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one90 gloves and the playoffs

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I noticed that there seem to be a lot of new products (One90 skates) being used by the pro's during the playoffs but one thing I have not seen much of at all are the new One90 gloves. Is this a sign that they are a flop?

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Clearly, a sure sign that this product will fail...

It could also be that its the playoff's and players are sticking with their equipment that is broken in and that they are comfortable with.

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Clearly, a sure sign that this product will fail...

It could also be that its the playoff's and players are sticking with their equipment that is broken in and that they are comfortable with.

I thought about that but if guys are using new skates thats a pretty sure sign that these gloves are not a winner.

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there will be 8 teams left in a matter of days, pro reps aren't banging down doors to get items made for players that may be sitting at home in 2 weeks time...

besides outside of the MSH community and that type of person..people aren't going ape over a pair of gloves they haven't seen regardless of the mfg...big push will come over the summer like always..and tons of players will be in One90 skates gloves for training camp...with other stuff filtering out during the year

in an unrelated note...all hockey production of new products has ceased with the major mfgs saying that players are content with the current product and don't see the need to waste R&D $ when so much prime gear is on the market, prices however will not change

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Philadelphia Flyers' Jeff Carter and Niko Dimitrakos are using the Nike Bauer Supreme One90 Gloves. Dimitrakos is using the earlier model of the glove as there is only the Nike logo, while Carter has a more recent pair with the Nike Bauer Logo.

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in an unrelated note...all hockey production of new products has ceased with the major mfgs saying that players are content with the current product and don't see the need to waste R&D $ when so much prime gear is on the market, prices however will not change

Wow, I heard the same thing from another rep. The Big 3 say they are tired of all this R D & D expense. 99% of the pros are very satisfied with current product. They said the big problems players, like Messier and Hull are now retired so they don't have to worry about these guys counting eyelets on skates and measuring their custom gloves anymore. Also, now that Mario is finally retired for the 12th time, his latest suck-up vendor doesn't have to come out with something special just for Mario. That will save a lot of money, too. Finally, with so few new superstars on the NewNHL horizon, the rep said his company didn't see the need to upgrade anything with no future product pushers in sight. This is really good news for everybody: vendors, dealers, and players.

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I've seen some pro reps in action and wouldn't want that job for a second, pretty funny stuff though...amazing what a can of black spray paint can do :D

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I've seen some pro reps in action and wouldn't want that job for a second, pretty funny stuff though...amazing what a can of black spray paint can do :D

Yup.. (now time for my shameless Mastercard plug)

-one can of black spraypaint: $2.50

-one old synergy/woodie/koho/sherwood stick that has been knocking around your locker: FREE

-Equipment Manager who will spraypaint it: FREE

-Realizing that spraypainting your stick will create 10 "what stick is Joe Blow using" threads, not only upping the ticker on how many times your name has been said, but sealing your place on the MSH boards for eternity with all the locked duplicate threads.... priceless.

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My favorite Messier story came from an HB guy: Mess complained that the pants were too long on the thigh and he needed them a 1/4" shorter.

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I just figured that more guys would be wearing them if they were so great. I know that Naslund wore them for most of the season and maybe 5 or so after the olympics.

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I can tell you right now that the Pro and Retail models will be different in the gusset and glove palm. The retail glove is so comfortable because it is like a stretch nylon lycra batting glove while the pro model has traditional gussets with looser fingers for the pros with their monster big hands. The feel is entirely different. A few weeks ago I was sitting on the bench with the gloves when I noticed the ring and middle fingers actually separate from the finger padding. I was looking at the stretch nylon lycra glove and could put my other hand's fingers between the stretch nylon lycra and the finger padding. That was when I realized how seriously this glove was engineered and designed.

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My guess would be that those gloves have too much differences with typical gloves. I haven't try them but some of you guys did and loved them, most of you saying it's like you have no glove on. It's kind of a gamble to use them in the playoff game.

Second thing is the look. NHL players grew up with standard gloves + they are under the spotlight everygame. Those gloves, as good as they may be, are ugly IMO.

I'm just giving my opinion here but what do i know heh?

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Yeh but they may have grown up with gloves that were "Standard" but they would have also grown up going for newer and better gloves like today.

Because they are alwasy looking for even the smallest advantage to their game arent they

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I can tell you right now that the Pro and Retail models will be different in the gusset and glove palm. The retail glove is so comfortable because it is like a stretch nylon lycra batting glove while the pro model has traditional gussets with looser fingers for the pros with their monster big hands. The feel is entirely different. A few weeks ago I was sitting on the bench with the gloves when I noticed the ring and middle fingers actually separate from the finger padding. I was looking at the stretch nylon lycra glove and could put my other hand's fingers between the stretch nylon lycra and the finger padding. That was when I realized how seriously this glove was engineered and designed.

I actually just had a chance to try on some One90 gloves. They had the retail ones out, not bad, but definitely tighter and like a lot of Nike's recent gloves, a little flimsy. They also had a few pairs of pro stock ones out, I believe a pair of Matt Cooke's. The pro stocks are basically normal gloves with heavier protection, normal gussets and a looser fit, not much like the retail gloves at all other than cosmetics. But the retails are comfy gloves, and will serve normal beer leaguers and high school players just fine. Pros/college guys just have different needs.

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I guess some of the Pro versions of these are SMUs like Naslund's skates, Synergy sticks that are painted to look like Si-Cores, Stealth, etc. and they are being used to 'advertise' the product.

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