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Hat Trick variations

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Sidney Crosby Hat Trick -- a goal, an assist, and an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty in the same game

I thought it was a dive, a hook and an unsportsmanlike

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Mike Danton Hattrick:

1. make the NHL

2. try and kill you're agent

3. get sent to a US prison

3. Get sent to a PMITA prison.

Office space fans should get that one.

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Mike Danton Hattrick:

1. make the NHL

2. try and kill you're agent

3. get sent to a US prison

3. Get sent to a PMITA prison.

Office space fans should get that one.

Yup I get it. What a great movie... it's amazing how years later people still talk about it.

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Away game hat trick (happened at a tourny 2 days ago)

1) get a goal (PPG with 5 minuntes left to make it 1-0)

2) get another goal (SH/ENG with 20 seconds left, 2-0)

3) blow some kisses to the booing crowd on your way out

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Dad's hat trick- get the kids to bed early, feed mom some wine, get the groove on. :P

Why spend money on the wine?.... ;)

its true, most homes are already stocked with dimeatapp and robitussin

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This is a classic Canadianism:

Don Cherry Hat Trick - 1 goal 1 assist 1 penalty.

But I'm sure that should read more like (1) Slam the Frenchies (2) Slam the Ruskies (3) Slam the PCs (not progressive conservative BTW).

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The Shane Corson Hatrick:

1. Sleep with a teammate's wife (Mogilny's retired, so you'll have to shop around)and get her pregnant.

2. Tell your teammate; destroy the team in the locker room.

3. Leave town as soon as you can.

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The Shane Corson Hatrick:

1. Sleep with a teammate's wife (Mogilny's retired, so you'll have to shop around)and get her pregnant.

2. Tell your teammate; destroy the team in the locker room.

3. Leave town as soon as you can.

Am I dumb, or did this happen, anyone got links?

I like the Ovechkin Hat Trick...probaly the most respectable one.

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**Goaltender's Friend hat trick - hitting both posts and the crossbar**

I've done that one way to many times to count.

You could try my tournament hat trick

1) 9 Posts First Game

2) 9 Posts Second Game

3) 9 Posts Third Game

I'm dead serious, I hit 9 posts in each game we played. Worst part is, none went in.

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Fat-ass ref trick

Hit the same lazy ass guy in stripes with the puck three times preventing you from clearing the zone and creating a turnover.

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The Shane Corson Hatrick:

1. Sleep with a teammate's wife (Mogilny's retired, so you'll have to shop around)and get her pregnant.

2. Tell your teammate; destroy the team in the locker room.

3. Leave town as soon as you can.

Am I dumb, or did this happen, anyone got links?

I like the Ovechkin Hat Trick...probaly the most respectable one.

It was a widely spread rumour at the time (2003?), so take it for what it's worth. Just google 'Shane Corson leave Toronto' to see some of the left over gossip on the net.

Edited for spelling.

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