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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should i?

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Ne one have ne feed bak about spraypainting ther skate holders wit krylon paint and liken it or hating it?

Is the 1 extra letter to spell "any" really such a hardship?

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ya it is harder to say any thn ne and back thn bak got a problem?

yea, except for the fact its a pain in the ass to read

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ya it is harder to say any thn ne and back thn bak got a problem?

It's just easier(to write properly) for those who doesn't speak/write English like me and a bunch of other people who lives in Quebec or in Europe(depends where in Europe) to read your questions and have a good and useful answer for you. Now if you don't understand that, what can I do.

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ya it is harder to say any thn ne and back thn bak got a problem?

Does mom know you're using the computer?


... maybe i had a few beers too much tonight .. but i just laughed my ass of!!!

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Because if you can't type on the computer, odds are, you'll screw up your skates.


anywho if you do it right it can work out but there are spots on the holders that will chip even if you put a million coats on ( idont recommend doing this by the way) like the very tips of the toewhere the holder meets the end of the steel

prep properly 3-4 coats let dry completely then se if it works

worse comes to worse it all chips off and youre back where you started

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ya thts true and do u have a pic of yours u could like send me ?

and prep properly all your meaning is shake well and that b.s.

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Because if you can't type on the computer, odds are, you'll screw up your skates.


anywho if you do it right it can work out but there are spots on the holders that will chip even if you put a million coats on ( idont recommend doing this by the way) like the very tips of the toewhere the holder meets the end of the steel

prep properly 3-4 coats let dry completely then se if it works

worse comes to worse it all chips off and youre back where you started

Why do you even waste your time answering his questions? He already started a topic about that... I tought this topic was about bashing this guy only :lol:

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Because if you can't type on the computer, odds are, you'll screw up your skates.


anywho if you do it right it can work out but there are spots on the holders that will chip even if you put a million coats on ( idont recommend doing this by the way) like the very tips of the toewhere the holder meets the end of the steel

prep properly 3-4 coats let dry completely then se if it works

worse comes to worse it all chips off and youre back where you started

Why do you even waste your time answering his questions? He already started a topic about that... I tought this topic was about bashing this guy only :lol:

Hey, i still put the burned in there so my posts fits both criterias

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ya thts true and do u have a pic of yours u could like send me ?

and prep properly all your meaning is shake well and that b.s.

Prep properly means tape off all parts of the outsole of the skate and tape a plastic bag over the boot also tape up the steel casue the spray paint and steel dont bond very well

it should look like only the holder is un taped.

try it out and post a couple pics and ill let you know its up to par

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