. Should have been end of story.

Edit: Lack of proof reading, grammatical errors.

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Muck, we can talk about this for hours....I don't feel like getting into a sport v. sport arguement right now. Agree to disagree, right? ;)

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Guest Muck

Did you read my last post, Edge? I said that wasn't the point of my post.

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At least you tried to get up and skate away instead of just falling :)

I would have tried to milk a penalty out of the refs. Sometimes that Ribeiro-crap works.

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Did you read my last post, Edge? I said that wasn't the point of my post.

my bad. no problems...

chadd, i thought about it but the refs were cool to me when i was down so...

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Guest Muck

Glad you're ok, Edge. Was a hell of a hit no matter. After further consideration, I'll agree you're a tough guy. :P :)

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Well here's the thing- and I see your POV- you're focusing on the wrong players. Let's consider the Defensive Tackle. Snap of the ball, a car wreck collision with a lineman. Pulling guard, a car wreck collision. The DT finally beats those, then has to chase the ball carrier for another car wreck collision. That's if he's not met by the fullback first. I wouldn't say that's one hit and done. A sack? Yeah, the quarterback got hit once. But how often does a goalie hit? Always exceptions. This is no argument on the better sport, because I love both. Is hockey a harder skilled sport? Case in point- You try to get a great running back on skates and see how he does. Try to get an athletic hockey player on the football field, and compare. I'd bet my house the hockey player is 100 times better football player than the football player is a hockey player. Over time, the gap may be closed slightly, but we aren't dealing with an easy sport when it requires balancing on two blades. The only thing I was even responding to was that there are different attitudes. A linebacker knocks out a tight end on a slant, the TE will hear about it. Olvechkin gets put into the boards and the no one thinks twice because of the attitude. I was not understanding how this dude was being commended on getting blasted. Gavin assisted. Should have been end of story.

Edit: Lack of proof reading, grammatical errors.

I just finished watching this movie and it may help your perspective a bit:

To help you understand hockey better, I would like to say that no one is scared of #99 or even the Ovechins of the world. Rocket forwards have nightmares about getting caught going up ice with their head down in front of Scott Stevens though. Watching Edge's movie doesn't make me cringe at all, but watching heads bounce around like melons because of Scott Stevens does. I will never forget seeing Kariya getting decked while I was at my grandpa's house watching hockey.

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Muck, put it simply, the sport Edge was playing was hockey, not football or anything else. That hit was damn good and hard for a hockey hit for a young guy and Edge was tough enough, even though his back bent over the boards and broke the glass, he had the mentality to go on.

Edge is tough, believe me. Most of us would've just stayed lying on the ice after a hit like that.

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Guest Muck
Muck, put it simply, the sport Edge was playing was hockey, not football or anything else.

Hey, thanks for the heads up on that, Captain Obvious.

Moving on...

Gavin, THAT'S what I'm talking about, man. That's some real hittin' going on.

I understand no one is scared of the elite scorers of the world (AO, etc.) because that's what they do. I guess I was trying to use an unlikely example to make a point.

The collisions on those videos happen nearly every other play in high level football, the guys just don't fall like that for one reason- they aren't on skates. The other thing about hockey- the second hit hurts as much as the first (maybe more). That's the part where player hits player (1), player (head) hits ice (2). It's obviously not as easy to keep your feet when you've got a sheet of ice under you. Now, if I can just learn to hit on skates... oh, shoot, no full contact when you get old. Poop. <_<

You competitive players are lucky.

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Moving on...

Gavin, THAT'S what I'm talking about, man. That's some real hittin' going on.

I understand no one is scared of the elite scorers of the world (AO, etc.) because that's what they do. I guess I was trying to use an unlikely example to make a point.

The collisions on those videos happen nearly every other play in high level football, the guys just don't fall like that for one reason- they aren't on skates. The other thing about hockey- the second hit hurts as much as the first (maybe more). That's the part where player hits player (1), player (head) hits ice (2). It's obviously not as easy to keep your feet when you've got a sheet of ice under you. Now, if I can just learn to hit on skates... oh, shoot, no full contact when you get old. Poop. <_<

You competitive players are lucky.

I know you only mentioned Gretzky by means of hyperbole. But it was kinda off the wall hyperbole LOL

But you say that the collisions on those videos happen every day in football? That may be the case but I always thought that skaters were moving faster than linebackers... in fact I know that Kariya was moving WAY faster than any linebacker could ever move, with or without the assistance of skates. And since inertia = mass x velocity, I would think that the HUGE mass of Scott Stevens (BTW he's moving his mass faster than you can run when he hits most guys in the NHL) colliding with the medium mass (190lbs is no lightweight) who is FLYING = a whole lotta pain.

Remeber, speed is a big factor in all of this. Go back and watch how fast Blade was moving when he got hit. Go back and watch how fast Kariya was moving when Scott Stevens threw his weight/momentum at him. And then an outside tackle (who doesn't even have the time/distance to get to a full run) putting down your QB doesn't seem like such a big deal, and two linebackers bumping into eachother doesn't seem like anything.

I'll give more propos to Blade than to ANY linebacker anyday, but that is just my line of thinking.

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About people not beind scared of AO hitting them...i beg to differ, he has had some HUGE hits this season, one being last night.

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Compared to Scott Stevens? I'll take AO hit any day... I'm cocky enough to think that I could skate it off... I don't think I'd be so lucky if SS lined me up. How many guys have you seen AO knock stone cold?

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Guest Muck

Now we shouldn't forget about the mass part of that equation, Gavin. Not too many 300 lb. skaters out there, but ~300 lb. D-Linemen? Very common. Maybe it's best to say both sports are brutal, I just happen to think football is a more frequent brutality. Can't help but respect those NHLers, doing it 82 times opposed to 16. Maybe the hits are close in numbers considering the difference in schedules. It'd be interesting none the less.

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