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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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At least the writers have a break to come up with ideas of where the show's going to go. It's such a mess.

They planned on it being around 5 seasons, so that's not an excuse of why it's a mess.

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one thing i was confused about was the 2nd guy with desmond on the island, wasnt that that same guy that took off his beard on the dock?

No, it wasn't the same guy. The guy with Desmond was the main guard in Shawshank.

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At least the writers have a break to come up with ideas of where the show's going to go.  It's such a mess.

They planned on it being around 5 seasons, so that's not an excuse of why it's a mess.

They have the bookends (no. of seasons) but they're winging the actual stories and don't have that planned out.

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Any updates or have you all given up on the series?

About 3 weeks ago I saw the season finale you guys were talking about in May and now everything makes perfect sense...well kinda :D

So yeh are you guys on series 3 and whats happening?

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I'd given up but wanted to catch the season premiere. Basically the same stuff they've been doing in the sense of answering questions with more questions that will never be answered. The season premiere gave more information on the Island but I haven't watched since then, since it's a load of dung.

Edit: True to its frustrating nature, there are only a few episodes to go before they go on about a two-month hiatus.

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Honestly? It sucks now. I watched the first season and up until the last batch of new episodes here I was still watching, then I finally gave into it. The writers/creators honestly have no idea what they want out of this and it shows in the writing because it's all very 'fly by the seat of your pants.' Convenient little twists come out and never get resolved and it's just becoming too soap opera-y.

I got hooked on the first season, like it was crack... I watched the whole box set in a weekend... then I picked up for season 2.. season 2 was so-so....

now I feel like season 3 is really, really losing me... then on top of it, they're going to break AGAIN in a few more weeks until the first of the year...

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The UK channel that was showing it has now decided the £800,000 wanted per show isn't worth it and has let sky one screen it which sucks as now I can't watch it on certain nights when I don't have cable. :(

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Bringing this topic back to life for the finale tomorrow. Anyone have any thoughts for how it will end? (I'm well aware that this question leaves plenty of room for the LOST haters to infiltrate).

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The finale is tomorrow? Thanks for the heads up, i thought it was Tuesday! I have absolutely no idea how this thing is going to end.

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ABC at 7pm starts a review of the series... what's happened in the show and some talks with the cast members, then the two part finale. I also remember reading somewhere that they are bumping late local news to extend the night to go until 11:30.

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One of the better series finales. The show was ultimately about the characters and that's where the focus stayed, not some crazy gotcha moment that makes everything in the past six seasons irrelevant.

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I felt they took the easy way out with a predictable ending. With the way it ended, I actually think the first five seasons were irrelevant since no questions were answered. They just raised some new questions in season 6 and decided to answer those and ignore the previous 5 seasons

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I felt they took the easy way out with a predictable ending. With the way it ended, I actually think the first five seasons were irrelevant since no questions were answered. They just raised some new questions in season 6 and decided to answer those and ignore the previous 5 seasons

+1. The only show that I regularly watched that tied up all the loose ends was Dallas ( joking ) lol But was actually Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Seinfeld, Heroes, and some other ones either were dumb as hell or left me with more questions.

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It was a great finale, no doubt, but i was left on my appetite... I may not be smart enough to understand all: what about the numbers, the pregnancy on the island thing, the physics theory, the egyptian statue, Charles Whitmore (what was he trying to do?), Eloise Hawking, etc. Also, who was that samurai guy and who were these people in the pyramid, how could Sayid come back to life and what was that "test" the samurai ran on him that resulted in Sayid being evil?

I loved the character-driven ending but I'm a little lost when it comes to the island. If anybody can shed a little light on these questions, i would be grateful...

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It was a great finale, no doubt, but i was left on my appetite... I may not be smart enough to understand all: what about the numbers, the pregnancy on the island thing, the physics theory, the egyptian statue, Charles Whitmore (what was he trying to do?), Eloise Hawking, etc. Also, who was that samurai guy and who were these people in the pyramid, how could Sayid come back to life and what was that "test" the samurai ran on him that resulted in Sayid being evil?

I loved the character-driven ending but I'm a little lost when it comes to the island. If anybody can shed a little light on these questions, i would be grateful...

The creators stated numerous times that the show was all about the characters and not about their surroundings. In the pre-show, they even said that the title of the show is in reference to "lost souls" and not actually being "lost" in terms of location.

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I thought the ending was terrific. I was expecting a letdown considering how most of the current season shaped up, but I thought it was a great wrapup. Enough loose ends tied up to give the series proper closure, but enough still unexplained to allow for individual interpretation.

I bitch about the amount of crap tv on these days, but Lost was a huge exception. Well written, well acted, and great entertainment over the years.

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I thought the LOST finale was great. It did tie up loose ends about Jack and the rest of the characters with the island and its mysteries left up to the viewer.

They explained "the samurai guy" Dogen in an episode this season. He was a banker from Tokyo who was driving his son home from a baseball game his son played in and got into a car accident. The car accident was going to prove fatal for his child but Jacob came in and ask Dogen to come to the island, in return he would keep his son from dying but Dogen had to live on the island.

Widmore/Hawking spawned Daniel Faraday/Widmore. Widmore wanted to keep MIB from escaping, but Ben though he wanted control of the island again and wouldn't let him try it until the end but shot him instead for indirectly killing Alex, Ben's daughter.

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It was a great season finale, but lacking as a series finale. Some of it you just have to take the ICP approach and say "it's fucking magic." I do like that they ended the show with the same shot they started it with.

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It was a great season finale, but lacking as a series finale. Some of it you just have to take the ICP approach and say "it's fucking magic." I do like that they ended the show with the same shot they started it with.

Digging the ICP reference. Fucking magnets!

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Great finale. For those questioning the ending and over analyzing and can remember the great show Mystery Science Theater 3000 ...

"Repeat to yourself that its just a show ... you should really just relax."

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Honestly? It sucks now. I watched the first season and up until the last batch of new episodes here I was still watching, then I finally gave into it. The writers/creators honestly have no idea what they want out of this and it shows in the writing because it's all very 'fly by the seat of your pants.' Convenient little twists come out and never get resolved and it's just becoming too soap opera-y.

Mack's right.

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