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Synergy II combo vs Warrior Dolomite combo

What stick would you choose performance wise? Synergy II combo or Warrior Dolomite combo?  

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Ive seen many tapered 2 piece polls and questions but in my question I just want to know your opinion on basically these 2 sticks? Ive used tapered combos be4 (6k, L2)? Also I did a search for about 10 pages did find one similar post but question about the warrior was never answered.

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Should be a comparison similar to that between the Synthesis and Inno 1100 combos, I would go with the Dolomite because it won't chip as bad and I am not very confident in the Easton blades.

However, take that with a grain of salt because I haven't used the exact sticks in question. To me though, a slight edge in performance doesn't matter when only one stick is still in one piece after two months.

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Yeah im not very confident in Easton blades either. I've broken a lot of them right off and cracked some to. I'm not worried so much about chipping as long as its strictly cosmetic. I just want something that will stay solid after many shots because I take many shots, mostly being slapshots.

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no offense but isn't this the same as comparing a SL and dolomite. NHL stuff can be spec differently, so personal preference is what it should come down to?

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i have a dolomite shaft . also have an 1100 shaft. the proformance of the 2 is the same(imo). the new easton sticks are not worth the graphite that is put into them. want some thing that will last then don't use easton.

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i have the synthesis and the 1100 (non taper) and i like the feel of the 1100 better. i'm thinking whether i should pick up a new dolomite or not.

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i have a dolomite shaft . also have an 1100 shaft. the proformance of the 2 is the same(imo). the new easton sticks are not worth the graphite that is put into them. want some thing that will last then don't use easton.

So you've used all the Easton '06 offerings to make this statement, eh.

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I have a Synergy II...I like it very much, no different (better or worse) in terms of performance or durability over the Synthesis. I agree with what someelse said, Synergy II shaft with Warrior blade.

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I have a Synergy II...I like it very much, no different (better or worse) in terms of performance or durability over the Synthesis. I agree with what someelse said, Synergy II shaft with Warrior blade.

My Synergy II blade broke after 4 games.

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I'm not so concerned to much about the blades because i probably wouldnt be going with Easton blades anyways because of the luck I've had with them. So down to the 2 shafts The poll shows that the Dolomite is obviously the leader. Also for one thing I've never tried any Innovative/Warrior product before so I dont know how good they are(comparable to the other competition) but I've heard from ppl that there great. It's probably been discussed before but if some one could answer in maybe one post why innovative hockey sticks are so popular. Like do they have better puck feel? Or does it release better then others? Does it feel more solid? Or is it just player preference why you guys like innovative? Thanks

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i had a synergy and an innovative 1100 and i prefered the 1100 more (personal preference). i felt like i could handle the puck better and i liked my shots with the 1100 better. this was in roller hockey.

i bought a synthesis and liked it better than my old synergy but still preferred the 1100. this was for ice.

got rid of the synthesis last night and picked up a dolomite today. i'll try it out this weekend and let you know.

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i like inno/warrior because the feel to me is so much better. i also feel my release is better. why they a popular is maybe because they have always been hard to get, always went to the pros first.

chadd along wiht some others on here have had issuses with the 1100 tourking(sp). i have not noticed that.

yipperzz, what i did not find was a big difference btw the 2. though my dolomite is slightly stiffer that was noticeable to me. the feel and preformace was the same. do me a favor look in the top of you shaft and see if is says "inno 1100" or "dolomite". just curious, mine says inno 1100

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Well i know it hasent taken me much time but im pretty much set on the warrior dolomite combo. Just that i have another question for those who own it: Do you find the non grip dolomite shaft or stick to have like a glossy finish on it like an L2(pretty grippy for non grip) or is it pretty slippery?

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i like inno/warrior because the feel to me is so much better. i also feel my release is better. why they a popular is maybe because they have always been hard to get, always went to the pros first.

chadd along wiht some others on here have had issuses with the 1100 tourking(sp). i have not noticed that.

yipperzz, what i did not find was a big difference btw the 2. though my dolomite is slightly stiffer that was noticeable to me. the feel and preformace was the same. do me a favor look in the top of you shaft and see if is says "inno 1100" or "dolomite". just curious, mine says inno 1100

well the reason i wanted to pick it up was because my 1100 was a regular shaft and i wanted to try out the tapered warriors. i ended up picking up another pro stock OPS today and inside it says 1100. the shaft that i picked up had the butt cap and i ended up taping over it. i can take it off after my game on sunday. but i didn't try...so one question. is the cap glued in there? or can i just pop it off? i'll let you know what it says when i get the chance.

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