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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL07 cover athelete

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hemsky toe drag is pure sex though.


What's up with the two Stanley Cup teams only being rated an 84 and an 80? :huh:

I'm not done the vid, but it seems weird to me.

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hemsky toe drag is pure sex though.


What's up with the two Stanley Cup teams only being rated an 84 and an 80? :huh:

I'm not done the vid, but it seems weird to me.

Because they both lost their star players. Oilers lost Pronger, Canes lost Ward.

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canes lost aaron ward, not cam ward (a good defensive defenseman, but not a star) , and matt cullen (third line center). The only impact player they lost was doug weight, but he was a rental.

they're ranked low because the teams arent stacked. Especially Carolina's Defense. Both of these teams were greater than the sum of their parts. Unfortunately, the benefits of good coaching and a strong team work ethic don't translate into a video game very well.

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I know they lost Aaron, I was being facetious... Recchi also isn't coming back.

Player for player, neither team was really that good, they both just had great depth.

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wow, that interview was phat, I've been rolling with 2k for the past 3 years but I might have to move over

They stole the controls from the NBA 2K series tho...

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