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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1500C first skate

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Well my 1500C's came in from Easton yesterday as warranty replacement. I immediately went and got them baked and sharpened so I could play this morning at 7. It was a 4 minute bake in case anyone cares.

I put them on straight out of the box and the difference in feel from the 1300C's was great. They definately fixed the ankle problem and they were very comfortable. It was almost as if I wasn't wearing anything on my feet. I want to say that there was no weight difference either. The first game in them felt as if I had worn them for monthes. They feel as if there is better protection all around and they did not give in any places. There is a nice channel for your ankle tendon to allow you to really dig in. Hands down, these are the best skates I have ever owned. I can take some pics later if anybody is interested. I can't wait to go play again Sunday and Monday night.

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So, they look pretty similar to the 1300C. The thing that sticks out the most to me is that when you lace them, the eyelets are flush to the tongue of the skate. My 1300's took some time to do that since they were so stiff. The padding changes in the ankle are not real visible but the feel is a complete 180. I got to skate on them again this morning and can not say enough good things about them.






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I had a pair of 1300c's and apart from the smale rounded scars on either ankle from the skate which came with alot of pair to begin, and the fact i had no carbon toes left leaving my feel exposed, i felt they were very good skates, i could now skate in them for hours on end. Now i have brought a pair of grafs, but if i hear positives about the new synergies, i might have to go back. Let us know how they hold up, as durability was a big issue with last years model.

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How do you guys like the Easton holders and runners? I was thinking about getting some Easton skates, but almost everyone I talked to about getting them said they switched to tuuks or some other holder. I was just wondering how you like the Razor bladz or whatever Easton calls them

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There is a weird near fanatical/religious cult surrounding the Tuuk holders. Some people will just switch to them because they like tuuks, because they think it's fashionable, etc.

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I have not had any problems with the holders. Feels the same as the Tuuks and I like the looks of them so I do not see any reason to change them. It would be interesting to see these skates with the translucent tuuks on them though.

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There is a weird near fanatical/religious cult surrounding the Tuuk holders. Some people will just switch to them because they like tuuks, because they think it's fashionable, etc.

I had great luck with my custom+'s but the Pitch's cured me of that. There's nothing wrong with swapping out holders, you should just have a real reason for doing it.

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Are the toe caps on the 1500's the same composite construction as on the 1300's? The previous models were prone to "shredding" big time. I'm skating with a couple of guys who have the 1300c's and really like the skates once they got beyond their ankles bleeding during the break in period.

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With the 1500's coming out, the 1300's are obsolete. You shouldnt have to get past the ankle bleeding, there shouldnt be any to begin with. Hands down, worst pair of skates Ive ever owned....Ill let you guys know how I like my 1500's though, they get here thursday :D .


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With the 1500's coming out, the 1300's are obsolete. You shouldnt have to get past the ankle bleeding, there shouldnt be any to begin with.


Hmmm, that's Easton's line, but I don't think enough folks have had a chance to skate in them yet to see if that's the case. I guess time will tell.

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1300 synergy skates are either for you or they arent, there is no in between, i dont know with my experiences with them and for other i thought that you have to have a specific skating style to wear them without the skates hurting your feet

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I have the 1300Cs, and after the break in period with some minor blisters these skates are perfectly fine. In fact, I love these skates. They are very comfortable now after about two weeks of use to get them broken in. I have had them for about three months now, using them two to four times a week in games. Just a few cuts, puck marks and what not from hard play, but no durability issues yet. I did think that one skate blade was getting loose in the holder, but I don't think that is the case anymore.

Now, I'm a real thin guy, with thin ankles. I think most of the people having problems have large fat ankles, which are not good for these skates. They are just too rigid and thin. Not knocking those skaters, just saying these skates aren't made for big guys it seems. Who knows if the 1500C will be better for all types of players... I'm not going to give up my 1300Cs to try them out. If anything, I might get new holders as my blades get shaved down since I sharpen them every week to two weeks.

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I am pretty average. 5'10", 170 and my ankles are not big at all. I do tend to favor the inside edges a little more which may have had something to do with it. Mine did bug my ankles a lot at first but, my replacement was from a break.

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I have the 1300Cs, and after the break in period with some minor blisters these skates are perfectly fine. In fact, I love these skates. They are very comfortable now after about two weeks of use to get them broken in. I have had them for about three months now, using them two to four times a week in games. Just a few cuts, puck marks and what not from hard play, but no durability issues yet. I did think that one skate blade was getting loose in the holder, but I don't think that is the case anymore.

Now, I'm a real thin guy, with thin ankles. I think most of the people having problems have large fat ankles, which are not good for these skates. They are just too rigid and thin. Not knocking those skaters, just saying these skates aren't made for big guys it seems. Who knows if the 1500C will be better for all types of players... I'm not going to give up my 1300Cs to try them out. If anything, I might get new holders as my blades get shaved down since I sharpen them every week to two weeks.

HEY! I don't have fat ankles! I'm just big boned.... :P

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Easton skates fit my feet like they were made just for me, which is very nice. My old pair, Z-Air Comps, fit me so well, that there were several times when my lace would come untied, and I wouldn't even notice or feel it. I attributed that to the fit, and the foam of skate.

My 1300C's are no exception. They fit perfect right out of the box. I wear a size 8, and they didn't slightly smaller than my older Easton skates, but I believe that is because the 1300C's have the thick Shock Doctor insole.

Anyways, I am 6' and weigh between 170-180, depending on the time of year. I can't say that I know how describe one's foot, so I took some pics of mine. Hopefully it will help people to see a foot that fits Easton skates very well (in my opinion).

Edit: Skating style was mentioned earlier, so I added a few pics of me skating, in case that helps.


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seaner, that first pic of you skating looks like Scott Niedermayer--good goin. It's just a pic but it looks great.

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One of the guys in the shop tested a pair for the rep yesterday. They felt so great without baking he asked the rep if he could wear the 1500C in last night's game. The rep let him use the skates in the game. Steve said the skates were incredibly comfortable "out of the box."

The only issue with Easton holders is they constantly change the hardware to hold the steel. That can be a problem for LHS if they don't have exact nut/screw to match up to your year's model of Easton holder if you lose one or have a skate blade repair problem.

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