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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Used equipment

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Was just wondering who could consider buying and using old and used equipment? Is it out of the question to use something that someone else has been using, even if it's in basically mint condition? Or could you go for used stuff? Is there any piece of used equipment you would never wanna use, and any piece that you don't care if it's been used or not?

On a related note, I just picked these Easton Air shinguards up at a flea market in the neighborhood at a whopping $3.40 (or $3.80 Canadian). They are in okay condition except the paint has chipped, but I figure they'll be fine for pick-up games or rec skating anyway. But does anyone know what model these are, what year they made this model, and if it's a high or low end model? I'm not very familiar with Easton shinguards so any input would be appreciated.


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Hockey equipment is one of the few situations where "What you see is what you get" holds true

When I was a goaltender I grabbed up all kinds of used equipment at great prices

When I repalmed alot I used to buy gloves at Play it Again and put palms in them and then sell them all the time.

Would never consider a used helmet or cage though

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What I would wear used: Cage (in mint condition with no rust or dents), Pants, Socks (for shin pads, not feet), Jersey

What I'd avoid wearing usedb unless they were in near mint condition: Shoulder pads, Shin Guards, Gloves, Elbow Pads, Helmet, Skates, Jock

Most of the time I think you're better off with new closeout models from previous years if you're looking to save some cash. That way you avoid any bacteria issues or breakdown of equipment that isn't visible to the naked eye. Plus, skates and other equipment often form around your body with use, so you don't really want things that have been formed around someone else's body.

Having said that I've sold some of the things I personally would avoid buying used, but if other people want to buy it it's up to them.

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Used equipment can be great - if you can get the right fit/right quality. Have to remember it is only a great deal if it is a great fit.

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id use used gear with the exception of cup and helmet. ive purchased used gloves off ebay and used them. its not really a big deal useing used gear. i mean you can take it to the esporta? the place that will clean your gear for you

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I used to always wear used skates. I've always had problems breaking in skates (i never would wear new ones because i couldn't skate in them) so i used to get used skates for good prices. I remember getting Vapor 8's for a great price used when they first came out. I don't mind used gear, aslong as its not disgusting, like crusty etc...

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I used mainly used equipment, including skates, until a couple of years ago.

I would thoroughly disinfect everything I got, though.

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If it's in decent shape and a decent price, I'll get used stuff. However, I got my Graf skates new and they are the best fit I've ever had. I had to get my mega 10-90s used, but they have blue tuuks.

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I got some used shins that were in great shape and were a discontinued model that I liked. I would stay away from certain pieces of gear but some things will be fine.

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For me, it depends on the type of equipment. I would purchase sticks, helmets and gloves.. but other than that, its too "personal" for me to justifiy it.

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I've always bought new equipment and always will. Well I just traded for a slightly used helmet, but I don't find that to be that bad. I just cant see myself strapping on some pads that somebody else has soaked in their sweat and so forth. I like to be the first to own something to break it in and set things up my way and if anything ever happens to that piece of gear, i'll know about it, you can never be too sure what a piece of equipment has been through before.

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But does anyone know what model these are, what year they made this model, and if it's a high or low end model? I'm not very familiar with Easton shinguards so any input would be appreciated.


Those are Easton Airs. They are from 02 or 03. They were Eastons second best shin pad from that year, right behind the Z-Air. I used to have those shin pads and I liked them. They were low profile and mobile but offered good protection.

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I'm still a novice, so I've pretty much been getting used stuff to find what I like. I don't buy, used up stuff, but used and in good condition is fine with me. I've had luck, stuff I bought hasn't stunk, but even though I clean it a little and air it out before use. But I am slowly starting to upgrade to new stuff now that will last me longer.

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