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2007 MLB Thread

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  willc7786 said:

Just wondering, whats the current state of Red Sox Nation now that the lead is down to just 4 games?

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the state of redsox nation is, despite playing like hell and the yankees being on a tear, still leading the AL east by 4 games. which is by the way the biggest lead in baseball. its not like the yankees are winning the devision, i don't know why people are making such a big deal of this "collapse" by the redsox. the way i see it, it's not a collapse until you're out of the playoffs, the yankees have made up 10 games, the season's not over, and if it was, the redsox would still win the AL east, despite how well the yankees have been playing.

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I agree with Trevor on this one, the Red Sox have been playing like complete shit BUT we still are 4 games AHEAD of the Yanks and that means even for the wild card they still have to get past Seattle which lately has also been on a tear. It's going to be a race to the end and just like everyone hoped for and predicted the AL East might just come down to the last series between the Yanks and the Red Sox. I don't care, all I know is I can't wait is this is what baseball is about and being part of the Red Sox/Yankee rivalry.

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  trevor13478 said:
  mik3 said:

Division lead by the all-star break? Quite the possibility.

Playoff spot by next week? Why not.

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i'll tell you why not, because A-Rod is one player, it doesn't matter how many homeruns he hits, he can't win ballgames by himself, you need an entire team. Same with Clemens, he's one guy, one aging guy, he was great 5 years ago, the yankees are down by what, 9 games still? get over yourself...

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  trevor13478 said:
  mik3 said:

Division lead by the all-star break? Quite the possibility.

Playoff spot by next week? Why not.

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fastforward 12 days (almost twice the proposed time i might add) and we still find the yankees getting one hit in a 7-0 shmucking at the mercy of the Oakland A's. new york is still playing sub-500 ball, trailing the redsox by 11.5 games, 3rd in the division and 8 games out of the wildcard race (6th). at the rate they're going, you may want to lower your expectations a bit mik3. just a suggestion...

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The lead is fewer than the amount of games left between the two teams. That alone shows the division is nowhere near sewn up.

Personally, I have little confidence in the Red Sox. But at the same time the Yankees dug themselves quite a hole.

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The Sox blew it more than the Yankees earned it, but it is what it is. I don't have faith in either team going anywhere in the post-season though, so it's of little difference to me.

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  mack said:

The Sox blew it more than the Yankees earned it, but it is what it is. I don't have faith in either team going anywhere in the post-season though, so it's of little difference to me.

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The team who's won the title the last few years has little to do with quality, it's been who's hot.

But I'd say no other teams in the league have the on paper shot the two teams out of the AL East have.

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The AL should hope the Yankees take it then because I wouldn't want to face Beckett in any series at this rate.

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  mack said:

The AL should hope the Yankees take it then because I wouldn't want to face Beckett in any series at this rate.

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Any team that takes pitches can beat him. If you're not going to expand your zone then he's pitching 5-6 innings.

That's why I can't wait til the ALCS if both make it since the yankees have torn up every starter currently in the Sox rotation.

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Yeah but who's a threat in that rotation? I really hope neither make it as they're just overrated and I'm sick of the "rivalry."

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Sox aren't going to make it to the world series. They've had a tough time with the Angels and they won't be able to beat them come ALCS time. The bullpen is unraveling and Lester as a fifth starter isn't any good. That's going to hurt them a lot. Hitting is too inconsistent and they can't seem to put together a big inning.

If the Yankees AREN'T playing like they are now (but still nab a playoff spot) they won't make it far. They've gotta be on fire to go deep, and I don't see that happening in a couple months.

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During Mondays game, the Yankees broadcasters read a quote out of a Boston newspaper:

"Back in June, the Sox just saw the Yankees in their rear view mirror... now, the Yanks are in the back seat"

Pretty good quote. I love how Sox fans keep saying how "it's still 4 games!", when the teams still have two series against each other. Those two series will decide who wins the east. And as the rotation goes right now, the Yanks would face Wakefield in both of those series, which is two definite wins

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  willc7786 said:

And as the rotation goes right now, the Yanks would face Wakefield in both of those series, which is two definite wins

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facing wakefield is FAR from two definite wins. It is also far from definite wins for the redsox. wakefield is one of, if not the most, unpredictable pitchers in the game. he may give up 6 runs in the first inning, he might throw a no-hitter. theres just no guarantee, no matter how well a team has hit him in the past.

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Wakefield's also something like 1-9 in his last ten decisions against the Yankees.

His numbers against the Yankees this year are....

14ip 19h 17er 4hr 17bb 7k

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  willc7786 said:

now, the Yanks are in the back seat"

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hmmm... now who would that mean is in the driver's seat? yes the yankees have made up some games, but they're still not leading. there is still baseball to be played and we'll see what happens, it's shaping up to be a great finish to the season, lots of close races.

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Well, its hard to argue that the Sox are in the lead, the record is plain as day. I just find it interesting that all the Sox fans I talk to say pretty much the same thing you are; there's still baseball to played for the Yankees to fall off again... yet they can't come to grips with the possibility that there's still baseball to be played for the Yankees to take over the lead.

As far as pitching, as mik posted, Wakefield has been owned this season. I do agree with you though, I'm always nervous with Wakefield for the reason you said, but the Yanks have been hitting him all over the place this season.

Schilling doesn't scare me anymore. Dice-K is an interesting one... the Yanks hit him well this season, but he's gotten a lot better since. That'll be a wait and see.

No fear of whoever will be the 5th starter in the series. On the other hand, as much as I feel Wakefield is a definite NYY win, Beckett is golden for a Sox win. He has pitched great this season. The one good thing the Yanks have on Beckett is that they take lots of pitches, something Beckett doesn't do his best with.

Both teams got lucky the past 3 days though, they both stunk it up against teams they should have beaten, although the yankees faced Baltimores 3 best pitchers while the sox played TB (who must say thank you for hanley ramirez every day for the sox).

One way or another, both will most likely be in the playoffs

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I'm more worried about Schilling than Beckett. The Yankees have handled Beckett exceptionally well his entire time with Boston. If Schilling gets ahead the splitter is still dangerous. Unlike Beckett he doesn't mess around when he gets two strikes.

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  willc7786 said:

the sox played TB (who must say thank you for hanley ramirez every day for the sox).

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Um, Hanley Ramirez plays for the Florida Marlins. He was part of the Beckett deal. He is also secretly having arguably the best season in MLB right now.

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If the MVP really went to the most valuable player in baseball, Hanley would win it in the NL.

He's a shortstop slugging over .550, his VORP is gross, he also will probably finish close to 50 steals. His only downfall is he's terrible defensively, and that's the only thing that makes Reyes a better shortstop.

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  willc7786 said:

Well, its hard to argue that the Sox are in the lead, the record is plain as day. I just find it interesting that all the Sox fans I talk to say pretty much the same thing you are; there's still baseball to played for the Yankees to fall off again... yet they can't come to grips with the possibility that there's still baseball to be played for the Yankees to take over the lead.

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please point out where in my post i said the yankees won't take the lead. i said we'll see, it can go either way at the end of the year, there's 2 series (i think?) remaining between these two teams, and 4 games (once again, i think, not checking these figures haha) separating them. that makes for a good race no matter which side you're on.

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  willc7786 said:

Well, its hard to argue that the Sox are in the lead, the record is plain as day. I just find it interesting that all the Sox fans I talk to say pretty much the same thing you are; there's still baseball to played for the Yankees to fall off again... yet they can't come to grips with the possibility that there's still baseball to be played for the Yankees to take over the lead.

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Of course there's plenty of baseball remaining for the Yankees to take over the lead, but a little perspective is needed.

While the Red Sox have played at a 93-win pace since the All Star break, which is usually good enough to win a division, the Yankees had played .750 baseball prior to their two losses to Baltimore. Only one team has played better than that in the second half since 1997, and it would break the record for wins over an entire season (121 wins).

If they continue to play that well, then all kudos to them, because .750 baseball is outstanding. On the other hand, the majority of those wins came against the crud of the league. They did better than I expected against Cleveland, but they still have to face the three division leaders over the next 14 games. If they survive that gauntlet, then there would be no doubt they are the best team in baseball.

Regarding the Red Sox's chances in the post season, the big concern is clutch hitting. They are fourth in the majors in scoring, but Ortiz and Ramirez have been human this season. On the other hand, only the Padres have a better ERA; when factoring in the DH, it's probably fair to say the Sox have the best pitching in the majors. Plus, the playoffs shrink a pitching staff to essentially a three-man staff, with an occasional start for the number 4.

The bottom line is every team has flaws this season, but I'd take Schilling, Beckett and Dice-K in a seven game series.

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11 days off, came back throwing 93 today. 6ip 10h 2er 0bb 8k 1hbp

Detroit was hitting REALLY well today, getting hits on pitcher's pitches, but Roger worked out of it all day.

Also I liked the ole sending a message to Maybin after his HR.

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Since I haven't added my two cents over teams that won't win anything either, how about them Braves. Way to take yourselves out of a race.

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Yes, but I think a lot of people think of them as the sleeping giant in the NL -- and they're only 1.5 games out of the Wild Card.

I think I heard recently that 4 of the last 7 WS winners were Wild Card teams, so who cares how you get in?

  mik3 said:

11 days off, came back throwing 93 today. 6ip 10h 2er 0bb 8k 1hbp

Detroit was hitting REALLY well today, getting hits on pitcher's pitches, but Roger worked out of it all day.

Also I liked the ole sending a message to Maybin after his HR.

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Conversely, the Sox got lucky today. I was following along on MLB.com. Schilling was pitching terribly, they had about three hits, and were losing 5-0. About five minutes later they were up 6-5. What?!?

Man, if Gagne didn't have a secret desire to pitch for the Yankees and would stop sabatouging the Sox, we'd still have a decent lead....

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