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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Ultimate Passer

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That's actually not a bad idea. How much was it on eBay?

Primeau is a terrible script reader. :lol:

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Yeh and even then it moved a little

Apparently it has spikes for ice

The Fury "Ultimate Passer" Hockey Training Aid helps you improve your eye-hand coordination and develop passing/receiving skills. Use it alone, with friends, or with your team to develop soft and quick hands for receiving a pass. The Ultimate Passer comes with 2 Reflex Bands and removable spikes for both on-ice and off-ice use, and includes an instructional DVD featuring Keith Primeau.

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I have seen the product. The rep showed it to me. You can pass to it pretty hard. The puck just shoots right back to you. All passes have to be right on the ice or the puck skips over the band. It looks like fun but will get pretty boring in about ten minutes of use. For $100, add another $100 and buy a OPS!

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Was he passing softly to avoid flipping the puck over the unit? Maybe they should have made it taller. Still, if one could increase the speed, it looks like it could be a good tool to work on timing for one-timers. (Of course, that might also be why he was passing softly -- so he'd have time to get back in position.)

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I wonder if you could put it against the boards to avoid having it slide along the ice.

Yeah probably..then you could just stand back and take the one timers and stuff. I'd probably buy one but man 100 bucks....you could buy better stuff for that much.

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Looks likea great way to practice one timers by yourself

That's the best use I can think of.

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