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2007 MLB Thread

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  ponty said:

So Salming. Who in the hell do we cheer for in this one. Its almost a no lose / no win situation on my end

Grew up loving Yaz, Hobson, Evans, Scott, Lynn, Rice and on and on ...

On the other hand gotta love the Rocks. Its painful

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Ponty, 2004 turned this series into a no-lose event.

There's no doubt I want the Sox to win, but I've gone to numerous Rockies' games over the years, and will accept that as a consolation prize if the Rox win.

I'll be on their website tomorrow morning trying to score tix.

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How did you make out the the World Series tix Salming?

No go on my end. What a joke the whole process has been.

I cant cheer for a piss poor organization like the Rockies so GO SOX!!!!

Seriously is this real???

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I was an hour and a half into it and got tickets in sec 143, so depending on if my friend wants them, I will be down in Denver.

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  mack said:

I was an hour and a half into it and got tickets in sec 143, so depending on if my friend wants them, I will be down in Denver.

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Damn you! Wanna a new friend? :) LOL Seriously let me know if you make it over.

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Definitely. If he doesn't take them all I'm selling off others to pay for the trip and will get you into at least one of them.

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I got screwed!

Amazingly, at 12:01 I was in. I chose 4 tickets for Saturday, then reached a screen that gave me the option to continue shopping or proceed to checkout, whereupon I clicked to continue shopping. It too a long time, then went to a screen that was so different I was concerned I was bumped out. I finally saw a link for postseason tickets, clicked on that, and arrived back at a choice for the three games. I chose Sunday, then repeated the process for Monday.

This took about 12 minutes total but apparently that was too long, because Games 3 and 4 were gone from my cart. I called my wife to tell her I might have been screwed, since they pulled the tickets from the cart. However, when she told me that no one in her office had been able get into the system, I realized I was further along than most. So I repeated the process to buy the tickets for Games 4 and 5, then clicked on Purchase Tickets with about one minute left on the timer to keep tickets in my cart.

Nothing happened for over ten minutes. It kept bringing me back to the initial screen we all saw, before it finally went to a page that said "page can't be found." I called my wife to let her know I was really pissed, then noticed, "Oh, wait, maybe I'm still in! They want my credit card."

I filled out the credit card, clicked submit and watched it do nothing for about thirty minutes. I called the software company and they said to keep trying to refresh, but if I hadn't received an email, they must have lost my order. Fifteen minutes later, I wanted to throw things.

If I had never made it past the initial screen, I would have thought, "Oh, well...." But the fact I had the tickets in my cart to buy, yet these bozos couldn't find a way to increase their servers capacity in seven days, really, REALLY pissed me off. Worse, what's my recourse? Nothing. If I contact them, they'd give me the hollow words of "We're so sorry. We hope this doesn't negatively influence your opinion of the Rockies, and that you'll still visit us at the ballpark next year." By the way, I've already spoken to people who were in the same situation -- in the system, tried to order, screwed over.

What bothers me the most is not so much not going to the games, which I'd like to do. It's that a few of my friends were going to come into town to join me for the games. I was looking forward to seeing them.

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Man that's horrible. What I did was register on mlb.com for one-click checkout or whatever they call it just to avoid all that.

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My friends dad ended up getting thru, he bought three for 420, then sold two for 1250, and kept the last one for himself.

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  mack said:

Definitely. If he doesn't take them all I'm selling off others to pay for the trip and will get you into at least one of them.

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Yea let me know as I would be interested. Thanks either way.

  SalmingUSA said:

I got screwed!

Amazingly, at 12:01 I was in. I chose 4 tickets for Saturday, then reached a screen that gave me the option to continue shopping or proceed to checkout, whereupon I clicked to continue shopping. It too a long time, then went to a screen that was so different I was concerned I was bumped out. I finally saw a link for postseason tickets, clicked on that, and arrived back at a choice for the three games. I chose Sunday, then repeated the process for Monday.

This took about 12 minutes total but apparently that was too long, because Games 3 and 4 were gone from my cart. I called my wife to tell her I might have been screwed, since they pulled the tickets from the cart. However, when she told me that no one in her office had been able get into the system, I realized I was further along than most. So I repeated the process to buy the tickets for Games 4 and 5, then clicked on Purchase Tickets with about one minute left on the timer to keep tickets in my cart.

Nothing happened for over ten minutes. It kept bringing me back to the initial screen we all saw, before it finally went to a page that said "page can't be found." I called my wife to let her know I was really pissed, then noticed, "Oh, wait, maybe I'm still in! They want my credit card."

I filled out the credit card, clicked submit and watched it do nothing for about thirty minutes. I called the software company and they said to keep trying to refresh, but if I hadn't received an email, they must have lost my order. Fifteen minutes later, I wanted to throw things.

If I had never made it past the initial screen, I would have thought, "Oh, well...." But the fact I had the tickets in my cart to buy, yet these bozos couldn't find a way to increase their servers capacity in seven days, really, REALLY pissed me off. Worse, what's my recourse? Nothing. If I contact them, they'd give me the hollow words of "We're so sorry. We hope this doesn't negatively influence your opinion of the Rockies, and that you'll still visit us at the ballpark next year." By the way, I've already spoken to people who were in the same situation -- in the system, tried to order, screwed over.

What bothers me the most is not so much not going to the games, which I'd like to do. It's that a few of my friends were going to come into town to join me for the games. I was looking forward to seeing them.

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Man that really does suck. Say it with me loud ... GO RED SOX!!! :)

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Me and my dad were both trying to get through to buy tickets and I got to the part where I was entering in the credit card number and clicked submit and it took forever to load that and never went through. Tried again and everything was sold...

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Given it's just one loss, I think the blowout allowed the Rockies to get work for a number of pitchers who needed it.

A lot of people here in Denver tried to downplay the long layoff, but it was obvious to me it would ruin the Rockies' timing. You could see it affect the Rockies throughout the game. Tulo miss-timed a leap and a dive. Relief pitchers couldn't hit the strike zone. Batters couldn't catch up to mid-90's. For that same reason, I would have liked to see Manny Delcarmen pitch the 7th for the Sox, just to get the work in.

From the Sox' perspective, tonight's game is crucial because either their offense or defense or both will take a hit when they can't use the DH in Coors. Besides, they blew out Cleveland in Game 1, then lost three straight, so nothing is guaranteed.

Actually, my new dream is for the Sox to go up 3-0 and all the bandwagon fans bail on the Rockies, so I'll be able to pick up a ticket affordably. Especially since I got screwed by the Rockies' ordering system. According to articles in the papers, it sounds like hundreds of people got screwed like I did -- picked seats, clicked "Confirm Purchase", then timed-out to oblivion. One guy even had it happen to him on Monday AND Tuesday! Talk about building a month's worth of goodwill, then throwing it away in a day. A lot of people are livid against the Rockies' organization.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but if they were supporting the team and had a solid season ticket base, there wouldn't be tickets for the bandwagoners to buy off the official site.

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For their first seven years, the Rockies led the league in attendance, but the fans began an exodus as the team grappled with what would work at Coors. (The went from bashers to defense to sinker ball pitchers. The answer has proven to be the humidor, since they had discovered the dry air was shrinking the ball slightly, making it difficult for pitchers to grip.) By 2005, the Rockies were 26th in attendance with averages around 28K in a stadium that holds 51K.

There have been a lot of bandwagon fans the past three weeks, but it's fair to say they fans were there in the beginning, when the team was either new or competitive. The problem is they only had one winning season (2000: 82-80) since 1997.

Again, considering people are asking hundreds for bleacher seats that are easily 500 feet away, I'm hoping I get lucky and the Series evolves in a way that people will have trouble giving them away. I'll go back to rooting for the Rockies next year.... ;)

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I remember that - they had set records for attendance when they first started.

I mean, I'm sure that Boston fans would kill for an opportunity to buy tickets at face for the WS...

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Most of you don't know this, but Mack and I have been blogging on 29 Sports' site about the playoffs/World Series, and I have to say Mack's rants are hysterical. Basically, they're his one-liners around a theme for the day, which I think most people will enjoy.

Follow this link, click on the MLB logo, then click on Mack's link. You can close the talking head with Gouche's voice; he was just messing around. Also, bear in mind, the formatting of that page is supposed to change shortly, so I'm not sure those steps will work then.

(I'm also going to post this in a different area, since not everyone is reading this thread. By the way, if anyone is interested in blogging about a particular sport/team, please let me know and I'll put you in contact with the guy overseeing the accounts.)

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Well, in light of recent years and my own view of the NL they do have the same amount of different teams winning championships in the last 10 years that aren't the Yankees.

Great, I can't wait to see how many "fans" the Sox have now.

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...and A-Rod opts out. Well, he didn't wait long. Even though he had 10 days after the WS to do so, he did it tonight. Through a voicemail to GM Cashman. Said it was because he couldn't wait that long until Posada, Pettitte and Rivera make up there minds if they will return.

Now I get to hear fellow Yankees fans say how much we don't need him anyway. We do. Guy will be a 2 time AL MVP with us, Gold Glove, and can single handedly win games all season long. I don't want to hear about what he HASN'T done in the playoffs. As long as he's been a Yankee, nobody has done much in the playoffs.

I think he'll back to the West Coast. Maybe Angels.

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He'll go to someplace with money, that's the sure thing. What was the rumoured extension? Something like 5 years at ~$25 mil per? Insane.

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  mack said:

He'll go to someplace with money, that's the sure thing. What was the rumoured extension? Something like 5 years at ~$25 mil per? Insane.

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I think that's what the Yankees wanted to offer. He's looking for something like 30mil+

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