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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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team equipment sales

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hey, if anyone has any information, on any team sales, can you post it here??

i know washington, montreal, and florida already had their sales, anyone else going to have a sale?

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every team that didn't make the playoffs already had theres if they were having one.

This the wrong time to ask for this thread.It would of been much better for when the regular season ended.

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The LA Kings haven't had a sale in a few years, all the gear now goes to the local Play it Again Sports.

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Dallas will  have their in early June. The expected to go farther, but did not, so thats why its not in May this year.


I know who got all of their gloves. ;)

Care to share?

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I didn't get to the caps one, still pissed about that, but here is info from someone who was...

Went to the equipment sale Friday at Piney Orchard since I live nearby and this was the last time it'll be in Maryland, since y'all in VA get the privilege of having rapid access to Caps practices next year.

Anyhow, it wasn't the blowout I expected (expected more since I thought they'd sell everything from Piney), but still it had some pretty good deals.

They had new Easton Synergy composite sticks, for $100, Semin and Willsie curves, with names. They had bunches of Johnson, Charpentier, and Stana goalie sticks at $50 per, I almost bit on a "Johnson" (hmm I just realized what I wrote but I'll leave it in as actually that faux pas got me laughing) for $50 to hang in my carport converted to den. Also had a used Kwiatkowski and Boumedianne stick for you real Caps Fans! (No one bought them when I left), you can probably get them next year at Ballston for $10 if they're not in the dumpster.

Bauer 8000 helmets $25!!! Didn't get one but what a deal. Stinky used gloves, $40. Stephen Peat Graf 704 skates, $200. I saw someone had some nice barely-used Bauer XXX skates for $100.

Lots of Reebok practice jerseys. Mostly size 58 and 62, complete with fight straps, not those replicas you get on line for $80. I lucked out and found a nice black one, brand new, size 56 for for $50. I can get away with wearing a size 52 for play, but when I put the 56 on it looked like a dress. I tried it on at home with my shoulder pads, and it was ok

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Do ECHL teams do equipment sales too? After doing a search I see a few AHL teams have them, but can't find anything on ECHL.

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what ahl team? and did they have it already?

Alot do. I know the Sound Tigers did last weekend, but missed it do to me breaking my wrist in a game that day.

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When I went to the Panthers equipment sale all hockey sticks were $25 dollars, all gloves were $25, skates used were $50, skates new were $100. Thats all I really looked at. I ended up getting a pair of Gratton cableknit HGT's, Roberts Warriors, and Pro Return Eastons gloves. I also got a brand new pair of Vapor XXX's(skates) for $50. That was a good day.

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Dallas will  have their in early June. The expected to go farther, but did not, so thats why its not in May this year.


I know who got all of their gloves. ;)

Care to share?

Ya....I would care to know as well. It seems like more and more of their stuff is getting whored out.....next thing you know there wont be any good equipment at the actual sale. At least I got those Jokinen CCM's that were like my old 720's.....those were a steal at $40.


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if anyone is going to an equiptment sale where there are going to be pro easton gloves that are black could somebody please let me know

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Damn, I was hoping for Modonna's "Rbk" 9500s to pop up.

Ain't gonna happen. :D

Whats the deal, is someone snapping up alot of the equipment? Shoot me a PM if you dont want to post it here, I am eager to know as they dont tell us anything at work.


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what ahl team?  and did they have it already?

A google search showed the Peoria Rivermen had theirs in April. That's the only one I took notice too though.

how do those of you that have gone to these sales find out about it?

I emailed the Hershey Bears and Reading Royals Merchandise Managers (addys easily found on their "front office" web page). They both replied to me right away. All of the Bears equipment is owned by the Washington Capitals and gets returned to them at the end of the season. The Royals are having a sale this Saturday (May 13th), but I'm waiting for a confirmation on the time.

Edit - Royals sale is from 3-6. They will have pants, gloves, RBK helmets, and sticks (OPS, shafts, and blades).

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