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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL07 cover athelete

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That was to be expected in my mind and I hope he will not be jinxed now that he's on the EA Sports NHL 07 cover.  Has any one seen a report on EA Sports NHL games where all the players who were on the cover either got serious injuries, illnesses or bad season  when they were on the cover?  It actually happened to the past 10 players or so I believe.  It's like if they were jinxed or something.  Iginla got a sub par season the year he was on the cover, Lemieux got injured/sick, vinny Lecavalier had a sub par year last season etc.  I can't remember all the players involved and all the different incidents/bad season associated with each but if I was Ovechkin I'd be warry lol

Heatley was in such bad shape that they took him off the cover.


They pulled him from the cover because of the accident.

and before heatley they had thornton who they took off for punching Johnny Law

When was Thorton on the cover? And when did he punch who? Didn't hear any of this.. :huh:

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it really started in 97 because 96 had Yzerman and Stevens, and both were good the next season.

97 had john vanbiesbrouck with his highest GAA in 6 years and lowest save percentage in 7 years

98 had peter forsberg who didn't get hurt until 99-00

99 had eric lindros playing a whole 55 games in 99-00 before not playing the next season.

2000 had two versions it looks like, with pronger and nasuland and pronger only playing 51 games the next season

2001 Owen Nolan only plays 57 games but gets 49 points in that time. Jere Letinen was on the other cover, but did well.

2002 Mario... plays 24 games

2003 Iginla 75 games with 67 points, and flames do not make the playoffs.

2004 Dany Heatley --- Sakic Makes out alright that season after being the new cover

2005 Markus Naslund and Olli Jokinen lockout (Does anyone else remember a martin st. louis cover or am I just dumb?)

2006 lecavalier underplays his new contract with only 75 points in 80 games while the whole tampa team tanks in 5 in the playoffs.

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That was to be expected in my mind and I hope he will not be jinxed now that he's on the EA Sports NHL 07 cover.  Has any one seen a report on EA Sports NHL games where all the players who were on the cover either got serious injuries, illnesses or bad season  when they were on the cover?  It actually happened to the past 10 players or so I believe.  It's like if they were jinxed or something.  Iginla got a sub par season the year he was on the cover, Lemieux got injured/sick, vinny Lecavalier had a sub par year last season etc.  I can't remember all the players involved and all the different incidents/bad season associated with each but if I was Ovechkin I'd be warry lol

Heatley was in such bad shape that they took him off the cover.


They pulled him from the cover because of the accident.

and before heatley they had thornton who they took off for punching Johnny Law

When was Thorton on the cover? And when did he punch who? Didn't hear any of this.. :unsure:

thornton was on teh cover right at the beginning of EA's release, only a few got sold and they changed it to heatley


NHL 07 Next-Gen Footy


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Big Update on IGN


- Rookies have experience & confidence bars meaning if they score a hattrick their conf. and exp. bar goes up and it keeps them happy. They gain exp thru ice time but at the same time it's imparitive you keep your all-stars like Sundin, Forsberg, Kovalev, Koivu or Naslund happy or they will ask for trades and they can eventually stop showing up.

- Salary cap is implimented

- Send scouts to Russia, Scandinavia, Europe, USA and Canada

- Upgrade staff like in previous games

- 10-season dynasty still

- Sign 2-way or 1-way deals with your players

- Waivers


- Controlled by 2 analog sticks now, you can switch to classic style if you like

- Pull back and push forward on right analog to let a slapper rip straight or aim left/right to zip it to that direction.

- When dangling, the puck is loose enabling the possibility of it going around the defender and you meeting it on the other side or sliding it between his legs.

- No more speed burst. Speed is based on player speed i.e Ovechkin can kick it top speed faster than Peter Worrell and Ovechkin can do things better at top speed than someone like Sean Avery. If you stickhandle at top speed with someone like Avery you are definately more prone to losing the puck

- Player/Goalie AI in full effect: Dangler, Sniper, Grinder, Power Forward, Defensive Defenseman, Playmaker and Offensive Defenseman. Players like Naslund and Sakic aka. Snipers will play according to their style trying to hit it 7-hole or top shelf more than an Ovechkin or Kovalev who will more likely be danglers where you will be seeing some sick moves going down.

-Goalies equipment are authentic, pads have a mind of their own, when a puck is about to cross the line, a goalie will attempt to poke it out with their stick. Gloves close on catching the puck, butterfly is more natural, if you deke the goalie will follow and try not to bite as easily depending on the goalie. If he is out of position, you will see him push off with his skate to get in position. Again, style comes into play.

Your Haseks will be flopping everywhere as opposed to your Luongos and Kiprusoffs.

-Unpredictable puck physics like real NHL. Goals can be deflected off your own helmet into your own net if your not careful or can slip thru the goalie's jersey.

-One-timer effectivness is completely toned down, you'll be rewarded for setting up a sweet play instead of just having the chance of running up the score 20-0

-Deking is like real life. Fake forehand switch it backhand and roof it or lose it.

-Big hits are no longer a huge factor everytime you touch the puck but are still a prescense.

- Separate player gloves including Vector Pros, XXXs, RBK, Eagles, CCM etc;

- Sticks in realistic view - XXX Lite, Vector 10, RBK 6k etc;


Screen Shots ^^^

long read but you get the idea

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Notice the black tuuks on Jagrs skate in the first picture?And also his backward ccurve? Got the new Duck jersey's too. I see the one-90 skates, RBK helmets and gloves, CCM 10.0 sticks, skates, Mission Intake helmet, CCM Helmets, Eagle gloves, Bauer XXX skates and Bauer XXX Lite sticks.

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Also notice in the Jagr shot that Bruins' #16's skate is halfway under the ice...looks like the players will still look like they're floating. 989 had sweet gameplay for PS. Too bad they ever stopped.

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Also notice in the Jagr shot that Bruins' #16's skate is halfway under the ice...looks like the players will still look like they're floating. 989 had sweet gameplay for PS. Too bad they ever stopped.

they are probably fixing these "glitches".

one of the funniest glitch ever was on Madden 2000 cuase when a player was injured an ambulance would come out on the field and run over other players. lol

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Cheesehead  Posted on Jul 7 2006, 10:11 PM


QUOTE (flip12 @ Jul 7 2006, 09:29 PM)

Also notice in the Jagr shot that Bruins' #16's skate is halfway under the ice...looks like the players will still look like they're floating. 989 had sweet gameplay for PS. Too bad they ever stopped.

they are probably fixing these "glitches".

one of the funniest glitch ever was on Madden 2000 cuase when a player was injured an ambulance would come out on the field and run over other players. lol

Maybe they are, but that floating's been in every EA NHL game I remember since 2000 (Lindros cover I think). The ambulance glitch is really funny.

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Cheesehead   Posted on Jul 7 2006, 10:11 PM


QUOTE (flip12 @ Jul 7 2006, 09:29 PM)

Also notice in the Jagr shot that Bruins' #16's skate is halfway under the ice...looks like the players will still look like they're floating. 989 had sweet gameplay for PS. Too bad they ever stopped.

they are probably fixing these "glitches".

one of the funniest glitch ever was on Madden 2000 cuase when a player was injured an ambulance would come out on the field and run over other players. lol

Maybe they are, but that floating's been in every EA NHL game I remember since 2000 (Lindros cover I think). The ambulance glitch is really funny.

99 was lindros

2000 was pronger

the game is still in it's early stages. not even in beta so expect to see more improvements in the near future

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hes good damn good but not yet to early 5 years from now he could not b even playing i say you put sumone on the cover who dereves it and also who is known as a player and has been in the league for a while

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hes good damn good but not yet to early 5 years from now he could not b even playing i say you put sumone on the cover who dereves it and also who is known as a player and has been in the league for a while

Why does it matter? He is hot right now, so he will sell right now. Its not like they hope to be selling NHL07 in 2012 anyway.

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he was in the top 5 in scoring and imo epitomizes everything the new NHL is all about........sounds like a good candidate to me.

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It's not just that he's hot. Ovechkin could be the new face ofthe league very soon. How many highlight reels did his 32nd goal make it onto? I'd say pretty much all of them.

Ovechkin is an exciting player to watch- one who will bring fans to the league. Most of us will play NHL 07 regardless of who's on the cover, but ovechkin will bring in non-hardcore hockey people, simply due to the fact that he is so fun to watch-even if you don't know the game.

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i like that Ovechkin made the cover but they should have left his visor alone then it would look even more like him  IMO

they didn't touch his visor, it's just a pic from earlier in the season... he's not even wearing vector gloves so it's obvious

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