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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How old were you when you started drinking?

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I mean playing ice hockey drunk is an experiance to remember! :D

Try playing blazed, its even more fun.

I've been tossing back cold ones since 8th grade. Started heavy drinking in 11th grade. 30 packs on saturday are no problem.

Man playing blazed is awesome. Always do er playin pond hockey just leave the bong in the car the puck reakes havok on it.

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started at 15. drink at parties or at friends house who's parents loads up the pantry with hard stuff. we make mixes and expirement when his parents arent home.

heres my question--to all you kids my age (14-17) would your parents care if they knew? its different for all my friends. some parents would kill and some parents know and are cool about it. mine would kill me.

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my parents dont let me have partys but they do know i drink. they dont buy me liquor. about a month ago i was going out with some friends and i had the car ( like second weekend with my lisence) anyways i told them that i was going to a party that night and i wouldnt be drinking. anyways the next day some asshole had left a huge muddy footprint on the hood of my car. so that lead in to a big talk about responiblitty and such. so i just told them like yes i do drink but i dont drink enought that i dont know what im doing.

I think parents should realize that there kids drink. come on if your out every friday/saturday night, coming home late, etc. you have to know something is up. my parents did. when i told them i drink they said yes we kind of known after last weekend when i stumbled in and did know my mom was there and almost fell over.

another thing i have learned from the past is dont lie. if your going to a party tell them. you will end up getting caught up in your own lies and when/ if your parents find out youll be in bigger shit then if you would of juts said look im going to a party there might be some drinking.

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started at 15. drink at parties or at friends house who's parents loads up the pantry with hard stuff. we make mixes and expirement when his parents arent home.

heres my question--to all you kids my age (14-17) would your parents care if they knew? its different for all my friends. some parents would kill and some parents know and are cool about it. mine would kill me.

My mum knows I drink and chew/smoke. Seh doesnt really care. Ive come home at 3 or 4 and been sick until 6, slept till 8:30 and gone to school/work and her usual words are "Good night last night? Clean up the bathroom before you go out". She is probably the most relaxed mum in the world. Lets me have my mates round whenever to get hammered etc. buys me booze. But ig uess over here its a completely different mentality. Everyone i know that doesnt drink, it's their choice not because their parents would kill them.

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started drinking when i was 15, now im 20, my folks didnt mind as long as i know my limits. eversince i had the mentality that i can hold my own. stupid me....

few months ago came from a business meeting / guys night out thing, drank WAY over my limit. when i got home my kid brother asked me to drive him to the closest fast food place. got there, and dozed off while he got the food. i woke up and i was driving, and theres a 10 wheeler 20-25feet in front of me at around 40kph. i snapped out, evaded the truck and didnt get to sleep that night. from then on, it was 4 beers at the most and less if not none if i had hard drinks as well.

i had to learn the semi-hard way

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I dont condone with being underage and drinking but I have an 18 yo and 14 yo- I am realistic and realize that it going to happen-I was 18 once and I always try to remember that when dealing with my kids-

My oldest has enough respect for us that he will not drink in our house, but when he is out at his buddys house I know he will have a beer or two. He is not a habitual drinker and he only drinks maybe 5 or 6 times a year. ( he has been through his puke and hurl stage and does not enjoy being hammered)

We have made a deal with the other kids parents that if they are going to drink then the Dad grabs the car keys.

This has worked well so far and he doesnt seem to abuse the priviledge.

I think by having a very open and honest line of communication with our kids a lot of problems and deception has been avoided.

Time will tell

Now If my kid was a heavy drinker then we would have an entirely different approach to this.

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I dont condone with being underage and drinking but I have an 18 yo and 14 yo- I am realistic and realize that it going to happen-I was 18 once and I always try to remember that when dealing with my kids-

My oldest has enough respect for us that he will not drink in our house, but when he is out at his buddys house I know he will have a beer or two. He is not a habitual drinker and he only drinks maybe 5 or 6 times a year. ( he has been through his puke and hurl stage and does not enjoy being hammered)

We have made a deal with the other kids parents that if they are going to drink then the Dad grabs the car keys.

This has worked well so far and he doesnt seem to abuse the priviledge.

I think by having a very open and honest line of communication with our kids a lot of problems and deception has been avoided.

Time will tell

Now If my kid was a heavy drinker then we would have an entirely different approach to this.

NOW.. thats the sorta dad you want.

nah my mum doesnt mind me drinking, shes actually pretty cool about it.. therefore i dont abuse the trust and get hammered every week. i drink quite alot for my age though. i drink sometimes up to once a week but dont get hammered. jus a few beers maybe.

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I wasn't going to post on this while it was "stupid things kids do" but as it has shifted focus to how parents handle it, I'll throw in my .02 cents. It's enough to say I went through a real edgy patch between 14-16 and had to hit a few speed bumps before I got some things sorted out.

My parents were amazing; their expectations were clear yet they gave me just enough rope. When I did mess up I always hoped it would be on a day when Dad's approach was "there's a life lesson in this" rather than on one of his "kill the kid for being so stupid" days. Dad challenged me with "everything taken to extreme turns bad" - how I tried to find one exception to prove him wrong! Still live my life through that.

The moments where my choices in life came together was the summer I was 16. A bunch of us horse show kids went into the nearest town to crash the local Jr. Farmer's dance and show them how to party; had a blast...but when I got dropped off at my parent's bus on the show grounds, I couldn't open the door by myself and Dad had to let me in. The next day I was so hung over and tried to stay REAL busy to keep below the radar, and was just dreading what I knew was coming. Dad walked up while I was getting a horse ready and all he said was "Being able to open the front door on your own steam might be an effective yardstick on how your night went" Couldn't believe it, thought for one entire moment I was off the hook! Then he nodded at the horse and said "This is your job, another yardstick might be how well you can do your job the next day." and he walked away. I did my best effort that day, and did ok, but sure didn't win some classes that I might have if I was sharp. We always did a group post-mortem at the end of the day...talked about what worked, what didn't and shared ideas about what training needed to be put in place. I still wasn't sure if I should defend my performance, or admit I was "off"...but when my turn came, Dad just said softly "this is yours to figure out yourself today".

He did come back to it at the end of the year. I had missed being first in some year end title by a few points and he said, "You know I bet if you thought back over the year, you'd see the points were there for you to earn. That there were some times where you didn't have it together and just gave it away. You can't do anything about the past, but you can control "right now". Life is just a series of "right nows" the choices you make now, now, now are how your life works or doesn't."

My daughter is way more centered than I was at her age. She's turning 14 this summer, so I guess I'll know in about 5 yrs if I manage to get the balance right between providing structure and letting go.

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i love beer pong and beer funnels.  drunk frisbee golf is pretty fun too.

Rubbing alcohol gets you a better buzz fast, just get a really big bottle at Sam's/Costco etc and chug that bastard down.


Isopropyl alchohol is made from propane.. Sometimes rubbing alcohol contains ethanol as well as isopropyl alcohol. When rubbing alcohol does contain significant amounts of ethanol, more poisonous and evil-tasting substances are added so that people won't drink it -- a process called ''denaturation." Often the poisonous additive is methanol, which, in addition to being toxic, can blind you if it doesn't kill you.

stick to beer.

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i love beer pong and beer funnels.  drunk frisbee golf is pretty fun too.

Rubbing alcohol gets you a better buzz fast, just get a really big bottle at Sam's/Costco etc and chug that bastard down.

But do you think just one bottle is enough for him? Afterall, he is 16 and can down TWO full cases at a party.


Are you guys fricking idiots or what?

The nice thing about drinking this crap is it WILL clean out the gene pool by removing yourselves from the face of the earth! :rolleyes:

That will save the rest of us from worrying about some twit like you killing us in a car wreck or something.

The only problem with this plan is there is always some other ignorant,selfish twit to take your place!

Lemme guess, your the clowns that try all of the crap that they show on Beavis and Butthead and Jackass and then try to sue MTV?


I had a friend I knew die at a party from drinking rubbing alchohol- I cant imagine much more of a hideous way to die-It was a closed casket service because his face was so contorted from the pain of what he went through.

Knock yourselves out ya boneheads

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