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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cascade hockey

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i did a search...couldn't find anything close but here is the info. heard it here first!

i was at work a couple days ago and the shock doctor rep was in talking about some ridell lacrosse helmets. he was talking about the concussion rates dropping, how we should get them...etc. anyway he then went into talking about cascade is now getting into the hockey world.

basically this is what i picked up from him:

-the EPP foam that is used in gaits, cascades and all high end hockey helmets are great for helmets because if you get hit, you won't get killed. bottom line. the only thing is that EPP foam sucks because it is a harder material and for guys who frequently get concussions.

-softer materials (almost like a very thick shell) or bunga pads are actually put in helmets for guys who have lots of concussions. such as tony granato and eric lindros. in both cases, concussions were season damaging injuries.

-the helmet from cascade for hockey will not be a helmet that will compete with bauer, ccm, rbk, mission right off of the bat because it's a company that is mainly known for lacrosse and rafting sports. they are a company that will sell direct and have a 24-48 hour turn around time. which in the sporting goods world, is AMAZING!

-the helmet is going to have it's own unique feature that will rock the hockey helmet industry. it hasn't been done before and this will put them miles ahead of any helmet maker.

-the ad is going to say, or to some extent, "concussions have met their match". basically since this helmet will be so protective, they are pretty much saying because of the design and the features. you won't get concussions.

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-the helmet is going to have it's own unique feature that will rock the hockey helmet industry. it hasn't been done before and this will put them miles ahead of any helmet maker.

I hope it's not a visor.

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-the ad is going to say, or to some extent, "concussions have met their match". basically since this helmet will be so protective, they are pretty much saying because of the design and the features. you won't get concussions.

Most concussions come from hits to the jaw, they better not imply that you will never get a concussion or they will be sued.

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Promises, promises. The leading vendors in the hockey world are making the best possible hockey helmets they can as are the vendors in football. I am sure they have all done their due diligence to make the best helmets possible. With all due respect, there is nothing that will prevent a concussion except never getting in the game.

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DarkStar50 Posted on Jun 22 2006, 05:19 AM

  Promises, promises. The leading vendors in the hockey world are making the best possible hockey helmets they can as are the vendors in football. I am sure they have all done their due diligence to make the best helmets possible. With all due respect, there is nothing that will prevent a concussion except never getting in the game. 

...or walking across the street. As the great Ben Roethelessburger once said, "it's like anything else. I'm not going to wear a helmet because I'm careful and you get hit walking across the street." So what I'm thinking is, why even wear helmets in hockey? Right?

(To clarify, I agree with you DarkStar, I just saw the opportunity to make fun of Ben R.)

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Haha...exactly what I was thinking. Hockey is such a physical game, Im sure guys like Lindros will have no problems getting cuncussions with this helmet. Now maybe if we played tennis....


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