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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Me getting hit through the glass at Nationals!

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Tod Walsh of Fox Sports was in my moms work today and want me to email him the video.lol

The kid who hit me and their entire team basically has seen the video btw.

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I wouldn't say superstar haha. I'd say an internet superstar was the star wars kid. EVERYBODY knew him. not a kid who got owned through glass. Sorry but I don't see how you can be proud to be on eBaums for getting drilled through glass. Sure he got up and threw off his gloves but that's instinct, not that he wanted to get up and fight. he threw em off so he could feel the wound, not to fight. Sure he may be tough, but I'd say the real "star" would be the guy who made the hit.

No offense to Edge but I wouldn't be ready to sign autographs for something like this. It's popular because it's shocking, not because you're a good actor or make good music. And yet its good because you are not ridiculed like the star wars kid.

Anyway have fun with your 15 minutes of "fame" (even though you can't see your face haha)

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Chill out buddy, were just having fun, you took this WAY too far!

This isn't the CCM forum.

Thank God it isn't.

The guy missed the point where were all joking on how hes a superstar and he thought we ewre serious.

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Chill out buddy, were just having fun, you took this WAY too far!

This isn't the CCM forum.

Thank God it isn't.

The guy missed the point where were all joking on how hes a superstar and he thought we ewre serious.

na, I didn't really miss the point. "Anyway have fun with your 15 minutes of fame."

Think what you may but I was voicing my opinion, stating the obvious. Many people were serious when they said you're an internet superstar and posting all the links to the same video at different sites. I'm just saying that yeah at first it was interesting but after 13 pages it gets a tad bit old. isn't everyone entitled to their own opinion?

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Did someone make you read all 13 pages? You think he's somehow proud of getting put through the glass and having to get stitches as a result? And I hardly think anyone was really serious when saying he is a superstar just because the video is making its rounds on the free webspace sites. Besides, nobody who watches that video knows who it is or would ever be able to recognize him from it. Now step down off the high horse and join the rest of us in this light hearted discussion.

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Did someone make you read all 13 pages? You think he's somehow proud of getting put through the glass and having to get stitches as a result? And I hardly think anyone was really serious when saying he is a superstar just because the video is making its rounds on the free webspace sites. Besides, nobody who watches that video knows who it is or would ever be able to recognize him from it. Now step down off the high horse and join the rest of us in this light hearted discussion.

high horse? haha okay. :rolleyes:

Edge, can I have your autograph? Please send the tape and a shard of the glass to me and I will send a check your way.

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okay guys, I'm going to say I took it too far.

Congrats edge for being in a video that at the least has been distributed to other sites, some famous (eBaums). And thanks for entertaining me, I watched it a couple times over.

But will you please answer whether you got back up to fight or was it just instinct?


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