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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey DeVoTee

Pricing on JR One90

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IMHO.......... Bauer is pushing the UPPER LIMITS & pricing themselves out of the average youth player, Travel or House! I consider myself very Blessed/Fortunate as far as my finacial situation. I'm in a position where I can afford new equipment for my kids whenever they outgrow or need to replace it. Last year between my 10 & 11 year old they grew out of 5 pairs of new skates. We usually hand them down to family's that need them for little or no cost, BUT

I WILL NOT spend $379 for a pair of skates that my son will outgrow in 6 months. I recently called several online Hockey Shops for pricing on the JR One 90 $379 pus shipping; one supplier was sold out of most sizes until Sep.

Is it me or is Bauers Pricing waaaay out of line for a skate that will be used for a short amount of time by fast growing kids?????????

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its a high end skate, nobody says you have to get the most expensive skate for your kid. if you think its expensive picture being a store and having to buy every size and every width

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It's the same issue that is happening with sticks. To me it's easier to justify buying expensive skates than sticks, the skates are more important than sticks. At some point there will be a model that is too expensive for retail and it will fail. Until that point, prices will continue to go up for the latest and greatest products.

I do applaud you for getting your kids the right size in skates. Far too many parents buy skates too large in hopes of having them last longer.

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Thats a good point, but have you ever thought that just because you can afford new equipment for you kids its the best option? In my opinion kids don't need brand new skates. I can't justify spending $100+ on something that might not fit in a couple months, when the cheap used pair will do just as good.

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well i've played competitive hockey since i was 6, and never had a new pair of skates until i could afford them myself and i could skate just as good if not better than 90% of my team. you can find used high end models of skates that are a couple of years old and there usually pretty cheap. Just because there not brand new dosn't mean there crap <_<

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ya you don't need to buy the best stuff everytime. just a mid-end pair of skates is already more then enough for most people. having the best gear doesn’t make up for skill. i remember one time someone on TV said that Marian Hossa wasn't getting any points because he wasn't happy with his new skates (bauer XX i believe). well the guy on tv also said that Marian said that to his dad and his dads response was "remember when you played those russian kids who had nothing but old second to third handed gear and they still beat you guys".

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I'm another one of those fortunate dad's that has a good income and can buy my son the best. I have in the past been buying good, but not the best. I have always thought that if I buy qualilty I can hand them off to someone else and they too can benefit from them.

It has worked well for my son, and those kids that are just smaller than him, I'm lucky I have one that is big for his age. A few pairs of his skates are on the third skater and they are still holding up just fine. Sadly more and more hockey is becoming for the haves and not for the have nots. Helping families out with equipment and haulling as many kids to the rink and the pond as possible is my small donation to the cause. It takes a bunch of kids to make a hockey program grow, not just my own.

I am going to buy him a pair of the one90s, finding a perfect fit skate either inexpensive or top self is always my goal, these sound like the ones.. If you haven't tried greatskates give them a call. They have the best price I could find and they give you another 5% for preordering. What size are you looking for?

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I could never understand the folks, but after giving my 0.02 wouldn't turn down their $$, who wanted a YOUTH sized XX and were pissed when we didn't have them readily available...how much carbon fiber does any kid at that age need?? to each their own..

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IMO skates are often too stiff. This is my personal preference, but I found that when my 705s were finally "soft" (I think the side panels got stretchy from everyday use) and they wrapped my foot while allowing my ankle to move, I could skate a helluva lot better. Before that I was always trying funky things with my skates. Then again it sounds like the ONE90 fits extremely close to the foot all over like I liked with my skates eventually. I just thought if my kids ever play hockey, I'll probably stay away from the stiffest skates unless they skate enough (everyday almost I'm guessing) to need them.

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Bauer is pushing the UPPER LIMITS & pricing themselves out of the average youth player, Travel  or House!


I don't think that your average youth travel or house league player would need One90's. Make sure they are better than average skaters first, and then reward them for that by buying them better than average skates. That is always how I have gotten new equipment. One case was that a kid on my team last year had Vapor XXX's and a Stealth and he definetly was the slowest kid on the team and had one of the worst shots. But, if the One90's are the only skate that fits, (and fit is EVERYTHING), then buy the One90's since you have no other choice. Just being curious, what skate(s) are/is your kids in right now?

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My son is skating on the 502s at the present time. I have spent many hours talking with people and reading anything I can get my hands on when it comes to skates and the right one for particular person. My son's previous set of skates were bauer 8000s. After hearing all the comments about how stiff skates are detrimental to young kids I went to the 502s thinking I might be handicapping my son with the stiffer 8000s. I think he skated better with the 8000s, that's why I'm not too concerned about the one90s. My son plays AAA hockey and even this time of the year is skating twice a week. I can't get him off the ice, he loves it. Once the pond out back freezes over there is rarely a day he won't skate. Does he need top of the line? No. Could he get by with a lesser skate? yes.

I'm just very interested in the custom fit ability of these skates. I would have put him KORS if they had JR skates, also being that he has a "Bauer" foot these just make sense. I was going to go with XXXs when it was time then the one90 game out. He has several friends of lesser ability and also size that skate very well in the XXXs.

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I am going to buy him a pair of the one90s, finding a perfect fit skate either inexpensive or top self is always my goal, these sound like the ones.. If you haven't tried greatskates give them a call. They have the best price I could find and they give you another 5% for preordering. What size are you looking for?

Sorry, but unless your son has already been fitted in one90's (which I doubt), how do you know they are a 'perfect fit'?

When I first joined this board I couldn't believe people actually pre-order skates without getting a chance to try them on first. I'd never heard of such a thing before.

Go ahead and get your kids the best you can afford/want to spend but keep in mind that fit is most important. As a kid (well when I was one), I would rather have 3 or 4 pairs of a mid-level skate that fit me well than 1 or 2 pairs that didn't fit me properly. And by all means I think the trade-in/used equipment programs some places have is great, I mean there is no way a kid is going to wear out a pair of Vapour XX's or something before they outgrow them, so by all means I would buy used equipment, plus you can something back from the equipment your child has outgrown.

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I would have put him KORS if they had JR skates, also being that he has a "Bauer" foot these just make sense. I was going to go with XXXs when it was time then the one90 game out. He has several friends of lesser ability and also size that skate very well in the XXXs.

Keep in mind, the XXX is not going to fit the same sort of foot that the one90 will. One thing I learned from this board is that there really isn't a 'Bauer' foot, there are often differences in fit between product lines within each manufacturer.

I would really suggest you take your son out and try on a pair of one90's, or XXX's, or maybe even some XX's or 8090's if you can find them somewhere before you buy.

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IMO, no need for highest-end skate when your still a junior size...Not until I was a senior size, I never had high end skates. I had mid-end skates that were fine for my level, weight and ability. But when you get into AA,AAA or even A pewees and up, the stiffness really matters in the boot. I am currently Bantam A Major, we play in a league which would be a normal AA team, and skating 4-5 times a week, you need stiff boots. My RBK 8K's which are not even a year old, are still pretty stiff, and I am ksating about 6 times a week during travel months and then around 2-3 times week during the summer. That is a lot of hockey IMO, but still doesn't ware down the skate THAT much obviously. But if I went to a mid-range skate, I am sure that I would destroy the skate compared to my RBK 8K's. I get new skates every year or year 1/2, whenever my foot grows.

My point is, kids want to high end stuff, but sometimes you don't need it and it can make kids not want to earn things as much if they know they can get it, as I sometimes get now even. But if you can afford it, that's great, but make sure he is working his a$$ off!

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If you get a skate like a One90 or Kor that molds perfectly to his foot, what do you do when the kid grows a little bit? I'm not talking a whole size, but just a little bit? The skates make sense for a full-grown adult or someone whose growth has slowed significantly but not for someone going through their prime growing years.

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Lets think about this: Nobody needs a Hummer to drive around NYC, Boston, Chicago, Montreal, or Toronto but people still buy them.

Buying better skates makes you a better skater. The better skate helps you skate by giving you advantages over mid to lower level skates. Can you put a kid in a skate that is high end and doesn't help him? Yes. However, I don't think Johnny SquirtB will be in One90s. I do think that Billy PeeweeAAA will be in One90s or XXX or RBK 9K and be able to use them to his advantage. Also, Billy's mom and dad have already done the financials with the cost of AAA hockey. This is part of the cost. Again, I agree that not everyone needs any of these skates but if they want them and can afford them, the skates should be available to them in the marketplace. The only person holding a gun to your head to get the skates is your kid. You decide what to do.

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When I was buying jr skates....typically going through 2 pair a year...my first preference was to find a quality USED skate that was exactly the right level of skate for her level of play and the perfect fit. If that hunt didn't pan out...next level of attack was new but last seasons' model. And finally...this years' model at full price. Exhausts me to think about it.

This entails a relentless researching of skates each year...and holding the info over 3-4 years. And therein lies some of my frustration; there is very little detailed information available. Most LHS staff do not know the differences between the top-next-middle skate. "Less stiff" is the typical response. A 70 lb kid, regardless of how skilled a player they may be, doesn't have the same heft to flex a pair of skates as a 110 lb kid.

A few years' ago, you could quite easily find the stiffness rating for each skate...regrettably this practice has been abandonned. Then you had to translate this between manufacturers because they each used different methods.

Presumably, each level of skate has been carefully designed for a "typical player" at a weight range, on-ice frequency and level of play. I wish this information was more readily available...if not in the open marketplace... at the very least would be nice if the manufacturers made it availalble in their salesmen's kits to educate LHS staff.

Pet peeve: Kid's feet are getting bigger (average has increased substantially over last decade) - why have junior skates not increased their size range accordingly?

I accepted buying 2 junior skates a season...but it sure hurt when it became 2 senior skates a season! Oh happy day when the feet stop growing!!

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Lets think about this: Nobody needs a Hummer to drive around NYC, Boston, Chicago, Montreal, or Toronto but people still buy them.

Buying better skates makes you a better skater. The better skate helps you skate by giving you advantages over mid to lower level skates. Can you put a kid in a skate that is high end and doesn't help him? Yes. However, I don't think Johnny SquirtB will be in One90s. I do think that Billy PeeweeAAA will be in One90s or XXX or RBK 9K and be able to use them to his advantage. Also, Billy's mom and dad have already done the financials with the cost of AAA hockey. This is part of the cost. Again, I agree that not everyone needs any of these skates but if they want them and can afford them, the skates should be available to them in the marketplace. The only person holding a gun to your head to get the skates is your kid. You decide what to do.

Thats the big problem with hockey, the cost of the better stuff the kids need to perform, the AAA player are not the best kids anymore, it's the kids that can afford it, take the other sports like basketball or soccer, the best kids come from eveywhere, not hockey...

I live in Ottawa canada and the one90 retails for 800$, I don't care how you cut it, it's outragious for any parent to pay that for a 15 year own playing Midget that might outgrow them durring the season...

I'm telling you, hockey is starting to disapear...

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I for one will never get a first year model skate. Same with a car. The bugs have to be worked out first. I'd much rather get the closeout high end skate at mid level prices two years down the line.

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Pet peeve: Kid's feet are getting bigger (average has increased substantially over last decade)

Oh happy day when the feet stop growing!!

Yeah, I supose as man gets bigger the feet also gets bigger over time?! I have a 13 year old son who's in a size 8.5 CCM 852 Tacks (last season), skating 5-6 times a week. I usually buy him new skates once a year, when I can get last years model for really cheap. I do hope he's feet are done growing sone. :blink: Altough he doesn't care that much about skates, as long as they are comfy he would pretty much be satesfied with any skate. There are not many kids on he's team wearing top of the line skates, maby one or two. There are no shortcuts to sucsess. Hard work is the only thing that pays of, not top of the line gear i.m.o.

Now, from what I know feet, hands and the head are the first to be done growing. Boys feet usually stop growing at 13-15. Girls at 11-13. please correct me if I'm wrong.

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