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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most balanced OPS/Shaft+Blade combo

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On the hunt for a new stick and could really do with some help picking one out. My LHS has a limited amount of sticks so I can't really try one out there.

So, any choices for most balanced OPS/Shaft+blade combo?

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really like my SL OPS or SL plus Z-carbon.

But i think one of the best combo i used was Z-bubble- Zcarb or my SL-Zcarb, anyways it hard to tell they are all light shaft with the same blade.

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RL Xn10+PTC=Crazy Delicious

hey kovalchuk how long was the RLxn10 you used with the PTC??? any end plugs??

My friend has one and its always bottom heavy no matter what ;)

ohh and as for my most balanced shaft blade combo... adrenaline OPS turned into a tapered shaft w/ a comp. synthesis. Probably wont find any of those retail though <_<

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does anyone here know roughly the weight ratio to makes a perfect balance. For a tapered shaft the shaft is 2 &1/2 times the weight of the blade? Thats probably off but anyone have a clue?

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AK27 shaft with a Vapor X blade is delicious.

How is it so far? I just got my AK yesterday and put in a Vapor X blade as well. What are your likes and dislikes about the combo?

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AK27 shaft with a Vapor X blade is delicious.

How is it so far? I just got my AK yesterday and put in a Vapor X blade as well. What are your likes and dislikes about the combo?

How light is it?? what your flex? does it feel really 85,100? if you have grip, how does it feel? Handle wise?

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AK27 shaft with a Vapor X blade is delicious.

How is it so far? I just got my AK yesterday and put in a Vapor X blade as well. What are your likes and dislikes about the combo?

How light is it?? what your flex? does it feel really 85,100? if you have grip, how does it feel? Handle wise?

The grip is almost exactly the same(if not the same) as my Vapor XXX. The combo(AK and Vapor X blade) is a bit heavier than my Vapor XXX. I received an 85 flex and the flex felt pretty accurate. I am going to cut it 1 1/4 inch so I hardly doubt the flex rating will change. Im going to use it later today so ill comment on my first impressions.

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does anyone here know roughly the weight ratio to makes a perfect balance. For a tapered shaft the shaft is 2 &1/2 times the weight of the blade? Thats probably off but anyone have a clue?

I think back with the 05 stealths, easton was saying that a 3:1 ratio of shaft to blade weight was optimum. I guess you could apply that to a tapered blade/shaft combo. I kinda tend to agree the stealths were wickedly balanced.

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As much as 3:1, for what people said the 05 stealth was still a little blade heavy. With the reduction in weight in shafts (i think the lightest ive heard if a tps at 250grams), its going to be close to impossible to make a blade 3rd of the weight!

Thanks for the info

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AK27 shaft with a Vapor X blade is delicious.

How is it so far? I just got my AK yesterday and put in a Vapor X blade as well. What are your likes and dislikes about the combo?

How light is it?? what your flex? does it feel really 85,100? if you have grip, how does it feel? Handle wise?

The grip is almost exactly the same(if not the same) as my Vapor XXX. The combo(AK and Vapor X blade) is a bit heavier than my Vapor XXX. I received an 85 flex and the flex felt pretty accurate. I am going to cut it 1 1/4 inch so I hardly doubt the flex rating will change. Im going to use it later today so ill comment on my first impressions.

thanks you! i'm looking forward your comments.

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How light is it??

Its heavier than what i've been using for a while(Stealth/CNT), but still not "heavy" at all. I think its perfect.

what your flex?


does it feel really 100?

It feels slightly whippier. Maybe around 95.

if you have grip, how does it feel? Handle wise?

It has grip. Its so hard to describe, but i love it.

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I used this stick for about an hour or so. I have mixed feelings about it though. I really like the grip, but the 85 flex feels "weird" to me. The last two sticks I used were a Bauer XXX lite 87 flex and a Vapor XXX 77 flex. My current stick was the 77 flex so im sure I just have to get used to that extra stiffness again. But the thing I really liked about this combo was my wrist/snap shot. It had more velocity on it than my XXX, but accuracy suffered a bit. I think I just have to get used to the flex again and then ill be allright. Its also hard to tell my impressions from an hour of usage. If anything ill post a thorough review after I have used this for more than an hour.

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thanks you both for your respond, i will, for sure, buy a AK27 really soon! The way you talk this shaft, it seem like a very nice shaft.I'm looking forward to try it

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