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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst rot-gut you ever had?

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Inspired by the "favorite tipple" topic.

When I was a kid we used to steal my grandfather's beer and he drank some of teh worst crap ever. Mats and Utica Club were both as nasty as anything I've ever tried.

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Medallion liqour. They make rye, whiskey and rum. You can pick them up at the Superstore Liquor Store for either 17 bucks/26 (CDN), or, if you buy a 3-pack I think it works out to be about $15.00 a 26. After that, TNT beer doesn't sit so well, 40 oz brews (mostly the higher percent ones, a 12% beer does the trick but is pretty scuzzy). One of the worst going down though is Everclear. You can mix it and it works out fine, but being as smart as we are, we figured everyone had to do shots of it.

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Tilt- Malt liquor with the flavour of raspberry. Whose fckued idea was this? Not even worth the 1.25 it cost...

Mickey's- Aaah, to be young and stupid...

Winner's Cup/Gilbey's/Wolfschmidt vodkas- Rubbing alcohol with water in it, or something.

But absolutely the worst I've ever drank was a fermented fruit/tree sap combination in the village of Cuetzalan, high up in the mountains of Puebla state, Mexico. It smelled like donkey ass mixed with onions and runny cheese and tasted even worse but we were warned that it would be a massive insult to our hosts NOT to drink it all. I swear to God, Allah, and anybody else that sh!t was just flat-out toxic.


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One of the worst going down though is Everclear. You can mix it and it works out fine, but being as smart as we are, we figured everyone had to do shots of it.

Everclear really isn't that bad going down. I have some cheap "absynth" that's 70% that is way worse, and Bacardi 151 proof is especially harsh on the innards.

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One of the worst going down though is Everclear.  You can mix it and it works out fine, but being as smart as we are, we figured everyone had to do shots of it.

Everclear really isn't that bad going down. I have some cheap "absynth" that's 70% that is way worse, and Bacardi 151 proof is especially harsh on the innards.

ewwww that stuff is harsh no matter how you take it! (absinthe)

Have you tried cannabus vodka?

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drinks that have done the most damage to me, physically and mentally:

1) absinthe

2) bacardi 151

3) flaming lamborghinis

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My uncle has a reputation at home for being one of the premier potcheen makers in Ireland. The old fashioned way (not the legal stuff, the real potcheen) in a bath in the garage with potatoes.

Rank stuff unless you are already drunk off your ass, but his generation of people drink it like its a 20 year old whiskey, talk about how good it is.

Had some sober, disgusting, had some drunk, got drunker, and it tasted better

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I went to the Czech Republic in college, and a couple of guys from the city where we stayed met us at the airport in Prague. They brought a bottle of homemade slivovice (a kind of brandy made from plums) as a welcoming gift. They handed me the bottle first, and--not knowing this stuff was only meant to be sipped--I went bottoms up and took a couple of healthy chugs. I've never felt a burn like that, and I've never been sicker. That stuff was brutal.

Had a (not-so) fun run in with absinthe later in the trip, too. Harsh is an understatement.

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When I was younger we use to belly up some night train or thunderbird. Whino wines....scraped from the bottom of the barrel.

Ugh! I'm getting sick just thinking about it. :blink:

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I've got nothing against the cheap wines.... a box (4 bottles) for 20 bucks here, gets you ripped off your ass. Red can be pretty nasty to come back up, but if you're still in phase of getting as drunk as possible for cheap (which I am being 18), you can't pass up cheap wine.

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Schell's Deer Brand Beer. Its made in my hometown and it is about the nasiest stuff you can drink. Even worse is the Schell's Light. Let's just say you are feeling the hangover in more than your head the next day. The ironic thing is that their specialty beers are awesome, its just their standard that is crap.

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-Petrus Bonekamp (how possibly someone can like that?)


-Fernet Branca

-Branca Menta

Then a "fruity" beer in pub near my city. Dont remember the name, but i remember the taste and smell of puke of the beer... from then i try to avoid "fruity" beers

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Cisco - aka Liquid Crack. Drank it once and I twitched for hrs like a crackhead.


What in the name of all that is good in the world convinced you to try that? That stuff may be the scariest looking "wine" I've ever seen. :lol: It looks like a condiment bottle.

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