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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most Desired Pro Stock Stick?

what stick would you choose?  

163 members have voted

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stick would be brand new, have the curve you want, has the grip you like, and was in your price range to buy. which stick would you want?

if there is a stick i left out, please post it!

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i would perfer it would be retail then so i could have the warrenty, the only reason i sometimes buy pro-stock is because they are cheaper, but i voted for dolimite.

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dolomite, of the guys i know and have seen ive heard good things. also, ive seen guys convert from woodies to warrior... which says quite a bit about the feel.

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What kind of curve does steve sullivan use? I watched a lot of nashville games and it seemed like he was using a blade that was a lot straigher than I thought he would be using.

btw, I'd want to try out the illegal kovalchuk dolomite or the ovechkin vector

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TPS Adrenaline Control LH SW-0174 or 0174C


TPS Response Armor Control LH SW-0174 or 0174C


RBK 6K/7K OPS Regular/40 KP LH MK14,RK10,or DK15

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btw, I'd want to try out the illegal kovalchuk dolomite or the ovechkin vector

Warrior Symth Retail=Kovy Pro

CCM/RBK SK-11(Easton Sakic)=Ovy Pro

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btw, I'd want to try out the illegal kovalchuk dolomite or the ovechkin vector

Warrior Symth Retail=Kovy Pro

CCM/RBK SK-11(Easton Sakic)=Ovy Pro

really? I'll definately check it out once epuck gets them. I thought kovalchuk used something that's more of a wedge or does he change his sticks on the pp because it must be hard to get those one-timers off with a toe curve.

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btw, I'd want to try out the illegal kovalchuk dolomite or the ovechkin vector

Warrior Symth Retail=Kovy Pro

CCM/RBK SK-11(Easton Sakic)=Ovy Pro

really? I'll definately check it out once epuck gets them. I thought kovalchuk used something that's more of a wedge or does he change his sticks on the pp because it must be hard to get those one-timers off with a toe curve.

Its been discussed numerous times,searching will do wonders on that subject.

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btw, I'd want to try out the illegal kovalchuk dolomite or the ovechkin vector

Warrior Symth Retail=Kovy Pro

CCM/RBK SK-11(Easton Sakic)=Ovy Pro

really? I'll definately check it out once epuck gets them. I thought kovalchuk used something that's more of a wedge or does he change his sticks on the pp because it must be hard to get those one-timers off with a toe curve.

Just go in your kitchen, look at a banana, and viola! the Kovalchuk curve

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