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Expert says using the 7k shorthanded = unaceptable

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I was reading the newspaper this morning and there was an article from some kind of composite material expert. He was saying that using the same stick for offensive and for shorthanded shifts is totally unacceptable.

Since it's a montréal newspaper, they were blaming Souray and the 7k for Staal's goal. Souray has been the first NHL player to use the 7k and now Komisarek uses it too, so does Bonk. According to this expert, the 7k is an awesome piece of lightness and performance BUT, it will break like cheaprock in the NHL. Komisarek broke his 7k too on a Carolina powerplay without damage this time...

What do you guys think, would you use 2 different sticks for offense and defense?

BTW i couldn't post this in the Ice Hockey Equipement forum since it's gone because of somekind of h4x0r :angry:

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I think its a tough call...I could see using maybe a different stick, like an Ultra Lite type shaft that would be more durable.

I don't think the players would buy into though

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Dont think it would take off. Different weight, balance, etc. etc. Players have a hard enough times switching sticks between games and season - i doubt theyll switch between shifts.

I hope they can restore the ICE HOCKEY FORUM. There was a wealth of information there that probably cant be replaced :(

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Maybe Im confused about weather or not he scored or not. If theyre trying to tell us that a goal should not count, or that he should have scored if he woulda been using another stick. ;)

I dont know how to put it in words because I love OPS. I know that a players performance can be boosted because of durabilty and lightness. But saying that the player would have done better with another stick on the powerplay...disagree

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if you're a PK guy, there is absolutely reason to get sticks for that purpose, especially more durable ones. I like to use my TPS nash for Shorthanded times because it's more open, and has the higher lie than my inno.

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I used to use my R2XN10s when I played forward and my L2 when I played defense because I wanted a stick that I felt was going to be more durable.

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I use a different pattern on the PK. Much more open curve, Lidstrom clones work well to clear the puck out and up. Plus it usually makes the rushing forwards duck in beer league.

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That paper is really stretching blaming a players stick. lmao Maybe the writer should apply at the local paper here, although he probably understands the game so he would be run out of town.

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Keith Primeau used to switch sticks for important faceoffs.

That's partly because he broke so many woodies on faceoffs. He also switched to a stiffer/heavier model composite for playing against teams like the devils. His words, not mine.

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Keith Primeau used to switch sticks for important faceoffs.

That's partly because he broke so many woodies on faceoffs. He also switched to a stiffer/heavier model composite for playing against teams like the devils. His words, not mine.

I think it was the other way. He would dump the composite stick for a new woodie because he was breaking so many one-pieces on draws.

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Keith Primeau used to switch sticks for important faceoffs.

That's partly because he broke so many woodies on faceoffs. He also switched to a stiffer/heavier model composite for playing against teams like the devils. His words, not mine.

I think it was the other way. He would dump the composite stick for a new woodie because he was breaking so many one-pieces on draws.

That's not correct. We dealt mostly with Keith for our Fury account and that info comes right from him. Then again what does he know about what he uses?

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I've always had a tank to use as a PK stick because of all the deflecting/slashing that'll go on. Grip Lite and Zero G have played the role perfectly.

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I've always had a tank to use as a PK stick because of all the deflecting/slashing that'll go on.

That's exactly the point. On important PK, breaking your stick will penalize you a lot because you can't change until you manage to clear the puck.

And i'm not talking about different patterns or lenght here, simply the stick's toughness. For example, Komisarek use to play with a Vector 130 which i think, was a lot more durable. Even Souray's Response may was, i don't know. If those players switch to their old stick during PK, it's not the biggest change ever.

And the guy was a composite expert, studying hockey sticks and F1 car parts. He's clearly saying that the 7k is a light performance stick but is really fragile.

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Honestly that sounds like an excuse. A more durable stick would help, but one broken stick doesn't lose you the game. How about not taking the penalty in the first place? The article gives some good advice. Use a more durable stick, to avoid placing your team at a greater disadvantage on the PK. However, if you blame the stick you ignore the real problems.

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Peter Bondra used 4 different sticks when he played in DC (I assume he still does).

They done a piece about it during intermission 3 or 4 years ago, very interesting.

He has a stick he uses only when on the PP, another for when he played PK, it was longer, and 2 others, which uses escape me now, so I apologize

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Yes...Sourays stick broke...but that didn't cuse the goal.

The goal came much later in the sequence of events...It was a good shot, and a good screen. Actually, by that point in the play, the forward (Bonk, I think) had given Souray his stick...so it was actually the PK'ing Forward that was without a stick when the goal was scored.

It was a bad break (pun intended).

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