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2007 MLB Thread

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Yankees won't be making any big signings this year, just extensions/re-signings.

The Braves want to cut payroll, Hunter will want about 12mil/yr. They'll look to spend under 10mil for the position.

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  mik3 said:

Mack, Braves officially announced they're not going after Andruw.

I wonder if Atlanta goes after someone like Mike Cameron, Corey Patterson, or Milton Bradley.

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I never thought I'd say this, but "good." I still say he's a great fielder, but his offence has been nothing but erratic and brutal as long as I can remember. Save for the year he carried the Braves when Chipper was toast he hasn't been worth it.

Out of the names you listed, I think Hunter is the one they should go for but they'll probably end up with someone like Patterson. Bradley is just not stable enough to make them forget about when they had Sheff.

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Hunter would be a very nice replacement for the Braves. You've got to love his glove. Before Abreu turned it on, I think Hunter was a lock to play centerfield for the Yankees and Melky would move to right. Now I think they'll use the option on Abreu and keep Melk in center. Defensively, they'd be better off with Hunter-Melky, but offensively goes to Melk-Abreu

As Mik said, there will probably be very little action from the Yankees this offseason that isn't 'in house' things. Depending on what happens with A-Rod though obviously, and if they lose him one way or another except to see them sign Lowell.

Also if Santana is on the block I'm sure they'll put an offer in

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I currently feel there's only about a 10% chance ARod leaves.

If he does though, they'll play Betemit there next year and make a run at Hank Blalock after 08.

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  mrusse01 said:
  mik3 said:

I currently feel there's only about a 10% chance ARod leaves.

If he does though, they'll play Betemit there next year and make a run at Hank Blalock after 08.

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Blalock? Gross.

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.800+ ops 3b who plays gold glove defense.

But eh, ARod's not going anywhere.

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Great pitching last night by Beckett. But the Sox need solid pitching from Matsuzaka and Schilling as well. I don't know, the Red Sox looked good last night, the team and everyone actually looked "on" their game.

Great game, just too much to watch right now with all the hockey games and baseball on.

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  D-MaN88 said:

Great pitching last night by Beckett. But the Sox need solid pitching from Matsuzaka and Schilling as well. I don't know, the Red Sox looked good last night, the team and everyone actually looked "on" their game.

Great game, just too much to watch right now with all the hockey games and baseball on.

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Thing is, Lackey crapped himself for about three innings and Boston only got four runs.

Now they have to face Escobar, who's probably been better than Lackey. And they're pitching a much worse starter.

If the series is tied going back Anaheim then the odds have to go into the Angels' favor.

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Beckett definitely was on, but the Angels lineup is of a much different makeup then the Yanks, so I wouldn't say that one start means "yankee fans should worry". I mean, Beckett has had a great year, and the Yanks have hit him at least well.

Talking about tonights game, I definitely think Duncan should have been the DH over Matsui. But I understand Torres "go with the guys who brought us here". I would have rather started Duncan at DH for 2 at bats against Sabathia, then switch Matsui in once the bullpen comes in

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  LegoDoom said:

The ball is flying out of Citizens Bank Park today.

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Good thing I'm not working today, there's a good chance of being hit on the approach to 26.

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Kaz Matsui, Mets fans must love watching this.

He's beating on the team that eliminated them. But they also traded him for Eli Marrero.

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Whoa, DA David Aldridge covering baseball? What bizarro producer is behind this? He looks as comfortable as I would be covering the Special Olympics.

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  mack said:

Whoa, DA David Aldridge covering baseball? What bizarro producer is behind this? He looks as comfortable as I would be covering the Special Olympics.

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That's how terrible the coverage is. Craig Sager is also one of the field reporters.

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I'm wondering why they don't have the "My Boys" cast cover the Cubs games and have Bill Engvall doing field work for them.

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