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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Pulse

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I just bought the new mission pulse stick. It is soo amazing! No more passes bouncing off the stick. Feels like a woodie but is light as a feather. The puck just absorbs into the blade, the stickhandling feels amazing. I would recommend this stick to anyone willing to try something new!!! :)

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I just bought the new mission pulse stick. It is soo amazing! No more passes bouncing off the stick. Feels like a woodie but is light as a feather. The puck just absorbs into the blade, the stickhandling feels amazing. I would recommend this stick to anyone willing to try something new!!! :)

I hope your right about this, I'm going to be purchasing one within the next week.

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Ok really this is the best stick I have ever used. The feel is better than my adrenaline and I have a rocket with this stick. My shots are noticably harder with it. Plus the grip is the perfect grip for me Not super tacky or barely any grip there.

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Thats good to hear, I'm quite impartial too wood, but I hate the inconsistant flex and the patterns are almost never the same.

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If the VDS blade is as good as everyone says it is all I have to ask is: Which pattern is the Mission "Drury"? :D

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If the VDS blade is as good as everyone says it is all I have to ask is: Which pattern is the Mission "Drury"? :D


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PLEASE tell me this stick is available in the hatcher. I love the p71 and im told its bascially a clone?

Look in the catalog and see for yourself if it's offered. Hatcher is supposed to be a P71 clone.

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sweetblazer Posted on Apr 30 2006, 09:24 PM

  PLEASE tell me this stick is available in the hatcher. I love the p71 and im told its bascially a clone? 

You're gonna cry--no Hatcher according to catalogue.

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Has anyone who used the Pulse also used the Hex-1 and do you have any thoughts on how they compare?

I've used the Hex-1 since it came out and still think it's a great stick. The main difference I've noticed is the feel. The puck wants to stick to the blade more catching passes, it does not bounce off. Also very nice to stickhandle with. My shot is the same with both sticks.

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Why haven't I seen the Pulse around the NHL? Are there any players who use it?

Ribeiro was the only one that I've seen using the Pulse paint job. Others have used the blades too.

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I remember now...Elias had it for a couple of games. Before he went Warrior on our asses.

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Has anyone who used the Pulse also used the Hex-1 and do you have any thoughts on how they compare?

I've used the Hex-1 since it came out and still think it's a great stick. The main difference I've noticed is the feel. The puck wants to stick to the blade more catching passes, it does not bounce off. Also very nice to stickhandle with. My shot is the same with both sticks.

because of this dampening effect, would oyu say it was more of a ''dead feel''?

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jbgordon Posted on Apr 30 2006, 10:17 PM

  Why haven't I seen the Pulse around the NHL? Are there any players who use it? 

Jeff Friesen was using Pulses in the last few weeks of the regular season, but I think he had Warrior Dolomites in the playoffs. I think Willie Mitchell used them against the Aves in round 1 and Jordan Leopold is using them. Haven't seen too many out there though.

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