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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick is Gagne using today?

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It is still a pretty early pro release.


It's been done before for the playoffs. The Synergy first showed up in the pros for the playoffs and so did the M-1 a year or two after.

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what if this stick isnt all its already cracked up to be when it comes out retail? why is everyone excited over this stick when they dont know the weight or the feel. bauer just made the xxx lite, what do you think is next, a stick that will help Adam Aligator Arms with his snap shot and dekes...

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i love how the majority of guys get rid of the ls power on the one90, the ls power is a waste, and is uglier than a mike ricci and rita mcneil baby

they might not have an option if they can't get back up steel.

all im saying is i think its dumb to get a boner over a stick that could be a vapor xx for all we know

I wouldn't say anyone is getting a boner over it for performance issues, just something new that has popped up on the radar. Lets just call it playoff excitement.

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I would guess a paint job but the hype it will cause for people who care.

I wonder if the reps and companys use this board as a measure for demand. It may be a microcosm but a damn good one.

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It is not a paint job. It is a new stick.

Does that mean we can expect some new pics pretty soon? ;)

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And Kapanen was using an ST. I saw chips of the paint when he was on the bench and it was blue like the ST.

That's what he was using before the playoffs and now he's using it again tonight. I wonder why he was using a blackout stick in the first game.

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Dont wanna seem stupid or anything but in my LHS i saw a wooden Bauer one90 stick which was almost all black with bobboly kinda grip i thought it was weird them making a wooden one90 stick

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Must have only had a couple to use, because last night when he scored his empty netter he had his XXX

First picture, top left

Maybe switching to a new stick ,then bombing to a 2-0 series disadvantage was enough to make hime swap back for now... but ya he probably only has a couple anyway.

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He was scoring goals with the stick, and was using it in the game yesterday, at least for some of it. But after he scored his empty netter, he went back to the bench and he was holding an XXX and a One90

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Weird, maybe it was a different picture. Getty doesn't work on this computer for some reason so I can;t double check but I remember seeing the caption and it said Simon Gagne celebrates after scoring an empty netter against the Buffalo Sabres, and everyone in the crowd was wearing a "It's Crush Time" shirt

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