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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New shinguards

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Ok, so my 5ks decided to die on me after taking a number of hard slappers and cracked the shell in half. I liked the 5k's protection by never really felt comfortable with them. So I'm kinda torn between 2 selections. I've heard that Nike's protection rivals that of Rbk/Jofa's and is a lot more comfortable but I've tried Rbk/Jofa's protection first hand and I like the protection, just not the comfort.

Which should I go for? Both prices are the same just so you know. And no, my LHS doesn't have them so I can't go instore.

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I don't know where they got the idea but that minimal shin liner on the 6k feels awesome. It feels suctioned even just putting it up to your leg at the shop. I would modify them (cut the hyperextension guard off) if I got them, but go with those. They feel amazing.

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I've got the 6ks and love them. Next purchase i'll probably get the 7ks, just for a little more heavy-duty protection, but i don't think you can go wrong with the 6ks. (And no, the little above the knee flap doesn't bother me...) B)

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I have both the 8K's and the 6K's. I wasn't happy with the weight and "over-protection" of the 8K for my level of hockey. I am very, very happy with the 6K in terms of weight and the floating pad system going on is amazing! It really feels that you have an extra layer on top of your shin. I have found that there is much more air circulation in my shins and that the over-all pad (and my legs) aren't soaked with sweat (which do add some weight whether neglible or not) after practices, scrimmages, and games.

Like all other comparison threads, it's up to you in the end.

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i would recommended the 7K if u dun want the xtra pad and weight in the 8K's..the 7K's are lighter compared to 8K..but still it up to ur PP

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I got the 6ks and had some problems with the flap above the knee getting caught with my pants (there are a few threads about it on MSH). I got the 7ks and they work great, as well as being lighter than the 6ks (at least it seems so to me.) I did like the fit on the 6ks, but ah well.

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How about the new vectors shinguards, are they any good?

The Vector 10 shin guard is a really nice piece of gear. Real good protection front and back. The only thing I would have like to see is the calf protection have a hard plastic cover.

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depends on the fit, I have some old school 5090 Jofa's in a 15" that I've had for about 10 years and I picked up some 15" 9040 or 9060's and they were just so different at the bottom..same overall length..but different in the sections...plus they were much thinner towards the bottom than my 5090's...so its been back to Bauer for me (I know what else is new)

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You see, that's been my problem with Rbk/Jofa. I can't really get comfortable with those equipment. I tried on the 8k shoulder pad and couldn't feel comfortable with it.

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I found some ancient Hespeler Classics on eBay, I loved my old ones and these were in perfect condition.

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i've said it once and i'll say it again and again and again.... if you need shinpads or elbowpads just go with jofa/rbk... end of story. nhl players can wear ANYTHING they want and they almost ALL choose jofa gear. there is a reason for that, they are the BEST.

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i've said it once and i'll say it again and again and again.... if you need shinpads or elbowpads just go with jofa/rbk... end of story. nhl players can wear ANYTHING they want and they almost ALL choose jofa gear. there is a reason for that, they are the BEST.


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i've said it once and i'll say it again and again and again.... if you need shinpads or elbowpads just go with jofa/rbk... end of story. nhl players can wear ANYTHING they want and they almost ALL choose jofa gear. there is a reason for that, they are the BEST.

I don't need anywhere near the level of protection that they do and the high-end Jofas were really bulky.

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Quintin, have you tried on the 6Ks? I haven't tried both sets of RBK shins, but I'm thinking there might be a different feel in the way they fit. The 6K comes with "Fit Lite" suspension straps whereas the 5K has a liner.

I bought a pair of the 4Ks, which also have the suspension straps. I normally tuck my shin guard under my boot tongue, but when I tried it with my 4Ks, the guards were getting pushed up. I'm wondering if I wouldn't have had this problem if my shin guards had a liner instead of the Fit Lite straps.

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My LHS doesn't have the 6ks or V-11s so no, I haven't tried the 6k. But with your problem, do you tape your shins before you put on your skates?

Oh and your avatar kinda freaks me out a bit :blink:

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Actually, I put on my skates before my shinnies. When I tried to put the guards on, I couldn't get them as low as I'd like, and they felt like they're off by 1/8-1/4". I played the game alright (it didn't stop my from scoring a hat trick), but it irks me a little. Could just be something I could get used to, though.

Btw, RBKs IMO have the most secure shin guard straps of any brand I've ever tried. When I use them, I truly think tape is unnecessary. It seems like the only way they'll twist off my legs is if they take some skin with them they're so tight.

(My avatar is a picture of Borat when he was at Cannes for the film festival. I changed my pic b/c I actually thought the last one was too jarring to look at .)

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